
Good thread

CSharp said:
Just stumbled onto this site and wanted to share it.

Piles and PILES of stuff!

Counterbalance, your thread. I like that.

It gives me the realization that I seem to be doing quite often here counterbalancing acts (forgive my vanity to imagine that I do perform this function here).

Susma Rio Sep
Useful site

CSharp said:
Just stumbled onto this site and wanted to share it.

Piles and PILES of stuff!

Thanks for the reference. Looked it up. Good background materials.

For my own part, from a counterbalancing standpoint, I usually and instinctively view the discussion and try to find out what picture in the mind the discussants are dwelling in, and see if the whole picture makes any sense.

Susma Rio Sep

Bonus: What do nuns talk about the whole day in the nunnery? Nonsense.