When grandmas go to jail for witnessing


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Arrested for sharing the Gospel? An expected outcome in North Korea, China or any Muslim country on the globe. But in Pennsylvania? Yep. Arlene Elshinnawy, a 75-year-old grandmother of three, and Lynda Beckman, a 70-year-old grandmother of 10 (along with nine others), were arrested for sharing their faith on the public sidewalk in Philadelphia, Pa., USA. They faced 47 years (the rest of their lives) in jail for spreading the Gospel because of a Pennsylvania "hate crimes" law that is nearly identical to H.R. 254 – the "hate crimes" bill reintroduced in Congress and said to be on the "fast track" in the House Judiciary Committee. This is the same bill that previously passed both the House and Senate and was killed only because of Republican leadership opposition in conference – something we no longer have.

Don't believe hate crimes will silence your freedom of speech and freedom of religion? Think again.

Pastors in Pennsylvania are now seeking liability insurance to protect themselves from being prosecuted under the "hate speech" law. That's right. They are reacting to Pennsylvania's addition of "sexual orientation" to the state's hate crimes laws. Of particular concern was the expansion of the definition of "harassment" to include "harassment by communication" – which means one could be convicted based upon spoken words alone...

there is a global movement going on at the moment to classify christian resistance of spreading the gospel and its truth as a hatecrime.
The belief that some words can hurt is rampant. With it free speech is a crime and the beholder has a hypocrite's tongue.

I find it is often alleged adherents of the Abrahamic faiths who call for censorship. The tide turns and the pendulum swings.

A lie misleads and a communication channel is disrupted with traffic, but words always reveal. Even in the most deceitful lie there is a truth being told. It is the absence of words that truly controls a person.

That said, I submit the definition of 'witness' is being destroyed.
The belief that some words can hurt is rampant. With it free speech is a crime and the beholder has a hypocrite's tongue.

I find it is often alleged adherents of the Abrahamic faiths who call for censorship. The tide turns and the pendulum swings.

A lie misleads and a communication channel is disrupted with traffic, but words always reveal. Even in the most deceitful lie there is a truth being told. It is the absence of words that truly controls a person.

That said, I submit the definition of 'witness' is being destroyed.
i have no idea what you are saying, but it sounds good. :D