Anyone familiar with First Nations, (Native American) religions?

I don't know. I don't know if the beliefs are specific to bands or if they follow the same philosophy. All I know is that it is really with nature and that my sister has cards, similar to Tarot, that she uses.
Hi Miss Amy :)

This (<---click there) might be helpful to you if you are just learning about Native American beliefs. One of my favorites. It is pretty conservative, but there are lots of links to explore if you so wish. If you are looking to narrow things down a bit, let me know.

Oh, and welcome!

Thanks! I have read quite a few of your posts as I made my way around. You have some very interesting perspectives.

I will check out the link. My two sisters and I have such different beliefs and I think to know what they believe is only going to help me to better know them. And support other sister says she is "paegan" but I have been told to narrow it a little...
To me, First Nations beliefs and Paganism have a lot in common, as they are both Earth-centered spiritualities.

Here are a few links that I've checked out in the past that might be useful:

General Indigenous Spirituality
Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: The Sacred Connection
Healing Links
Australian Aborigines and Dreamtime Beliefs
Mohawk of the Iriquois Confederacy
An Introduction to Navajo Culture
The Hopi Tribe Official Web Page
Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation
Indidgenous Peoples' Literature

On the political side of things, many tribes out here in the Pacific Northwest are active and concerned with treaty rights, water resources, ecological restoration, animal rights, and troubles caused by many dams.

Spiritually it seems that they have suffered a great loss due to colonization, yet many are actively engaged in reclaiming their spiritual traditions. Others are happy being Christians. Indians are very adaptable people who welcome change to an extent that is often overlooked, misunderstood, or underappreciated by others.
Merci Beaucoup, as we say up here in Canada.

That was what I was looking for.

Well, actually I wasn't quite sure what I was looking for and then I read that thread and now I have the words.