The Temple of St. John is Open to Every Man

Bruce Michael

Well-Known Member
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Peace Friends,

"Religion": I'm sure you would have looked up the origin of the word- it means to rebind as does the word yoga. There was a time when humankind had no need for religion or yoga. This was when the spiritual world was fully experienced around them (there was no need for religion in the Garden of Eden). The purpose of religion is to, quite simply, reconnect us to the spiritual. If it's not doing that it's not fulfilling it's purpose.

There are many authors who have begun the task of revealing the Christian Mysteries. I wouldn't suggest that those who are still at the stage of pure religious devotion be pushed into the realm of a full conscious understanding. It may be a shock.

"The Temple of St. John is open to every man, of course, but whether or not it is to be the choosing of every man to enter is an entirely different matter."
tell me more about it, then?

Hello Sr. Francis,
It is not an original concept. Tomberg mentions it in his Meditations on the Tarot- though he tened to stick with the Petrene system.

The message of St. John's Gospel is that we worship God in Spirit. The Temple of St. John is not an earthly Temple.
"There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord." (I Corinthians 12:5)

"Church" means "community"- it is the Community of Christ. In other words it refers to the body of all true Christians who are born.

As to entrance into the spiritual Temple of St. John, this is made clear:

"Either a man knowingly commits himself to Christ or he does not; and for he that is with Him, he is also for all men.

"The adoption of the whole world of all men and women, is prerequisite to the first beginning of a higher development. In no way is this to be taken as a privilege-seeking undertaking, however it is fact that those who cannot adopt all men lovingly are excluded from the Temple of St. John until such time that they are so prepared."

The Pristine Order of the Holy Tears is another Order we wish to associate with. This is an Order which "drives the workers, the lovers, of the Christ".

Formalized rigidity was overturned by Christ.
"He did not found a Church, He did not ask that we bear any symbol, but that we recognize all men to be of Heaven and embrace them so."

Br. Bruce
Welcome to the CR forums, Br. Bruce! :)

Are you teaching universalism? Or at least a progressive universalism?
This post was copy and pasted from Bruce Michaels own site which took me all of 10 secs to find googling.
There are many authors who have begun the task of revealing the Christian Mysteries. I wouldn't suggest that those who are still at the stage of pure religious devotion be pushed into the realm of a full conscious understanding. It may be a shock.

Then again, I would suggest that those who assume the Christian Mysteries can be objects of conscious understanding are equally in for a surprise ... they might find that those at the stage of 'pure religious devotion' passed beyond the realm of conscious understanding some ways ago ...

Welcome aboard...

Originally Posted by Tao_Equus
This post was copy and pasted from Bruce Michaels own site which took me all of 10 secs to find googling.

I have a feeling him and AndrewX ought to get along quite nicely.
Oh? Beg pardon?

I don't even have a website, Dondi ...

While I do sometimes post quotes to support my own points, I think you'll find that my own views don't quite match those of anyone else here.

Would you care to think again about what you are insinuating, or perhaps just let me in on it? :confused:
Then again, I would suggest that those who assume the Christian Mysteries can be objects of conscious understanding are equally in for a surprise ... they might find that those at the stage of 'pure religious devotion' passed beyond the realm of conscious understanding some ways ago ...

Welcome aboard...


Thanks Br.Thomas,
Well I could bring you long replies to this...maybe later...
As Tomberg has said, Cognitive Christianity will outlast Traditional and Warmth Christianity.

God Bless,
Br. Bruce
Hello Tao,
I doubt you've found any of my sites.

You get a prize when you do!;)
Ohh I did, but I did not post the link as i see that your place to do, should you wish.If I remember correctly your photo had you stood in front of some picture. You are about 40, slim, shortish blonde hair. Think you were wearing a black leather jacket. And thanks for the offer but my mummy says i should not accept gifts from strangers :p

Hello Tao,
I doubt you've found any of my sites.

You get a prize when you do!;)

Dude, from what I can tell all of your lead posts are C&P from the Tribes site.

No biggie, but any dunce can google that stuff up easily.
Ohh I did, but I did not post the link as i see that your place to do, should you wish.If I remember correctly your photo had you stood in front of some picture. You are about 40, slim, shortish blonde hair. Think you were wearing a black leather jacket. And thanks for the offer but my mummy says i should not accept gifts from strangers :p


BZZZT No that is not my site. But thank you for playing...
As Tomberg has said, Cognitive Christianity will outlast Traditional and Warmth Christianity.

Can you give an attribution for that?

It seems to be applying the old neo-gnostic duality, creating two where there are one, and I didn't think Tomberg was subject to that. I am a great fan of Tonberg, but if we're talking about 'cognitive Christianity', then he stands in the shade of Bernard Lonergan.

Originally Posted by Tao_Equus
This post was copy and pasted from Bruce Michaels own site which took me all of 10 secs to find googling.

Oh? Beg pardon?

I don't even have a website, Dondi ...

While I do sometimes post quotes to support my own points, I think you'll find that my own views don't quite match those of anyone else here.

Would you care to think again about what you are insinuating, or perhaps just let me in on it? :confused:

No offense to you Andrew. It's just when I navigated his website, or at least the website Tao alluded to, I found some quotes by H.P. Blavatsky, so I thought you might relate, that's all. (just Google "Temple of St John" and you'll find it.)