Hi everyone.


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My name is Susanna and I have just joined the forum, look forward to some great discussions with you :)
You have found the best interfaith discussion forum on the web, Imho. I've been here for some time, and the discussions are invaluable, I hope you find your stay enjoyable, and fulfilling.

Welcome, :)

Thankyou James, this gives me a chance to get to know people from all faiths and backgrounds and to learn about other religions other than my own religion, I have often looked for a forum which people from all faiths can come together and interact.
What religion do you practice if you don't mind me asking?
I'm Jewish and I practice Judaism, attend Shul twice a week, every week (Shabbat) and for Festivals.
Awsome, I'm a liberal minded Christian that (sometimes) attends service on Sun, bible study on Wed, and one who tries to live life as if "life" were G-d's only "true" church, lol. It's not always easy. Not always hard, either. My fellowship is with those that attend our service, and with the fine people here. I enjoy many views, and embrace the same. My heart is with Christ, tho. .. .

Much Love,

Hey, it's great to meet you James, I have to do a lot of travelling to get to my Shul, but it is so worth it, I am the only practising Jew living in my town, the rest of my community is an hours drive from me, so we all have to travel to Shul (me the furthest away). But it's good to be able to come together each week and catch up and come together for prayer. You sound like you have a really great life, that's real cool :) and getting to know others, I like meeting other people from all over.

I have to log out, but I will be back soon, so take care,
Love, Susanna ;)
Welcome, Susanna! I enjoyed your post in the "Political Poems" thread very much. Thanks for posting--beautiful expression!

(itinerant punk feminist smelly hippy rabble rouser, complete with beard, patchouly, and occasional vegetarian foul-smelling gassiness:p)

did I say that? :eek:
(itinerant punk feminist smelly hippy rabble rouser, complete with beard, patchouly, and occasional vegetarian foul-smelling gassiness:p)

I think we met at a cocktail bar once.:p

Hi Susanna,:)

All humanity is here, I think. Which makes it very active and.....er....interesting!!!;)

Yes Pathless, and I kept lighting your......


Thankyou everyone for making me so welcome in here, I will enjoy being in this forum :)
Belated welcome, Susanna--I am enjoying your posts. :)
