A Grievious, Subjective Truth

Interesting commentary on the state of politics, "truth", and the contemporary American public crisis--here. Don't worry, it's not just an article about Al Gore. It's about all of U.S.

Not just about the US, it has resonance everywhere. I liked the phrase "truth decay", the rotten corrupt speil of the moraly rotten and corrupt is now epidemic. The abscess has putrified to the extent that nerve endings have died and the masses no longer, if they ever did, feel the infection. The mass media control is so extensive that you must really trawl to find alternative perspectives. The internet is the only place to hope to find truth, and if the masses cared enough to look the powers that be would have closed down that option too. Because its only that tiny minority that really care to really look we are left to get on with it and to rant together about the myriad injustices. Sad....sad.....sad :(
Not just about the US, it has resonance everywhere. I liked the phrase "truth decay", the rotten corrupt speil of the moraly rotten and corrupt is now epidemic. The abscess has putrified to the extent that nerve endings have died and the masses no longer, if they ever did, feel the infection. The mass media control is so extensive that you must really trawl to find alternative perspectives. The internet is the only place to hope to find truth, and if the masses cared enough to look the powers that be would have closed down that option too. Because its only that tiny minority that really care to really look we are left to get on with it and to rant together about the myriad injustices. Sad....sad.....sad :(

Hmmm. Yet as has been scientifically proven, rants don't change the world. And so what next? Do we all breathe deeply and pray to our respective gods and idols to fix the situation? Do we go door-to-door, knocking on and annoying our neighbors and strangers, exposing them to our own personal prejudices, perspectives, and rants? Do we get on the internet and shout anonymously, or pseudo-anonymously, sending our ire out into the ether and making the nerve-dulled masses cringe? Smack someone awake, meet perceived violence with perceived violence? Whatever works?

Or should we navigate the labyrinth that we are dealt? Yes sir and yes ma'am, take our $5.15 an hour--the federal minimum wage in the United States has not changed in TEN YEARS, but don't worry about that--and starve quietly in our rented apartments while trying to change the world in a subdued, Buddhist fashion? Or do we just fashion another drama and drop it like a pacified rubber ball--harmless, bouncy, and too cute to make a difference?

Me, I drink coffee, listen to Adam Sandler songs in the morning, make music when my heart doesn't fail. I find refuge in bizarre science-fiction dharmas. "They're all going to laugh at you!!" I watch the Christmas story on Christmas. Ah, the normalcy of 1950s white America. I fall in love with nostalgia, pretend like nothing's wrong, and read books that tell the story of God's wrath, and how I will be saved.

I do these things--or some of them. Some are lies.

What do you do to cope?

