Happy Vesak/Wesak Day...


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...is imminent I feel, tomorrow being the first day of May. Now I just need to find a diary with the phases of the moon in...


goes rummaging in drawers.........

....carry on without me.....

Snoopy, Pathless, and everybody,

Happy Wesak Day! This is a very special day for me, and I join all of you in celebrating it.

(Nick sits patiently at the computer, waiting for Snoopy to reach the bottom of his junk drawer....)

Miss Amy,

Wesak Day is the day we celebrate the Enlightenment of Budda.

Miss Amy, are you a Buddhist?
(Nick sits patiently at the computer, waiting for Snoopy to reach the bottom of his junk drawer....)

I can only find bits of notepads, pens that don't work and a clock with no battery in it.

Maybe my diary at work...
well until about ten minutes ago I would have said "yes, I am Buddhist" and I have been reading all different materials for about five years now.

I have the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Tibetan Buddhism, A book about Kindness, about two binders of stuff I have printed off and (a gift) The Idiots Guide to Buddhism.

But no Vesak Day. I am humbled...

However... Happy Vesak Day!

"I can only find bits of notepads, pens that don't work and a clock with no battery in it."

(Nick quickly glances at his own junk drawer across the room, feeling ashamed of how many dried-up pens he has....)

Miss Amy, I consider anyone who simply calls themself a Buddhist to be a Buddhist. Which Buddhist tradition resonates with you?

(Nick's curiosity gets the better of him, and he finds a battery in his junk drawer, with no clock to go with it. Hmmm....)

Wesak is a special day for all Buddhists. Theosophists say Buddha actually returns to Earth once a year, on Wesak Day. This makes it even more special.

Miss Amy, let us know if you are interested in exploring the different types of Buddhist traditions. The more you get into Buddhism, the more you will eventually end up studying with a particular teacher. All teachers belong to a specific tradition, and you will end up becoming a member of that tradition.
snoop you are not at work, I think maybe we are on different sides of the world... or you work nights...

Errrr....I know I'm not at work.....

Are posts appearing out of sequence or is my dementia accelerating?

careful how anyone answers.....
Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~

"I can only find bits of notepads, pens that don't work and a clock with no battery in it."

(Nick quickly glances at his own junk drawer across the room, feeling ashamed of how many dried-up pens he has....)

Miss Amy, I consider anyone who simply calls themself a Buddhist to be a Buddhist. Which Buddhist tradition resonates with you?

(Nick's curiosity gets the better of him, and he finds a battery in his junk drawer, with no clock to go with it. Hmmm....)

Nick, do you normally fly over to my house on a Monday....and go through my drawers????
I wasn't telling you, I jsut realized for a second how vast this forum is. I hadn't really thought of it outside my continent.
Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~

Wesak is a special day for all Buddhists. Theosophists say Buddha actually returns to Earth once a year, on Wesak Day. This makes it even more special.

Miss Amy, let us know if you are interested in exploring the different types of Buddhist traditions. The more you get into Buddhism, the more you will eventually end up studying with a particular teacher. All teachers belong to a specific tradition, and you will end up becoming a member of that tradition.

Yes, I am very, very interested. I would love to know more about Buddhism becasue that is the path I chose to follow

"Nick, do you normally fly over to my house on a Monday....and go through my drawers????"

--> No, but if you give me your GPS coordinates, or a zoom-in shot from Google Earth, may I can hit your house with a roll of toilet paper from 8,000 feet.

Miss Amy, What do you know of the different Buddhist traditions?
Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~

"Nick, do you normally fly over to my house on a Monday....and go through my drawers????"

--> No, but if you give me your GPS coordinates, or a zoom-in shot from Google Earth, may I can hit your house with a roll of toilet paper from 8,000 feet.

thanks for the offer. I'll think about it.
"thanks for the offer. I'll think about it."

(Nick ponders the possibility of a GPS-guided toilet-paper-roll slingshot, one that he can hold still as he sticks it out the window of an airplane going almost 200 miles an hour....) I have tried to stick a camera out the window, and believe me, it ain't easy.

Miss Amy, you should start a thread called, What kinds of Buddhism are there? Several people here would be more than happy to reply.