Directory: taking ideas


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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I'm working no the new CR spiritual directory - basically, a directory of religious resources.

It is specifically aimed at other webmasters, who can enter their site into a category, and then link back to CR.

I'd like to take a call of ideas for what subjects people think should be covered in the new directory. I appreciate that I could simply raid DMOZ and Yahoo for cateogry and subcategory ideas, but I want to rethink from scratch, and see if we can have a much more improved directory structuer for covering religious and spiritual websites.

So...would anybody link to suggest ideas for subject categories I should specifically cover?
Spirituality of engine hesitation and stalling

I said:
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I'd like to take a call of ideas for what subjects people think should be covered in the new directory. (. . . . )

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What about the spirituality of people who do not appear religious and pious, but commune or simply talk endlessly with God, as they do the dishes with their wife or fix the shorted mains outlet.

I do that as I use the X'mas holidays to do some much needed maintenance of a family vehicle, to fix recurring engine hesitation and stalling in idle mode.

Maybe this is self-plugging, but I recommend to everyone to try this way of talking with God or whatever unknown power you believe in.

Of course I must admit that I don't hear nothing from Him, I just imagine how He would respond to me if He were practical and possessed of some above average intelligence.

Try it, talking to God on everything and anything as you go about the day's chores and problems and successes.

Now, successes, I have had some very recently, like having fixed all by myself the power steering pump of one vehicle at home, then last Sunday and Monday evenings having rebuilt the master clutch cylinder of another one. Now I am working on the carburetor of a third one.

There's quite some water at the entrance periphery of the high-speed intake manifold. Now, where does it come from.?That's what I am asking the Good Lord at this very moment, as I write this post. Union with God, they call that in Catholic spirituality?

No, I don't have many cars at home, except three but of the low budget and status category.

And no, I am not an auto mechanic, but a general handyman all around the house and the garage, my house and my garage.

Susma Rio Sep
Critique of the religion

I said:
I'm working no the new CR spiritual directory - basically, a directory of religious resources.

It is specifically aimed at other webmasters, who can enter their site into a category, and then link back to CR.

I'd like to take a call of ideas for what subjects people think should be covered in the new directory. I appreciate that I could simply raid DMOZ and Yahoo for cateogry and subcategory ideas, but I want to rethink from scratch, and see if we can have a much more improved directory structuer for covering religious and spiritual websites.

So...would anybody link to suggest ideas for subject categories I should specifically cover?

A subdirectory of every religion in your directory should be one on valid issues against the religion, or some kind of critical evaluation from various standpoints, like women's rights, contributions to modern society, financial structures, indoctrination of members.

Susma Rio Sep
I said:
I'm working no the new CR spiritual directory - basically, a directory of religious resources.

It is specifically aimed at other webmasters, who can enter their site into a category, and then link back to CR.

I'd like to take a call of ideas for what subjects people think should be covered in the new directory. I appreciate that I could simply raid DMOZ and Yahoo for cateogry and subcategory ideas, but I want to rethink from scratch, and see if we can have a much more improved directory structuer for covering religious and spiritual websites.

So...would anybody link to suggest ideas for subject categories I should specifically cover?

From Louis....

Maybe this sounds a bit juvenile to experienced believers, but I would really
like to see a glossary of religeous terminology - common expressions used
by people of different churches with clear descriptions just what they
mean. For example, the Catholic term: "transubstantiation" - does that
really mean bread and wine re-arranging their molicules to become physical flesh and blood ? If so, wouldn't ingestion of it qualify as cannibalism ?
That is actually a very good idea - but I'm hoping to get the directory finished first - for this Thursday - and then after I'll look at what other content I need to build for this site. Ideally, I need, to add a lot lot more content.