newsflash: Limbo no longer exists

Francis king

Well-Known Member
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hurrah! its official! limbo no longer exists! all those unbaptised babies and those who were good before jesus came on the scene are now officially out of limbo- ratzinger says so, so it must be true!

join with me in celebrating the destruction of limbo, and perhaps give the olde god the finger!

if this post is a duplication of a previous post, then forgive me... and delete one of them! lol
Does that mean there is no longer a lord of the dance said he?
What the heck...

How is it that I am going to spend eternity in the sixth circle of Hell. No way, I have to go back and lie to myself and re-do the test.

If perhaps that is all true, I am doomed to spend eternity with the "Heretics".
Miss Amy,

By the way, some people say Hell will be permanent. My tradition says it will only be temporary. There is still hope for you and me!
The questions are funny,

Living an honest life go me into the sixth circle of Hell. I knew that I should have waited until I got married...
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hurrah! its official! limbo no longer exists! all those unbaptised babies and those who were good before jesus came on the scene are now officially out of limbo- ratzinger says so, so it must be true!

join with me in celebrating the destruction of limbo, and perhaps give the olde god the finger!

if this post is a duplication of a previous post, then forgive me... and delete one of them! lol

I am sure some nuts still have limbo and babies frying in hell who did not get sprinkled. It is easier to make your religion bigger through fear by adding babies to the roster by baptism who dont have a clue what is happening and later realize that something was done to them that they had no decision in...all the other babies, well too bad for them.