The Great Wall of Baghdad



The US forces who started building a 12 ft high, 5km long concrete wall round the Shia district of Adhamiya some 10 days ago, have been asked by the Iraqi president to stop. This wall, which is to muslims a deeply insulting reminder of the walls constructed in Palestine by the Israeli state, is yet another arogant insensitivity to the feelings of the people of Iraq. And Muslims the world over. It shows that the US administration has absolutely no interest in fostering good relationships with the inhabitants of Iraq. That these walls go up after curfew and the workmen are gone by dawn is almost sinister. And its not just this one wall, a network of so called blast walls are now so extensive that it will not take a lot to join them up and create a cellular 'jail' of the whole city.

My question is are they really that dumb? Or is it part of a deliberate policy of antagonism? It is getting hard to tell for me, Certainly in recent days the death tolls in Iraq have been rising despite the influx of extra troops. It seems like everything new the American administration does in Iraq only leads to a further deterioration in the lives of the long suffering Iraqi's. I find it increasingly difficult to believe that this is merely stupidity, I believe that it is covert US policy to be as antaganoistic and insensitive as possible. Anyone agree?

Hi Tao. I hadn't heard of this wall, thanks for posting this. *sigh* :p :rolleyes: :mad:

Grrrrrrr... at any rate, yeah, I have begun to think, like you, that there is a cunning wicked intelligence directing the continuing war effort and the disinformation campaigns in the U.S. The forces at work aren't stupid. Malevolent, wicked, insensitive--sure, they've got these qualities in spades--but stupidity? No. They ain't stupid. Wickedly cunning, yes.
And insult them in every possible way you can think of to make sure they are frenzied. ? Is that it?
And insult them in every possible way you can think of to make sure they are frenzied. ? Is that it?

That can work too, yes. If you deem someone an enemy... but you can see "sides" in the enemy... let the sides eat each other up... Cost effective and less numbers of "your own" at threat.
That can work too, yes. If you deem someone an enemy... but you can see "sides" in the enemy... let the sides eat each other up... Cost effective and less numbers of "your own" at threat.

Yup, autogenocide. It's worked well in south central Los Angeles. That and crack. I wonder if the powers that be will be introducing a totally addictive and destructive drug into Sadr City and surrounding areas? Or perhaps a lethal virus, evasive of cures?
The US forces who started building a 12 ft high, 5km long concrete wall round the Shia district of Adhamiya some 10 days ago, have been asked by the Iraqi president to stop. This wall, which is to muslims a deeply insulting reminder of the walls constructed in Palestine by the Israeli state, is yet another arogant insensitivity to the feelings of the people of Iraq. And Muslims the world over. It shows that the US administration has absolutely no interest in fostering good relationships with the inhabitants of Iraq. That these walls go up after curfew and the workmen are gone by dawn is almost sinister. And its not just this one wall, a network of so called blast walls are now so extensive that it will not take a lot to join them up and create a cellular 'jail' of the whole city.

My question is are they really that dumb? Or is it part of a deliberate policy of antagonism? It is getting hard to tell for me, Certainly in recent days the death tolls in Iraq have been rising despite the influx of extra troops. It seems like everything new the American administration does in Iraq only leads to a further deterioration in the lives of the long suffering Iraqi's. I find it increasingly difficult to believe that this is merely stupidity, I believe that it is covert US policy to be as antaganoistic and insensitive as possible. Anyone agree?



I've herd about this wall, I don't understand if you create barriers like castles, arn't you promoting divisions?? :confused: I mean yes for safty, but Iraq's probleam starts with the divisions. :D

I've herd about this wall, I don't understand if you create barriers like castles, arn't you promoting divisions?? :confused: I mean yes for safty, but Iraq's probleam starts with the divisions. :D

All of our problems start with divisions and boundaries. Absolutely the wall should not be there. A base should not be there, for that matter.