Past Lives

That was how my experiences started. I explored it thoroughly, and found interesting things. :)

The scary feeling is from the ego, because it fears the approach of death as it feels the energetic body separate. But the ego can be overcome, because there is no fear of death, even though it feels likely! That scary feeling goes away when you prove to the ego, by practice, that you will always come back to the body. :)

edit: sounds like the classic way that "mystical experiences", mentioned in another thread, ACTUALLY happen; not from trying...
Your speaking about traveling outside your body. I did that when I was little too. Very little maybe 4 or 5. Speaking on past lives there is a finite number of souls so alot of people have been here before and have past lives. I call it the spirit and soul recycling center.
That was how my experiences started. I explored it thoroughly, and found interesting things. :)

The scary feeling is from the ego, because it fears the approach of death as it feels the energetic body separate. But the ego can be overcome, because there is no fear of death, even though it feels likely! That scary feeling goes away when you prove to the ego, by practice, that you will always come back to the body. :)

edit: sounds like the classic way that "mystical experiences", mentioned in another thread, ACTUALLY happen; not from trying...

when it happened to me when I was very small I was not scared at all. I didnt feel like I was going to die. I was flying around in the universe. I left this planet. It was cool.
This is not my belief , but it is a great story . Two beings , God and a human that is ever one else . The Egg The forum where this link was posted and a discussion . The Egg
Just because it never happened to you doesnt mean that it doesnt happen. There are plenty of people who have had out of body experiences. They believe it because it happened to them and there are people who have studied people who have had them and they have never had that experience themselves but know it happens.