"Church" does not mean the "Roman Catholic Church"


Bruce and Seattle Gal,

I see this line-up of meanings.

1st Logos; Purusha
2nd Logos; Prakriti (actually Mulaprakriti)
3rd Logos; Adam Kadmon

How does that fit your belief systems?
Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~

Bruce and Seattle Gal,

I see this line-up of meanings.

1st Logos; Purusha
2nd Logos; Prakriti (actually Mulaprakriti)
3rd Logos; Adam Kadmon

How does that fit your belief systems?

Hi Br.Nick,

I'm not sure why the "Gal" is bringing that up. Adam Kadmon is the first Man before the Fall.

This may be helpful:

'Adam Qadmon (Hebrew) [from 'adam mankind + qadam to be before, precede] Primordial man, Adam Primus; in the Qabbalah macrocosmic man in contrast to the earthly Adam, the microcosm. Often called the Heavenly Man because symbolically he is the Sephirothal Tree of Life, each of the Sephiroth having its correspondence with a part of the body, the head being Kether (Crown), and the feet standing for Malchuth (Kingdom). 'Adam Qadmon corresponds mystically to the Hindu Purusha: both are generalizing terms used to represent the cosmic Logos or hierarch of their respective hierarchies.
Blavatsky compares 'Adam Qadmon to the first manu, Svayambhuva, "the synthesis of the fourteen Manus" (TG 206); also to the Greek Prometheus and the divine Pymander of the Hermetica -- the power of the thought divine "in its most spiritual aspect" (IU 1:298).
Br. Andrew speaks out,

Adam Qadmon corresponds mystically to the Hindu Purusha:

Can anyone explain why this would be so?

A quick'n'dirty Theosophical angle, which admittedly is a bit of a surface treatment, will have to do with the Trinity - or Trimurti, if we wish - of Divine Energies or Aspects.

The Manu represents Ray 1. The Bodhisattva (Christ, World Teacher) is on the Ray 2 line (also, the Buddha). And the Maha Chohan, or `Lord of Civilization,' is the head of the Ray 3 line.

Here is Will, Love-Wisdom, and Activity (or Active Intellect) ... and of all of these, which line was taught, again and again in Theosophical literature, as also in the Vedas, as having the most to do with the evolution of the human FORM(s), the RACE itself ... and not our culture, society, religion, or modes of civilization?

Ahhh, the line of the Manu! Manu, after all, not a "man" - err, except it's where we get this word from ... Manu, Manas ... but Manu, a great Prototype (Adam Qadmon), a Divine Type, occasionally embodied in outermost physical (or even subtler) expression, as the PATTERN for the following Race, sub-race, branch race, etc.

Polarian Manu, Hyporborean Manu, Lemurian Manu, Atlantean Manu, and Root Race 5, the Aryan, Vaivasvata Manu. All of these, but subsidiary, minor expressions of One, Greater Manu (a `Being' or Type of much vaster Evolutionary-Divine Scale) ... Svayambhuva.

I think there was a hair in that bit of regurgitation. It might beg splitting, I dunno. The Water-Brother was fond of saying, "I'm only an Egg!"

