Forget The "e-word" - Let's Save The "c-word"


Bible Thumper
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little town called Dallas, Tx

By Paul Proctor

February 14, 2007

USA Today recently did a story on the deterioration of the word "evangelical" in an article entitled, "Can The 'E' Word Be Saved?" bringing to light the way many such terms are inappropriately used and abused these days for an assortment of unrighteous reasons, causing them to lose all real meaning and value in, not only secular society, but the Church as well.

"Now the word may be losing its moorings, sliding toward the same linguistic demise that "fundamentalist" met decades ago because it has been misunderstood, misappropriated and maligned. 'Save the E-Word,' was the headline on a fall editorial in Christianity Today, the 50-year-old magazine founded by Billy Graham. It quoted opinion polls in England and the USA showing 'the tide has gone out' on the term, increasingly seen as negative and extremist."​

It really doesn't take a linguistics expert to see that the overt, covert and embedded enemies of Christ have had a field day redefining the faith by habitually debasing its terms for their own selfish interests. But, who could have predicted back in the 20th century that a celebrated Southern Baptist pastor would eventually go so far as to proclaim in public that Christian fundamentalism is motivated by fear and that it would be "one of the big enemies of the 21st century?"

continued.....Paul Proctor -- Forget the "E-Word" - Let's save the "C-Word"
What fundamentals does a fundamentalist believe in? I recently saw FS I think say that there are five fundamentals. I find that Love, Faith, and Truth with many respective words involving them such as patience, hope, justice, forgiveness, peace, golden rule, etc... but thats just the way I've currently arranged words with concepts in my little brain. What makes a person a Fundamentalist?
What fundamentals does a fundamentalist believe in? I recently saw FS I think say that there are five fundamentals. I find that Love, Faith, and Truth with many respective words involving them such as patience, hope, justice, forgiveness, peace, golden rule, etc... but thats just the way I've currently arranged words with concepts in my little brain. What makes a person a Fundamentalist?

[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]These five fundamentals were based on beliefs that appeared in a series of 12 volumes of scholarly essays written about the Bible between 1910 and 1915 titled, The Fundamentals.[/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]They included:[/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]1. Biblical inerrancy[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]2. The divinity of Jesus[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]3. The virgin birth[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]4. The belief that Jesus died to redeem man[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]5. An expectation of the Second Coming, or physical return of Jesus Christ to initiate his 1000-year rule on the earth[/FONT]
There are also the Essential Doctrines of Christianity.

1.The Diety of Christ.
2. Salvation by Grace.
3. The Resurection of Christ.
4. The Gospel.
Oh dear... I am 2/5 a fundamentalist. Maybe 3 if the wording were changed a little.

I have only today before travel for some more weeks. Can you copy from somewhere what the attributes are of divinity, divine, or deity that you or a fundamentalist here agrees with? There is wiki and many sources but there are many definitions. A simple Jesus = God does not do it for me. I wish to see more fully what leads a person to this conclusion. I suppose the simple, "Holy Spirit" answer would make for a brief conversation... but an attribute is an attribute. For someone to deny divinity or deity I should think they would want to agree on what divinity or deity fully mean. Alternatively I will be in Dallas next week and you are welcome to try to thump me there with the bible as you see fit for a day.
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]They included:[/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]1. Biblical inerrancy[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]2. The divinity of Jesus[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]3. The virgin birth[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]4. The belief that Jesus died to redeem man[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]5. An expectation of the Second Coming, or physical return of Jesus Christ to initiate his 1000-year rule on the earth[/FONT]

1. Check
2. Check
3. Check
4. Check
5. I thought it was 1000 years in heaven and then eternity on the new earth?
There are also the Essential Doctrines of Christianity.

1.The Diety of Christ.
2. Salvation by Grace.
3. The Resurection of Christ.
4. The Gospel.

1. Check
2. Check
3. Check
4. Check

Call me a fundie!:)
Oh dear... I am 2/5 a fundamentalist. Maybe 3 if the wording were changed a little.

I have only today before travel for some more weeks. Can you copy from somewhere what the attributes are of divinity, divine, or deity that you or a fundamentalist here agrees with? There is wiki and many sources but there are many definitions. A simple Jesus = God does not do it for me. I wish to see more fully what leads a person to this conclusion. I suppose the simple, "Holy Spirit" answer would make for a brief conversation... but an attribute is an attribute. For someone to deny divinity or deity I should think they would want to agree on what divinity or deity fully mean. Alternatively I will be in Dallas next week and you are welcome to try to thump me there with the bible as you see fit for a day.

OK not sure what you want for attributes so lets try this....
1. Being omnipresent.
2. being first and last
3. being beyond time
4. authority over nature, himself, angels, life and death,
5. being the forgiver of sins.
6. being the giver of life.

There are a few to start with. How many more you want?
OK not sure what you want for attributes so lets try this....
1. Being omnipresent.
2. being first and last
3. being beyond time
4. authority over nature, himself, angels, life and death,
5. being the forgiver of sins.
6. being the giver of life.

There are a few to start with. How many more you want?
I am not converted, but if those are reasons that you believe Jesus = God then I have a better understanding now. Thank you.
That is a small part...all of those are backed by scripture.:D
Well then get to the thumping... don't hold back on my account. I can see some of the scriptural support but my interpretations of their significance have been different so far. I would love to see a compiled list of the related scripture for this divinity fundamental and deity essential doctrine.