Lucky Israel

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Why do you think God told Israel to kill out all other Nations from all men, woman, and children (except for certian ones throughout a period of time)? How come God saved Noah and his family and not anyone else? Tens of Thousands, perhaps millions, died. Men, Woman, children, and babies died in the flood and werent saved. How come?
They were evil every deed and every thought was evil.. God regretted His creation.

Noah was saved because he was perfect in his generation..his family was saved because of him.

I personally believe that there was evil DNA that was entered into humanity through the nephilim and thats why God ordered the deaths of entire peoples and why He told them not to take wives of certain tribes. I believe Noah and his line alone had unblemished DNA and thats why he was called perfect in his generation. None are perfect.

They were evil every deed and every thought was evil.. God regretted His creation.

Aside from the possibility that mankind was a hybrid creature consisting of a nature of half human and half angel, what do you think is the difference between humanity in Gen. 6:5 and mankind now?

Noah was saved because he was perfect in his generation..his family was saved because of him.

I personally believe that there was evil DNA that was entered into humanity through the nephilim and thats why God ordered the deaths of entire peoples and why He told them not to take wives of certain tribes. I believe Noah and his line alone had unblemished DNA and thats why he was called perfect in his generation. None are perfect.

Believe it or not, sis, I used to believe and teach this with the same zeal I now speak about with reformed theology. Chuck Missler was a huge influence of mine 3 years ago. I even wrote my own version of one of Missler's articles, "The Return of the Nephilm," which spoke about the possiblity of Nephilim occuring in the endtimes. I explained away God's killing of certian tribes throughout history was because they were not human but instead nephilm. The problem with this however, is that the nephilm theory is, in my opinion, not consistant all the way through. If they died in the flood, when did they come back? Also, why did some of the "enemy tribes" get saved if they were nephilm? Also, why did this theory escape 2000 years of Christian scholars?
Aside from the possibility that mankind was a hybrid creature consisting of a nature of half human and half angel, what do you think is the difference between humanity in Gen. 6:5 and mankind now?

Jesus Christ.. and Gods remnant is slightly more than one family :)

Believe it or not, sis, I used to believe and teach this with the same zeal I now speak about with reformed theology. Chuck Missler was a huge influence of mine 3 years ago. I even wrote my own version of one of Missler's articles, "The Return of the Nephilm," which spoke about the possiblity of Nephilim occuring in the endtimes.

You have to know that satan can corrupt anything including DNA.. you dont think if we can develop cloning that he wasnt able to 10 thousand years ago minus the sanitized lab gear. What a perfect way to destroy the lineage that Christ would need to come from. He has corrupted everything lovely in this world.. John wrote in Romans that all of creation is groaning as it waits for the day of redemption.. because all of creation is dying as we are. Do you watch national geographic at all? There is a documentary about underground tunnels on mars.. who knows.. Ive known people that have seen UFO's and these are sane people.. what a way to take attention away from God.. creating a diversion.

I explained away God's killing of certian tribes throughout history was because they were not human but instead nephilm. The problem with this however, is that the nephilm theory is, in my opinion, not consistant all the way through. If they died in the flood, when did they come back? Also, why did some of the "enemy tribes" get saved if they were nephilm? Also, why did this theory escape 2000 years of Christian scholars?

Im not explaining anything away satan is a heck of a lot smarter than you are Im sure he could think of a way..

How did the theory of the rapture escape those same scholars until this generation??

You dont think the bible has mysteries that God chooses to reveal in His time?

Im not making this a doctrine I am suggesting the possibility that satan who can perform wondrous things.. look at what the magicians did when Moses went before Pharoh.. that was a warning.. those magicians could do everything that Moses could do.

You have to know that satan can corrupt anything including DNA.. you dont think if we can develop cloning that he wasnt able to 10 thousand years ago minus the sanitized lab gear. What a perfect way to destroy the lineage that Christ would need to come from. He has corrupted everything lovely in this world.. John wrote in Romans that all of creation is groaning as it waits for the day of redemption.. because all of creation is dying as we are. Do you watch national geographic at all? There is a documentary about underground tunnels on mars.. who knows.. Ive known people that have seen UFO's and these are sane people.. what a way to take attention away from God.. creating a diversion.

Sis, you sound so much like me three years ago. I wish I still had that article I wrote (Return of the Nephilm)! It spoke about demons, gods, aliens, etc., and their Nephilim connnection. I wrote about Satan's end time dulission, namely to recreate the nephilm to lead people away from Christ. I also spoke about Satan's attempt to stop the Messianic promise of God in Genesis by croupting human blood in order that the messiah couldnt come. Of course, God kept Noah and his family with perfect DNA and through them, the promise was kept. Its this your belief? If so, is this why you beleive God elected Israel over all other nations?

Im not explaining anything away satan is a heck of a lot smarter than you are Im sure he could think of a way..

You're right about this! ;)

How did the theory of the rapture escape those same scholars until this generation??

Not really. There are a few early saints that held to a pretrib rapture. I think most, however, held to a post-trib rapture - one that is ssynonymous with the Second Coming. That however, could have been because of the severe persecution they were going? I personally believe in a pretrib rapture, through Im not sure why. I dont really understand escotology. I want to thoough!

You dont think the bible has mysteries that God chooses to reveal in His time?

You have a good point here, I agree. A passage in the book of Daniel comes to mind (though I cant remember it verbatum).

Im not making this a doctrine I am suggesting the possibility that satan who can perform wondrous things.. look at what the magicians did when Moses went before Pharoh.. that was a warning.. those magicians could do everything that Moses could do.

No. No. I agree with the possiblity of this teaching. I find it very interesting, to be honest. If the Nephilm theory is true, the implications on the end times are great, I feel. But again, is this why you feel Israel was told to kill men, woman, and children, from different tribes during the Old Testament?
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