Searchers for Knowledge

Bruce Michael

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When entering in the realm of Gnosis (true Gnosis i.e. knowledge) there is a loss.

"When Men came to adopt knowledge they did so forsaking their heavenly inheritance of innate wisdom. The two may not actively coincide."

You can observe this in churchgoers of deep religious feeling: their ideas and faith being quite simple. On the other hand, searchers for knowledge invariably end up losing those deep religious feelings as they enter the first stage of the path. It takes quite a bit of work before they end up (hopefully) with the same depth of religious feeling that those of simple faith have.

So this is another reason why we wouldn't want drag away folk from the Church to the path of knowledge (Gnosis).

On the other hand, free thinking is here to stay, and one should never seek to deny that either.

Christ has entered into the etheric world, the world of Nature. The world is changing as His influence is felt more and more (the real impulse behind the "Green" movement). With this event too, one might get an idea of why a cognitive Christianity is so important for this age. We are challenged more and more to approach the Christian Mystery with understanding.

Br. Bruce
The one thing I would question from your post is the statement that "etheric world" is equivalent to "the world of Nature." The etheric or ethereal realm is usually understood to be one of the invisible planes of existence rather than the physical plane where rocks, trees, the sun and moon, and our physical bodies reside.

While the etheric realm is definitely part of Nature if we consider Nature to be all of existence, it is just one small part -- and not the physical one which most people assume first when we refer to the realm of Nature. And if you consider the nonphysical realms to be the transcendant realms as distinct from the physical realm of Nature, then by that definition the etheric realm is not part of Nature at all.
Consider, for a moment, if I'm not mistaken, Ben, that Bruce may believe - in Steinerian fashion - that the Christ as a Being, an actual Individual, does not manifest via a flesh & blood physical body of His own (regardless as to additional connotations of `Christ' in terms of Consciousness and Universality).

In this, even though not a Steinerian, I am in basic agreement. There is an esoteric teaching that Christ holds the etheric body of St. Patrick. You won't find this as part and parcel of any old esoteric primer that you can pick up in Barnes and Noble, unless you happen upon `Through the Eyes of the Masters' by David Anrias. I think I've seen C.W. Leadbeater state the same thing, however.

Excepting the experiment with Krishnamurti ~80 years ago (partially successful, untimately abandoned, of course), the Christ as taught by Alice Bailey has been working via Group Consciousness, stimulating the principle of Goodwill within Humanity as a whole, and in some cases working directly with advanced disciples (or groups of disciples) to overshadow their higher principles much the same as with Jesus of Nazareth, or Krishnamurti.

Alice Bailey also indicated in her later teachings, following WWII, that the Christ would amost certainly manifest onto the physical plane, via a direct overshadowing, or possibly even an incarnation, these amounting to the same thing. It means an appearance, in flesh & blood, during which time x disciple/Initiate, for all intents and purposes is the Christ.

I dunno if Steiner went into all this, but then, I forget when he presented his Anthroposophy. Alice Bailey's early teachings indicated an appearance of the Christ not below the astral plane, as kind of a mass overshadowing of Humanity, just as He has done for many decades. Conditions during the 2nd World War changed things. The decision was made to express physically.

I can provide references, but then, I can also look around at the world - and see all the evidence I need. :)

As for the man (or woman), again in the flesh ... now that's another story.
The one thing I would question from your post is the statement that "etheric world" is equivalent to "the world of Nature." The etheric or ethereal realm is usually understood to be one of the invisible planes of existence rather than the physical plane where rocks, trees, the sun and moon, and our physical bodies reside.

While the etheric realm is definitely part of Nature if we consider Nature to be all of existence, it is just one small part -- and not the physical one which most people assume first when we refer to the realm of Nature. And if you consider the nonphysical realms to be the transcendant realms as distinct from the physical realm of Nature, then by that definition the etheric realm is not part of Nature at all.

The reason plants live, grow and reproduce is because they have etheric bodies/life bodies/ pranic bodies/body of formative forces. See Rupert Sheldrake's site for experiments in finer forces. (Or the Secret Life of Plants.)

Christ has taken over as the Woodward. "Pan is dead" as the ancients discovered.

People are sensing this more and more- a feeling that there is something holy in Nature.
The reason plants live, grow and reproduce is because they have etheric bodies/life bodies/ pranic bodies/body of formative forces. See Rupert Sheldrake's site for experiments in finer forces. (Or the Secret Life of Plants.)

Christ has taken over as the Woodward. "Pan is dead" as the ancients discovered.

People are sensing this more and more- a feeling that there is something holy in Nature.

Welcome Bruce,

It's good to meet another with the sensitivities of understanding of the etheric formative forces sustaining the life of the material natural worlds........ including ourselves.
In the context of human nature it appears we are here to believe and yet not to believe...... unless we witness with our own eyes..... for it is indeed possible to see these things and many of us do. Incredible forces and formation of the light fantastic moving through the subtle realms, as real as this computer screen,and who would have forseen the technology we have today in ages past..........
And Pan? Is it ever possible to take out a member of the natural hierarchy? Though possible even the great "god" Pan may be imbued with a more loving, peaceful compassionate spirit in balance and co-operation.
Pan and the Holy Spirit, now there's a thought.........for it would be a prime mover in a world waiting for change. Nature has never been without the "Holy" it is a matter of the release, where nature and holy nature live in appreciation and peaceful co-existence.To dwell in love.

Peace - c -
Perhaps there is a hint of such in Paul's letter to the Romans:

"For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body." - Romans 8:22-23
Dear Ciel,
Thank you for your welcome here,

>And Pan? Is it ever possible to take out a member of the natural hierarchy?

"Die" is probably a strong word.
Pan: Definition and Much More from
The death of Pan was reported during the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius(AD14–37). A ship sailing from Greece to Italy was becalmed off the island of Paxos. Suddenly a voice from the shore three times cried,‘Tammuz!’The pilot, whose name was Tammuz, answered, and the voice said, ‘Tell them that great Pan is dead.’ When the vessel drifted shoreward elsewhere, the pilot shouted that the god was dead, whereupon arose the sound of great weeping. On arriving in Italy the pilot was summoned by the Emperor, and scholars called in to interpret the event decided that the Pan in question was not the god but a demon of the same name. In all probability the mariners were privy to a ceremonial lament for Adonis, or even the Babylonian Tammuz. Early Christians took comfort from the story, believing that it marked the beginning of the end of the pagan era.

Yes the Holy Spirit is the great Driver of Life.

Christ is sometimes pictured as a stag:
On the Gundestrup bowl there is an image of the Celtic god Cernunnos (another Pan).

These kind of teachings are part of the tradition of Grail Christianity.

"Panic" is something you did when you came across Pan in the forest.

God Bless,
Christ is sometimes pictured as a stag
Do you think you might be able to convince a few fundamentalists of this fact? They can watch or read Harry Potter, even `Prisoner of Azkaban,' and completely miss it. Then they dare to rail on about "witchcraft" and Satanism. Yes, it would be laughable, if these people did not actually have a bit of influence - on things like school policies (reading lists) and the like. :(

Bruce, are you aware of the scene to which I refer? It involves Harry's Animagus form, and the Patronus Charm. :)
Ah Bruce, I am reminded......

Meeting a zen master on the road
Face him neither with words nor silence

-c -
Do you think you might be able to convince a few fundamentalists of this fact? They can watch or read Harry Potter, even `Prisoner of Azkaban,' and completely miss it. Then they dare to rail on about "witchcraft" and Satanism. Yes, it would be laughable, if these people did not actually have a bit of influence - on things like school policies (reading lists) and the like. :(

Bruce, are you aware of the scene to which I refer? It involves Harry's Animagus form, and the Patronus Charm. :)

Thanks for that Br. Andrew,
There is a Harry Potter for Seekers discussion group somewhere on the web.

Apparently the books are occultly correct. I'm no expert on this.

The stag and cross symbolism is still used today in some churches.

A quick googling shows how old the symbolism is :

"The stories of Christ and Odin were indeed similar and the two figures were sometimes used interchangeably. The hunter and stag can be seen as a metaphor for the Christian soul (the hunter) attempting to capture the stag (Christ)."

-Br. Bruce
Fascinating discussion. I am not a theologan but am winging it on instinct, I've been interested in everything from Paganism to Greek Mythology, and have been a progressive Christian for the last several years, although not very active, though I do like Unity Church. I just need to get more involved in stuff, That's why I'm on this board now, to get aquainted what's out there. I don't identify with the fundies anymore, I respect some aspects but feel strict, literal interpretation is out of touch and often causes more harm to my faith than good. I found myself getting into stupid arguments with people who were all super-touchy, and I just wanted the freedom to really exchange ideas, information and hope! There are threads in all faiths, I can't explain it very well right now but I can feel it in my heart that faiths need to co-exist and come together, possibly to save our world. What is Mystical Christianity? I'd like to know more. Also the PanChrist analogy was something I didn't know. My original impression of Pan was kind of a flirty party slacker, he didn't get that great of press in the old myths, sounds like there was more to him than I knew! Play those pipes!!
--Bam (littledeer)
Fascinating discussion. I am not a theologan but am winging it on instinct, I've been interested in everything from Paganism to Greek Mythology, and have been a progressive Christian for the last several years, although not very active, though I do like Unity Church. I just need to get more involved in stuff, That's why I'm on this board now, to get aquainted what's out there. I don't identify with the fundies anymore, I respect some aspects but feel strict, literal interpretation is out of touch and often causes more harm to my faith than good. I found myself getting into stupid arguments with people who were all super-touchy, and I just wanted the freedom to really exchange ideas, information and hope! There are threads in all faiths, I can't explain it very well right now but I can feel it in my heart that faiths need to co-exist and come together, possibly to save our world. What is Mystical Christianity? I'd like to know more. Also the PanChrist analogy was something I didn't know. My original impression of Pan was kind of a flirty party slacker, he didn't get that great of press in the old myths, sounds like there was more to him than I knew! Play those pipes!!
--Bam (littledeer)

Peace littledeer,
I won't comment on Mystical Christianity, but the above discussion as I said, is the kind of thing that comes up in Grail Christianity. That would be the Arthurian legends, Parsifal etc. , etc.
