The Gospel (sermon by Paul Washer)



Listening to preaching can be a very scary thing because if it is true, you will be held accountable for what you hear. For some of you it would be better if you dont listen to this at all. For the rest of you brave people, I invite you to hear a sermon on the gospel. Paste the link into your windows media player to hear (if you have problems loading).

The Gospel
Hello Silas--

Silas said:
Listening to preaching can be a very scary thing because if it is true, you will be held accountable for what you hear. For some of you it would be better if you dont listen to this at all. For the rest of you brave people, I invite you to hear a sermon on the gospel. Paste the link into your windows media player to hear (if you have problems loading).

Curious wording on your invitation.

As of right now (the outset of this response), I see that you have managed to attract one viewer. That would be me. I took the afternoon to listen to the sermon.

Listening to preaching is not scary to me, nor does it require any courage on my part. Patience and time, perhaps. A desire to understand where you are coming from, maybe.

It appears to me that we have much in common in regard to "where we come from". I totally understand what Washer is getting at (you might disagree and say I don't, but that is your prerogative). Clearly, the gentleman is sincere in his belief, and the sermon seems to be heartfelt and genuine.

But I can see why you think that listening to sermons could be frightening. To a great extent, the focus of this sermon appears to be the fear of God's holiness.

I am not denying the holiness of God. And I pray that God forbid I ever take the idea of Christ's sacrifice lightly! But I also pray that I do not limit the grace of God to my own human standards. Even Washer said to be careful not to "play marbles with diamonds". He's talking about our words, Silas--and our attitudes. We should not take God's Message, God's Word, God's Love, God's Son and reduce it all to a contest. God looks at the heart--you know that!

Even if we believe in the doctrine of Original Sin, there comes a point in the life of a Christian, having understood in this context the reason for Christ's sacrifice and resurrection, where we either continue concentrating on what you and Washer describe as total depravity, or we move on to the wonders of living in the Love we come to know. This is where the Spirit of God through Christ can take us, if we let Him.

It's amazing--just like the grace! It's ongoing revelation! It's Christ in my everyday life, making it into a journey of Love, and no longer fear. I just so desperately want you to know this part, because you are--to say the least--relentless! Love can use you. Don't lose the opportunity to share this Love with others in more ways than you can imagine. This is not fluffy stuff that I am telling you, Silas. It is real.

There is the sacrifice, but there is also the rest of the story...nothing added that isn't in Christ. Just the rest of His message. Don't let His Love get lost in human theology, please!

No, it didn't take courage for me to listen to the sermon. But it takes some to respond in the way I did. So, whether you agree or not, at least remember that.:)

Hello Silas--

Curious wording on your invitation.

As of right now (the outset of this response), I see that you have managed to attract one viewer. That would be me. I took the afternoon to listen to the sermon.

Listening to preaching is not scary to me, nor does it require any courage on my part. Patience and time, perhaps. A desire to understand where you are coming from, maybe.

It appears to me that we have much in common in regard to "where we come from". I totally understand what Washer is getting at (you might disagree and say I don't, but that is your prerogative). Clearly, the gentleman is sincere in his belief, and the sermon seems to be heartfelt and genuine.

But I can see why you think that listening to sermons could be frightening. To a great extent, the focus of this sermon appears to be the fear of God's holiness.

I am not denying the holiness of God. And I pray that God forbid I ever take the idea of Christ's sacrifice lightly! But I also pray that I do not limit the grace of God to my own human standards. Even Washer said to be careful not to "play marbles with diamonds". He's talking about our words, Silas--and our attitudes. We should not take God's Message, God's Word, God's Love, God's Son and reduce it all to a contest. God looks at the heart--you know that!

Even if we believe in the doctrine of Original Sin, there comes a point in the life of a Christian, having understood in this context the reason for Christ's sacrifice and resurrection, where we either continue concentrating on what you and Washer describe as total depravity, or we move on to the wonders of living in the Love we come to know. This is where the Spirit of God through Christ can take us, if we let Him.

It's amazing--just like the grace! It's ongoing revelation! It's Christ in my everyday life, making it into a journey of Love, and no longer fear. I just so desperately want you to know this part, because you are--to say the least--relentless! Love can use you. Don't lose the opportunity to share this Love with others in more ways than you can imagine. This is not fluffy stuff that I am telling you, Silas. It is real.

There is the sacrifice, but there is also the rest of the story...nothing added that isn't in Christ. Just the rest of His message. Don't let His Love get lost in human theology, please!

No, it didn't take courage for me to listen to the sermon. But it takes some to respond in the way I did. So, whether you agree or not, at least remember that.:)


Hey Christian!

I said what I said not for Chrisitans, but for the others who come onto these threads. What I said is true for the unbeliever. If you listen to truth and do not comform to it, God's anger burns more towards you. For those who have been saved, though we have a healty reverance of our God, we dont fear His wrath. "There is now, therefore, no condmenation for those in Christ." All that said, Im glad you liked the sermon. Paul Washer is one of my favorate alive theologian/preachers. If you want, you can check out the rest in the series. I believe that was the fisrt on in a 5 series from the gospel to how can you know you're saved, or something like that?
Thank you very much for your offer, Silas, but God is leading me in a different area of study these days. In fact, the lesson I am looking at right now is entitled "Do Not Be Afraid". There is an interdenominational youth group that I may be speaking with soon, and I have chosen this subject. :)

Thank you very much for your offer, Silas, but God is leading me in a different area of study these days. In fact, the lesson I am looking at right now is entitled "Do Not Be Afraid". There is an interdenominational youth group that I may be speaking with soon, and I have chosen this subject. :)


Follow the Good Shepherd where ever he leads and you wont go wrong!