Beehive of the Romish Church

Bruce Michael

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From Hone's "Ancient Mysteries Described" (quoted by Hargreave Jennings):

"The Holie Church of Rome herself doth compare the incomprehensible generation of the Sonne of God from His Father, together with His birth out of the pure and undefiled Virgine Marie, unto the Bees, - which were in verie deede a great blasphemie, if the bees were not of so great valour and virtue" (value and dignity).
- Beehive of the Romish Church

Kindest Regards, Bruce Michael, and welcome to CR!
From Hone's "Ancient Mysteries Described" (quoted by Hargreave Jennings):

"The Holie Church of Rome herself doth compare the incomprehensible generation of the Sonne of God from His Father, together with His birth out of the pure and undefiled Virgine Marie, unto the Bees, - which were in verie deede a great blasphemie, if the bees were not of so great valour and virtue" (value and dignity).
- Beehive of the Romish Church
I have seen a few of your posts now, and I am wondering if you are soliciting comment (discussion and interfaith interaction), or if you are making blanket statements intended to be accepted without question?

Quoting from what appears to me to be something written perhaps 500 years ago in an effort to what? discredit Catholicism?

I am of this opinion: I disagree with the Catholic institution, that is my choice. Nevertheless, I have known some very good and decent Catholic people in my life to whom I am eternally grateful for one reason or another.

If your intent is to continue posting singular comments for the purpose of, I'm guessing here, undermining the Catholic faith, I would suggest your efforts are misplaced on this site.

On the chance that you honestly wish to discuss these matters, it would help if you phrased your comments in the form of a question. With this in mind I will continue...

The bee was also the symbol of Napoleon...what are we to make of that?

There are multiple discussions across this site that discuss the evolution (development if you prefer) of the Catholic church and early Christianity. Seeing this in context then, it is not beyond understanding how the symbolism of bees might be attached to the Catholic institution in its missionary zeal. Certainly there are multiple similar instances across the history of the church as it made itself available to other cultures. England was not always Christian, certainly not the whole of England. Ireland and Scotland were not always Christian, it is only through the missionary work of the Catholic church that Ireland and Scotland adopted the faith to any extent. The whole of Europe was not always Christian, it was only through the missionary efforts of the Catholic church that Europe became Christian.

In other words, for whatever "bad" judgment one may care to use in looking at the Catholic institution, one cannot deny their instrumental efforts in expanding the Christian faith. Bees, in other words, are really insignificant to the story. If bees helped some culture to relate to the mythos of Christianity, then the Catholic faith was merely incorporating whatever practical means to the end...that end being the spread of the faith.

One might argue about the attendant political power that went along...but that would be an entirely different discussion.
And Utah, a mormon place, is known as the "beehive state". Even highway signs are shaped in the form of beehives.

My two cents.

Kindest Regards, Mr. Michael!
Well I didn't expect such a reply to this post, Juan.
Fair enough. Likewise, I am always uncertain how to receive posts such as yours.

So, to begin again...were there questions or personal comments to this issue you wished to address? :)
"Rules by Venus." Boy that throws a loop into it. And that loop went over my head. Run that by me again for me.

There is more in Rudolf Steiner's Nine Lectures on Bees. I don't know if it's online.

I found this:
Nearly ninety years ago Christian visionary and teacher Rudolph Steiner predicted the approach of the current crisis in bee keeping. Steiner gave a series of lectures on bees and ants to the workers at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland in the 1920’s. Among the audience was a professional beekeeper, Mr Müller, who contributed to these lectures in the form of insights and questions. However, he disagreed vehemently and showed no understanding when Steiner explained that the modern method of breeding queens (using the larvae of worker bees, a practice that had already been in use for about fifteen years) would have long-term detrimental effects, so grave that:

“A century later all breeding of bees will cease if only artificially produced bees are used (November 10). . . . It is quite correct that we can’t determine this today; it will have to be delayed until a later time. Let’s talk to each other again in one hundred years, Mr Müller, then we’ll see what kind of opinion you’ll have at that point”.

The Truth Seeker - Are GM Crops Killing Bees?
Kindest Regards, Mr. Michael!

Fair enough. Likewise, I am always uncertain how to receive posts such as yours.

So, to begin again...were there questions or personal comments to this issue you wished to address? :)

I think you misunderstood the post on bees.


Catholic Church- I will post a bit more later.

Valentin Tomberg was a Catholic, and I have posted some of his work here too.

Have a nice day!
There is more in Rudolf Steiner's Nine Lectures on Bees. I don't know if it's online.

I found this:
Nearly ninety years ago Christian visionary and teacher Rudolph Steiner predicted the approach of the current crisis in bee keeping. Steiner gave a series of lectures on bees and ants to the workers at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland in the 1920’s. Among the audience was a professional beekeeper, Mr Müller, who contributed to these lectures in the form of insights and questions. However, he disagreed vehemently and showed no understanding when Steiner explained that the modern method of breeding queens (using the larvae of worker bees, a practice that had already been in use for about fifteen years) would have long-term detrimental effects, so grave that:

“A century later all breeding of bees will cease if only artificially produced bees are used (November 10). . . . It is quite correct that we can’t determine this today; it will have to be delayed until a later time. Let’s talk to each other again in one hundred years, Mr Müller, then we’ll see what kind of opinion you’ll have at that point”.

The Truth Seeker - Are GM Crops Killing Bees?

That is rather alarmingly fascinating. Man has sure done a poor job of tending the garden. We ought not have fooled with Mother Nature.