
Yes they are, and always have been.
The natural life cycles of bateriums and virus are so rapid that they are capable of evolving very fast. There are few places we can see evolution happen before our eyes. This is one of them. It was arrogant to think we could erradicate all such caused diseases but this was a result of ignorance. We know better now.
The article notably fails to offer any hope or suggestions in how we might deal with the problem in the future. But there are many around they world engaged on research to develop the next generation of vaccines and antibiotics/antivirals. Bio nano-technology using binding agents looks especially promising.
Whilst it is true that blood transfusions have the capacity to infect the recipient with any number of agents it is infact quite rare that happens. The notable large-scale infections of Haemophiliacs with HIV took place before HIV was properly understood and recognised. Every blood donation in the UK is tested for a all possible infectious agents and cases of cross infection by this method is extremely rare. The UK blood banks draw entirely from volunteer donations, unlike say the US or Germany where you find drug addicts etc selling their blood. I think it a lesson others could learn. But at the end of the day blood transfusions have saved far far more lives than they have taken. And I find the JW position on this moraly bankrupt.

Tao_And I find the JW position on this moraly bankrupt. TE[/quote said:
its not Jehovahs witnesses position it is Gods.
For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!" ACTS 15;28-29

(Genesis 9:4) Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.

(Leviticus 3:17) "‘It is a statute to time indefinite for YOUR generations, in all YOUR dwelling places: YOU must not eat any fat or any blood at all.’"

(Leviticus 7:26) "‘And YOU must not eat any blood in any places where YOU dwell, whether that of fowl or that of beast.

(Leviticus 17:10) "‘As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people.

(Deuteronomy 12:16) Only the blood YOU must not eat. On the earth you should pour it out as water.

(Deuteronomy 12:23) Simply be firmly resolved not to eat the blood, because the blood is the soul and you must not eat the soul with the flesh.

(1 Samuel 14:32) And the people began darting greedily at the spoil and taking sheep and cattle and calves and slaughtering them on the earth, and the people fell to eating along with the blood.
but maybe that is for another thread....................... but if a doctor told you to abstain from eating something, or to abstain from achohol would you inject it into your veins . i dont think so. i think abstain means abstain . and there are plenty of other things around to eat instead . and plenty of other treatments to make use of as well. God knows better than me or anyone else , but not everyone thinks that the bible is Gods word. Jehovahs witnesses think that it is very important to stick to Gods word the bible , we think that God knows better than we do .
Well meaningless quotes from an old book of ideas and laws from another time are not a 'rational' argument. When you tell me where I can hear 'jehovah' do a book reading and sign one for me personaly then I might give it credence. Till then the arrogant 'we know Gods will' people of the watchtower can think they know best and let their 'loved' ones die completely unnecessarily but can expect nothing but condemnation from the sane.

Also it is against the spirit of CR to post link after link without any other words but 'interesting read'. Maybe they are interesting reads for those that dont usually read. But mostly they are simplistic. And not at all interesting. The JW's can use such junk on their door to door evangelising but it is futile here and only serves to show you have no thoughts of your own.

so, Mee, JW won't have blood transfusions because it is seen as eating blood? I never knew that...
ACTS 15;28-29
For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!"....................... abstaining from something means abstaining . and it is listed along with fornication . also in ACTS 15;19-20
Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God, but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled
Or, "from what is killed without draining its blood."
and from blood.
Of course.... It isn't about -eating- blood.. It is about taking blood into your body...
what does abstain mean ,? in acts 15 ;19;20 it mentions strangled animals or those that have not been bled, then it also mentions blood 2 different things . ACTS 15;28-29 If it just meant abstaining from things strangled , why mention blood next. just because blood transfusions were not around at that time does not mean that it is alright to have them now . Guns were not around at one time but would it be ok to kill someone with a gun , or would the princible of return your sword to its place apply still. Jehovahs witnesses have medical treatment , but we still stick to the commands from God . here is an interesting sample video.
No Blood—Medicine Meets the Challenge
wtf has that got to do with what I posted? Do you even read posts? lol or is it just "how many times can I give reps to the watchtower site per day?" Kinda thing going on... I don't see a problem with it... If it saves your life. BUT, what I was saying is that you people do not because it is to consume blood into the body, and that it doesn't matter what way it has entered... No I'll skip your movie... Thanks.

Read Leviticus.... What does it say is in the blood Mee? This is the reason you cannot consume blood........ But I do not really see how that connections with sharing blood from an ALIVE human, not a dead animal...... Also once you've read Leviticus.. Book 17 I think.... (what other number could it possibly be? ;) ) Could you then also explain your understanding of one's soul?
so, mee, hypothetical q for u....

if I could make an artificial substance which was structurally the same as blood, would JW's be able to use this, then?
I dont suppose that there many haemophiliacs in JW. I wonder, before, the arrival of synthetic insulin if diabetics had a very short life expectancy within JW too.

Interseting that they will use IVF treatment. They pick and choose what technology based on nonsense interpretations of the Bible. Personaly I believe anyone who witholds treatment from a child that subsequently dies is guilty of murder.

illegal to refuse a blood transfer?? That in it's self is terrible..... Fine, lets ban the JW's from having the RITE to refuse something... Or even better, lets simply make it illegal for a person to choose to be a JW.... Why should a person have a choice, those stupid people... Thinking they have freedom and Rites... What were they thinking.... This they believe should be done, for the good of the person, they believe they can make that persons choices for them... No let's go with this.... I think also we should make Jewish and islamic faiths illegal... They do not know what they are doing, we will make their decisions for them.... It's better that way....

Ironic, how people do not like the JW faith because they don't like this being (We shall call the watchtower.... As many do... lol) That makes decisions for the JW's and they see this as simply wrong... But do not see that they are also trying to make the decisions for the JW's and make them think what they think which is identical and wrong again... Leave it to the indvidual JW.... He/she has that power.... Not us. I think it is admirable.... Weither I believe they are wrong or not... They put their life on the line and will sacrafice it for something..... Now, that, is something...
illegal to refuse a blood transfer?? That in it's self is terrible..... Fine, lets ban the JW's from having the RITE to refuse something... Or even better, lets simply make it illegal for a person to choose to be a JW.... Why should a person have a choice, those stupid people... Thinking they have freedom and Rites... What were they thinking.... This they believe should be done, for the good of the person, they believe they can make that persons choices for them... No let's go with this.... I think also we should make Jewish and islamic faiths illegal... They do not know what they are doing, we will make their decisions for them.... It's better that way....

Ironic, how people do not like the JW faith because they don't like this being (We shall call the watchtower.... As many do... lol) That makes decisions for the JW's and they see this as simply wrong... But do not see that they are also trying to make the decisions for the JW's and make them think what they think which is identical and wrong again... Leave it to the indvidual JW.... He/she has that power.... Not us. I think it is admirable.... Weither I believe they are wrong or not... They put their life on the line and will sacrafice it for something..... Now, that, is something...

I agree with you except where it comes to children. You have the right over your own life but never over that of another.

so, mee, hypothetical q for u....

if I could make an artificial substance which was structurally the same as blood, would JW's be able to use this, then?
those things are already around, JW have used various tratments that do not violate their bible trained consience. it is not medical treatment that JW refuse just the whole blood .