Peace in Your Community


Fiercely Interdependent
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In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
Any peaceniks out there, feel free to run with this thread. I'll start us out with a video of a brother who spoke up at our local peace rally this past Saturday, March 17th. I believe that about 140 people participated in this rally in Moscow, Idaho.

There were marches and actions throughout the country this past weekend. Some are still ongoing. As of last night, I heard that a sit-in was ongoing on Wall Street. That's a good place for people to protest, and one that not everyone might think of. I think 200 or so people were arrested for marching on the white house (correct me if I am wrong), and the Pentagon was a site of protest as well.
disrupting the peace to have a peace protest about???

Dude, the peace has been disrupted for quite some time. Ain't nothin' wrong with a beautiful gathering of people speaking their minds and hearts.

Disrupting the peace... when I walk down the street in my neighborhood and a big ass truck blows by, when the college kids who live near me get drunk and scream into the night because their idiot football team won, when I go into the post office and am subjected to Fox News or CNN jabbering on about the war on terror and celebrities and golf courses near you, that's when my peace is disrupted.
It worked this time, Pathless, I know Youtube were having some server problems, so perhaps that was the difficulty.
Dude, the peace has been disrupted for quite some time. Ain't nothin' wrong with a beautiful gathering of people speaking their minds and hearts.

Disrupting the peace... when I walk down the street in my neighborhood and a big ass truck blows by, when the college kids who live near me get drunk and scream into the night because their idiot football team won, when I go into the post office and am subjected to Fox News or CNN jabbering on about the war on terror and celebrities and golf courses near you, that's when my peace is disrupted.

*reels in hard on his fishing line!!!*

Sorry lol.. Wanted to see if I could get you to bite...
Hahaha :) :D Job well done, my friend. :cool: Yeah, I bite and have a bit of a hair-trigger bark these days, but you know I purr and lick, too... so watch out!!! :eek: :p :D


(That last bit is copyrighted by Phyllis... credit where credit is due.
But copyrights are silly things. Let's all shift to a creative commons license)
Hahaha :) :D Job well done, my friend. :cool: Yeah, I bite and have a bit of a hair-trigger bark these days, but you know I purr and lick, too... so watch out!!! :eek: :p :D


(That last bit is copyrighted by Phyllis... credit where credit is due.
But copyrights are silly things. Let's all shift to a creative commons license)

lol, I'll watch out for the licks and purrs then... People might start talking. Good to see that you stand up for something you feel is right. :) There should be more people like you that can stand up.
Thanks, bro. I appreciate that. It's been a long time coming for me and a lonely road at times with a lot of grief, depression, and alienation. Yet the "payoff" if you will is a deeply grateful heart and a life immersed in beauty and joy, a loss of fear of death, and a substantial knowing that this body, mind, and spirit of mine is a small and shining atom in a ginormous celebration of life, love, spirit, and beauty.

Keep on keepin' on. Speaking to you on a personal level now, if I may be so presumptuous, I don't know the shape and pierce of your angst, but never doubt its truth.