A dream that confuses me.


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Hello, I am new here.
I had this dream the other night, and it was very strange and makes me feel uneasy when I think about it, it was the most realistic feeling dream I have had.
It started when I was on my bike riding down to the local park at about 5am, I rode down off the track into a open area of dirt, where there was a cold wind, I felt this sense of, depression mixed with peace there. After standing there for a while, I heard some skateboarders on the track, and looked over to see them pass. A lady caught my attention though, she was making strange movements with red rods. I felt like she was someone I had been looking for, or part of something I had been looking for. I went up to this lady, and felt nervous to ask her what she was doing. I turned around to notice that the sun was rising and she had stopped doing it, and also noticed 2 cylinders with a red furry coating around them. I asked her what they were, and she said that they are telescopes. After this she said that If I wanted something to do, I could make some moulds for them, I asked out of plaster? And she said, no, out of Water glass (???). A little after she said that, the sky turned durned dark, in an instant, and I immediately knew there was going to be a huge storm. So, I went into my cricket club rooms (cricket is a sport), and then as expected huge storms began. There were many people inside the rooms, and I felt that I needed to go to the other rooms across a field. I ran across, sprinted, because I feared I would be hit by lightning. When I did get across, there were many more people in this room, and as I looked back at the other rooms, a fire had started at the back of them.. This is all I can remember of the dream, and I have some vague ideas as to what it means, but I would like to hear what some of you think
Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, konbanwa, squeak, meow, :wave:, Python.

I'm not a dream interpreter (nor do I play one on tv) but I'll take a stab at what I feel might be a minor key to your puzzle.

What I personally feel as I read your posting is that this particular dream is about self-manipulation (so to speak.) It is about exploring creativity within yourself amd it is about self-discovery.

Again, I may be wrong (I'm not an adept at dream interpretation in any way, shape, or form) but I personally would try to figure our what I'm trying "to manipulate" within myself or through others.

If you're curious, I'm an empath, training to be a makeshift healer (one that would pretty much leave the real healing to the professionals.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Thank you for your warm welcome and reply Phyllis!

I think that it is a self discovery, because as of late, I have totally changed.
I used to be very philosophical, but I have moved on to more spiritual things, and it has opened up a lot inside me.
I used to be very depressed, because I kept hiding and not advancing forth, I used to think that I could never get anywhere and would pity myself and mope about my problems. But I changed in the way that I look forward and am trying to get out of things instead of pity that I am in them.

So yes, this dream seemed very important to me, and I was trying to figure out exactly why. What I said above was my basic idea what it was all about. But I do not understand the fire, unless it means renewal, jumping from one place to another. Also that women, I do not understand who she is, but she herself seemed very important, I would like to figure out the movements she was doing.
Also, what would water glass mean? I have never heard of it, maybe it was just a random idea sparked from rain and lenses of a telescope?

Anyway, thanks again, other ideas are welcome.
Python said:
Hello, I am new here.
I had this dream the other night, and it was very strange and makes me feel uneasy when I think about it, it was the most realistic feeling dream I have had.
It started when I was on my bike riding down to the local park at about 5am, I rode down off the track into a open area of dirt, where there was a cold wind, I felt this sense of, depression mixed with peace there. After standing there for a while, I heard some skateboarders on the track, and looked over to see them pass. A lady caught my attention though, she was making strange movements with red rods. I felt like she was someone I had been looking for, or part of something I had been looking for. I went up to this lady, and felt nervous to ask her what she was doing. I turned around to notice that the sun was rising and she had stopped doing it, and also noticed 2 cylinders with a red furry coating around them. I asked her what they were, and she said that they are telescopes. After this she said that If I wanted something to do, I could make some moulds for them, I asked out of plaster? And she said, no, out of Water glass (???). A little after she said that, the sky turned durned dark, in an instant, and I immediately knew there was going to be a huge storm. So, I went into my cricket club rooms (cricket is a sport), and then as expected huge storms began. There were many people inside the rooms, and I felt that I needed to go to the other rooms across a field. I ran across, sprinted, because I feared I would be hit by lightning. When I did get across, there were many more people in this room, and as I looked back at the other rooms, a fire had started at the back of them.. This is all I can remember of the dream, and I have some vague ideas as to what it means, but I would like to hear what some of you think
Dreams are very important. They are messages from the consciousness. If you feel like the dream meant something, then it does. Do not ignore it, and be diligant in your efforts to make the Darkness of confusion into the Light of wisdom.

Are you sure it was 5 AM? Did you see a clock that said 5 AM? If so, you must understand Fifth Arcanum.

Traveling in a vechicle of any sort can represent your progress in life.

A rising sun represents that something must be born inside you.

Did the people in the fire die? If they died, what part of your self has died?

Was the woman like a mother?
My dreams tend not to confuse me any longer.

When I choose to dream, that is.

Here is the dream I just woke up from:

Thursday, July 8th, 2004

I just dreamt I attended a secret meeting
that everyone was invited to.

Only Bill Clinton was brave enough to face me.
I asked to shake his hand but, as I did, it seemed his
arm was made of rubber....or full of Jello or something.

I was immediately, then, chased by a murderer..
out a door into the most beautiful Masonic Garden
I have ever seen...
one in which no one could ever touch me again and I was free
to pray with my eyes open.

And I suddenly realized........I was in Scotland.

I woke up. Just now. Crying my eyes out.
Cause....I just have no tears left to cry.
I was thinking about the lightning part...lightning is often associated with revelations, sudden changes, stuff like that. But, you said something about changes, so I can't understand why you'd be dodging the 'changes' in your dream.

*runs to find book*

Oh, apparently lightning can also be interpreted as suggesting a visitation by the holy spirit :confused: Hmmm.