does god hate me and my family



if jesus is the path to salvation and my parents give me advice to think for myself and to think of reason and all the other cultures that are sure they have the truth.

what the hell is going on?

are they good? Is god telling me not to listen to them? Is god active in my life all the time or only if I chose him.

Does god have plans for me? Does he have plans for them?

what the hell.

IS god ever sending us messages and do we know how to interpret, no of course not but BS to me you dummies hahaha.

are my parents good? does god love them? am I chosen because I fell good when I think about jesus? god only calls who he calls right? and his flock know him right?

So I must be being called.

Are people that deny the call damned?

what if I dont think the call is really god?

why do epople have to hear the godspel in order to be called. Its like as soon as we know the gospel we are guilty of not following it. because if wedont know it, god has to save people that dont know it. I hope.

He only saves if we let him? or is it he only saves if we love him? and we only love him because he saves us or something.

and if we deny the call, we were not meant to accept it?

does everythign happen for a reason?

IS god in full control?

Is god in full control?

Is god in FULL control?

This means god makes no mistakes?

But people make mistakes if god doesnt call them or if they deny the call or if they never feel called.

whose fault is it?

why do I have to spread the gospel?

Why do humans have to spread the gospel.

if humans dont spread the gospel is god gonna save anyone?

If I dont tell my parents anything they will be fine? They nkow enough about it I think. Maybe they dont know the right interpretation hahahahaha.

whgat should I do?

does it matter what I do? I dont know what to do anymore.

My parents are into their middle ages. Anything could happen.

Whatever happens is god in control?

Is he gonna save them?

I dont know what to think.

My parents dont have jesus. How can they be good? God isnt calling them... how can they be good. He might not be calling me?

when do I know if I am saved.

what do christians do wityh their lives. Dont they worry about the unsaved.

or is whatever happens the right thing that happens?

so if I go to hell its the right thing, and if I am saved its the rigth thing to.

so its good and right when people go to hell!

right? it must be right?
Kindest Regards, shadowman.

It's pretty obvious something is bugging you. Not sure what, and I'm no psychologist, but I see a lot of things in what you are writing that to me make no sense logically, spiritually or doctrinally.

if jesus is the path to salvation and my parents give me advice to think for myself and to think of reason and all the other cultures that are sure they have the truth.

what the hell is going on?
First up, what makes you think the two are mutually exclusive? Why cannot a person think for themselves as well as follow the path Jesus laid out before us?

are they good? Is god telling me not to listen to them? Is god active in my life all the time or only if I chose him.
One of the Ten Commandments, the first one with promise, is to honor our parents. Are you honoring your parents by judging them? Are you obeying Jesus when he taught "judge not, that ye be not judged; for with what measure ye mete, so shall it be measured to you."

Does god have plans for me? Does he have plans for them?
I sense you know the answer already. Yes, G-d has plans for us. The question is whether or not we wish to include ourselves in those plans. Even so, I am no judge of who G-d will save, and who He will not.

IS god ever sending us messages and do we know how to interpret, no of course not but BS to me you dummies hahaha.
If a person is not listening, or prefers to place their own agenda on top of G-d's agenda, then yes they may misinterpret the message G-d has given us, and continues to give us everyday.

are my parents good? does god love them? am I chosen because I fell good when I think about jesus? god only calls who he calls right? and his flock know him right?
It is not my place to judge whether or not your parents are good or not. They raised you. That must be worth something, at least on your account. It may not be typical Christian teaching, but I do believe G-d will save who He will, not just Christians. I think there will be many Christians surprised when they show up in heaven and there are Hindus, and Pagans, and Jews, and Muslims, and Aboriginals, and even Buddhists! :D But the most shocking thing I think will be when we all realize that there are those we personally "judged" as saintly, reverential people of any religion who don't make it. My point is again that G-d will save who He will save, and that our attitudes towards each other will go a long way towards determining just who gets saved.

So I must be being called.
Do you hear voices? Do you dream dreams? Do you see visions?

Are people that deny the call damned?
Was Jonah damned?

what if I dont think the call is really god?
G-d doesn't play games. There will be no doubt. If there is doubt, I would suspect it is not of G-d.

why do epople have to hear the godspel in order to be called. Its like as soon as we know the gospel we are guilty of not following it. because if wedont know it, god has to save people that dont know it. I hope.
I believe I answered this about 4 comments above.

He only saves if we let him? or is it he only saves if we love him? and we only love him because he saves us or something.
He saves whom He will. Just because we call upon Him doesn't mean we are saved. If we see a brother or sister in need, and turn him or her away when it is in our power to help, yet call on G-d as though we are saved, we are acting as hypocrites. Even so, we can only truly help those who desire our assistance, those who are ready to reach out for a lifeline. We cannot force our will on anybody. Like an alcoholic that prefers to drown in their own filth, some people seem determined to destroy themselves in spite of the best efforts of others. There is nothing we can do, except be there for them if and when these people come to their senses and want to turn around.

and if we deny the call, we were not meant to accept it?
If the call truly is of G-d, there is no way to deny it. Otherwise, it is a wishful fantasy and messiah other words, not really very healthy. ;)

does everythign happen for a reason?
There is a beautiful poem called "The Desiderata" by Rev. Max Ehrman. I highly recommend it. One line says something like..."even though you may not understand it all, find comfort in knowing the universe is unfolding as it should."

IS god in full control?

Is god in full control?

Is god in FULL control?
Forgive me, you are just a bit vague here. What do you mean by "full control?" Does G-d preordain or predestine every act of every person? (not to mention every step of every ant and every vacillation of every microbe?) No, I don't believe He desires that, true love will not happen bound in those kinds of chains. Is G-d in control in the sense that everything is going according to His plan and schedule, on time and under budget?...yes, I do believe that with all of my heart.

This means god makes no mistakes?
Well, I suppose if love is a mistake, then I guess G-d made a really big mistake in allowing free will.

But people make mistakes if god doesnt call them or if they deny the call or if they never feel called.
Let's go back to Jonah. G-d wouldn't allow Jonah to quit. Jonah tried, but Jonah was genuinely called by G-d. Now, if a person is not genuinely called by G-d, what is there to deny? So, if you "deny this call" you feel, and you are not swallowed up by a fish and spit out alive three days later, I don't think I would give it any worry. Now, on the other hand...if you do get swallowed by a fish and live to tell about it, keep me posted, please. I want to be on your side, OK?

whose fault is it?
Must there be fault?

why do I have to spread the gospel?

Why do humans have to spread the gospel.
It is natural to want to share the good and joyous things in life.

if humans dont spread the gospel is god gonna save anyone?
There's a whole lot of humans around...I find it difficult to believe out of 6 billion people G-d can't find some to spread His message. Even so, it is not the words that matter nearly as much as what the words mean. The words mean to love one another, as brothers and sisters, and to do our best to get along with each other in that light. And it really helps if we keep G-d in mind too. At least, that's what I think, but I am not G-d. If I may remind, neither are you. So I really wouldn't stress out about it.

There's too much more in your post to deal with tonight, so I hope this helps. Whatever is getting to you will pass if you let it, or it will continue to eat at you if you let it. The choice is yours. If what you are dealing with is of G-d, He will make it abundantly clear. If it is of devils, they will cause stress and anxiety and uncertainty and doubt. The choice is yours who you will listen to. G-d bless you on your journey, I sincerely hope you find peace, soon.

In brotherly love, juantoo3