Evangelical Anglicans helped create Israel


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Evangelical Anglicans of the 19th century played a central role in the process that led to the establishment of the State of Israel, according to documents to be made available for the first time next week by the Christ Church Center near Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem.

"It is impossible to understand the Balfour Declaration of 1917 without first understanding the theological developments that reached their peak in 1850," said Kelvin Crombie, a historian and member of the Christian Missionary Among the Jewish People (CMJ).

"In the 19th century, evangelical Christianity had a major impact on Britain's political leadership," said Crombie. "There was a strong belief among British political leadership that the second coming of Jesus would not happen until the Jews returned to the Land of Israel."...

Evangelical Anglicans of the 19th century played a central role in the process that led to the establishment of the State of Israel, according to documents to be made available for the first time next week by the Christ Church Center near Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem.

"It is impossible to understand the Balfour Declaration of 1917 without first understanding the theological developments that reached their peak in 1850," said Kelvin Crombie, a historian and member of the Christian Missionary Among the Jewish People (CMJ).

"In the 19th century, evangelical Christianity had a major impact on Britain's political leadership," said Crombie. "There was a strong belief among British political leadership that the second coming of Jesus would not happen until the Jews returned to the Land of Israel."...



But on the down side that day-to-day reality of war can really dim the idealized view.