Spiral Dynamics

bananabrain said:
i suppose the important thing to remember is that the "higher" levels are not "better" than the "lower" levels; both are important in their own level. this whole way of looking at things in terms of "levels" is quite misleading especially when imposed on a linear view of history as a "progressive" development from ignorance to knowledge and from darkness to light, from "tribalism" to "universalism".

I agree with this part. I find many philosophies hard to swallow for this very reason. In order to subscribe to them, I must think in terms of climbing to so-called "higher" understanding, and I think that in this respect, we lose sight of ancient truths. It tends to unravel what is applicable, like burning books or destroying the perfectly genius water system of a great city because we don't understand it. Something like that....

I know I don't speak in scholarly philosophical terms very well, but I have been thinking along these lines. Maybe I misinterpret?

Hi , I 'm just new here at CR and am checking out the various sections. I have read some of Ken Wilber on Spiral Dynamics several years ago. It is an interesting concept, but I found it difficult to accept the idea of categorising people and cultures.
I keep coming across cool older threads, and so I'm forced to resurrect another one.

I love spiral dynamics. I also love the book A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe.

As for spiral dynamics, I love integral theory where I first learned of it. It is presented in many of Ken Wilber's books. I've never read any of Graves original work.

Anodea Judith has a book that correlates spiral dynamics with the chakras:
Waking the Global heart

Erik Davis has a book similar to Judith's but in terms of technology:
Here is a description of the chakras of the Infosphere

James Whitlark a correlation of spiral dynamics with the archetypes of Jungian individuation:
The Sequence of Archetypes in Individuation
Sounds like it would be a great place to link to your blog!

no idea what your'e talking about! though immersing myself in a particular p.o.v. makes me realise how beliefs filter your reality and you start seeing every post from that p..o.v. which is quite scary [from my ordinarily striving towards a view from nowhere [not!]].
I think maybe these academics need to smell the coffee occasionally. Much of what I see around me and in the world looks like the red meme is a major advance :(

OK I’m not saying there’s nothing in this and you can call me a mean beige but, as a slave to wiki, these things stuck out to me:

“originally targeted at a business management audience”

“the practical implications of the model can be seen as socially elitist and authoritarian”

“In addition to outlining an underlying developmental theory, Spiral Dynamics gives explicit suggestions to these "Wizards" for both consensual and non-consensual management of "lower-tier" individuals.” :eek:

“It should also be noted that, within this paradigm, Spiral Dynamics is itself characterized as a "second tier" concept, implicitly flattering those who support the theory and potentially inviting confirmation biases.”

“Further, some criticisms of Spiral Dynamics have been dismissed as expressions of lower-level memes, particularly the "mean green meme." This internal refutation of external critiques was one of philosopher Karl Popper's criteria for establishing that a system of belief is non-falsifiable and for distinguishing non-science from genuine scientific theory”

“The claim that humans have changed systemically on psycho-social dimensions, such as self concept or the human propensity and reasons for self sacrifice, over the time period proposed in Spiral Dynamics, is not supported by mainstream anthropology, the social sciences, or evolutionary biology”

Spiral Dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(some of the other stuff I've come across is just way too beyond a Penelope post for me to deal with :p)

Very good. It sounds like you're ready to begin reading the book. With these criticisms in mind a critical outlook should be easy.
OK I’m not saying there’s nothing in this and you can call me a mean beige but, as a slave to wiki, these things stuck out to me:

“originally targeted at a business management audience”

“the practical implications of the model can be seen as socially elitist and authoritarian”

“In addition to outlining an underlying developmental theory, Spiral Dynamics gives explicit suggestions to these "Wizards" for both consensual and non-consensual management of "lower-tier" individuals.” :eek:

“It should also be noted that, within this paradigm, Spiral Dynamics is itself characterized as a "second tier" concept, implicitly flattering those who support the theory and potentially inviting confirmation biases.”

“Further, some criticisms of Spiral Dynamics have been dismissed as expressions of lower-level memes, particularly the "mean green meme." This internal refutation of external critiques was one of philosopher Karl Popper's criteria for establishing that a system of belief is non-falsifiable and for distinguishing non-science from genuine scientific theory”

“The claim that humans have changed systemically on psycho-social dimensions, such as self concept or the human propensity and reasons for self sacrifice, over the time period proposed in Spiral Dynamics, is not supported by mainstream anthropology, the social sciences, or evolutionary biology”

Spiral Dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(some of the other stuff I've come across is just way too beyond a Penelope post for me to deal with :p)

You ain't alone Snoop.:p
Netscape Search earl
OK I’m not saying there’s nothing in this and you can call me a mean beige but, as a slave to wiki, these things stuck out to me:

“originally targeted at a business management audience”

“the practical implications of the model can be seen as socially elitist and authoritarian”

“In addition to outlining an underlying developmental theory, Spiral Dynamics gives explicit suggestions to these "Wizards" for both consensual and non-consensual management of "lower-tier" individuals.” :eek:

“It should also be noted that, within this paradigm, Spiral Dynamics is itself characterized as a "second tier" concept, implicitly flattering those who support the theory and potentially inviting confirmation biases.”

“Further, some criticisms of Spiral Dynamics have been dismissed as expressions of lower-level memes, particularly the "mean green meme." This internal refutation of external critiques was one of philosopher Karl Popper's criteria for establishing that a system of belief is non-falsifiable and for distinguishing non-science from genuine scientific theory”

“The claim that humans have changed systemically on psycho-social dimensions, such as self concept or the human propensity and reasons for self sacrifice, over the time period proposed in Spiral Dynamics, is not supported by mainstream anthropology, the social sciences, or evolutionary biology”

Spiral Dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Very nice contrarian perspective. As a "victim" of one of the 1980's "corporate quality" programs, I feel that you are absolutely right, this part of it sounds a bit like corporate brainwashing. :eek:

But I think the general approach, that is, psycho-social dynamics does have potential. Somehow I get the feeling this approach is better than the wiki description reflects, in the link in the OP I see more sophisticated concepts introduced.

(some of the other stuff I've come across is just way too beyond a Penelope post for me to deal with :p)

Intersting benchmark :). So if it was in large teal letters it would have more credibility with you :D ?
Very good. It sounds like you're ready to begin reading the book. With these criticisms in mind a critical outlook should be easy.

OK, you sweet-talking devil, I'm still interested. It may have to wait until I've developed a shallow and completely cursory understanding of existentialism though...

Intersting benchmark :). So if it was in large teal letters it would have more credibility with you :D ?

Use of colours is fundamental to gaining credibility. Keep up! ;)
