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Could some of the older Baha'is who remember this "Talisman" thing shed some light on what it really was?
I heard it was attacking the Covenant or something? and a whole bunch of Baha'is got expelled?
Talisman was founded by some Baha'is who were academic and had some interests in pursueing various areas. I posted some there and discussed some issues... It was unmoderated and dealt with various topics. There were no academic qualifications to join. A lot of issues were discussed on Talisman but also became a sounding board overtime for some pretty bitter people who began to be increasingly vociferous and rather negative...not all Talsiman discussions were like this but it was beginning to have a negative ambience after awhile.

Some of the archives of Talisman are online and frankly I don't feel it's worth rehashing it here...on this forum.

- Art
Talisman was founded by some Baha'is who were academic and had some interests in pursueing various areas. I posted some there and discussed some issues... It was unmoderated and dealt with various topics. There were no academic qualifications to join. A lot of issues were discussed on Talisman but also became a sounding board overtime for some pretty bitter people who began to be increasingly vociferous and rather negative...not all Talsiman discussions were like this but it was beginning to have a negative ambience after awhile.

Some of the archives of Talisman are online and frankly I don't feel it's worth rehashing it here...on this forum.

- Art

Did some Baha'is really get explelled from their online postings?
Apparently not. I read somewhere they were threatened. I think the Talisman is a side effect of a religion that requires intellect to find salvation, which is not in everyones capacity. But then again, being religious is not in everyones capcity either, so I can't blast it.

Did some Baha'is really get explelled from their online postings?

That's extremely unlikely, the more so given that NO ONE is expelled without extensive counseling and consultation with that individual first! Merely posting something wouldn't be sufficient grounds for such a step, the more so given that it wouldn't be clear what the person's actual knowlege/understanding and intents were.

I can't say it never happened, but if it did, I'm sure it was after thorough investigation and counseling, as I just explained!

That said, there were a few individuals who chose to leave the Faith of their own accord and who unfortunately did so in a very loud and boisterous manner, all the while trying to engender as much controversy and disharmony as possible.

I myself was on Talisman for a time, but found the whole tone and atmosphere there so unpleasant--it seemed IMHO little more than a training ground for convenant-breaking--that I departed very quickly and never considered rejoining it.


Like I said the archives of Talisman are online... Many people posted there and a lot of issues were discussed. I don't think it's worthy of rehashing here.

- Art
No one on Talisman was actually disenrolled, though some of the key figures on the list chose to withdraw rather than consult with the individuals sent to guide them.

One individual seemed quite unbalanced and has since claimed that he is himself He Whom God Will Make Manifest. That was a very sad case. The ambience on the list was poisonous, and I left the Talisman 9 list after about six months.

In my opinion the list was dominated by megalomaniacs with egos to big for containment. Some of them are admirable scholars, though.

I've actually read somewhere of someone claiming to be a guardian of the Baha'i faith after receiving a revelation by an angel, some American anglo in his 20s, mind you he's not the only one to claim to be the guardian and thats forgetting matrixism lol.... The funniest thing is when people start believing them. Christianity has had it's fair share too, not forgetting Bahaullah himself. Someone in Brazil who is making millions off nieve people is claiming to be the return of Christ and not forgetting Mani claimed to be the return of Christ and an Asian (Muslim) bloke who discovered what can possibly be the tomb of Jesus in Kashmir, claimed prophethood and wrote some religious work, rewrote the meaning of Jihad.

Can't they kindly tell us there ideas without claiming to be God :p?

Not even the guy who invented penicilline said he was God lol
I wrote a firsthand account of it which is available at this site:
Articles on "Talisman" history

As a non-Baha'i writing a book which treats the Faith quite positively (which no one has ever denied IMO), I participated regularly for a couple of years. Was treated very cordially by Cole, Lee, Scholl, et al, and horrified at the abuse they suffered from fellow-Baha'is.

As for a member being outright expelled for online postings, the first case of that would seem to be Alison Marshall some time after the blowup in 1996. Whether or not she was "counselled" first is a matter of dispute.