The "False Venus"

Bruce Michael

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Hello fellow travelers,

[FONT=&quot]From the Elder Brothers, Lucifer & Contrast:
"And now, there is a second world, an entirely separate world, attributable to this grand being Lucifer. It is the other world, the false-Venus, as they say, to where the men may go and meditate and lose themselves in him.

"And what was good? That he became as the first demigod, that he stepped out from the Divine inclinations and instituted the provision for his artistry, his creativity, which hitherto was queer and beyond imagination."

We find talk of this false-Venus today some in newage doctrines. Ashtar, Ishtar, are names (very old names for Venus gods actually) that one finds have a connection with this. Again the teaching is one of leaving the Earth for far-off realms.

In Goethe's Faust, Mephistopheles makes clear his hatred of Creation-
MEPHISTOPHELES: The spirit I, that endlessly denies.

And rightly to for all that comes to birth

Is fit for overthrow, as nothing worth:

Wherefore the world were better sterilized;

Thus all that's here as Evil recognised

Is gain to me, and downfall, ruin, sin

The very element I prosper in."

Is Lucifer the serpent in the Garden of Eden?

To speak accurately it is a "Luciferic principle". In Steiner's teaching on this he says [/FONT]
"The Moon Adepts came to them [Adam and Eve] and said: 'You must not follow Jehovah. He will not allow you to attain knowledge but you should.' That is the Snake."
Foundations of Esotericism, Rudolf Steiner

Our only protection and redemption is in Christ:

The more like Him that I become
the more He shall reveal to me
that I should know my Christ, my Sun
and live His Love's intensity.

I call, oh Lord, for you this day
Be known, that never shall I leave Your Grace,
In Presence here, my Christ, my Sun,
By mercy sweet, my sins atone.

And now, forthwith, with copious Love
Your contestants lose virility,
Yet men who seek their Christ, their Sun
Increase their strength commendably.

The only problem here that I see, Bruce, is that we may find a confusion in terminologies! For instance, note that in the Agni Yoga teachings, or The Teaching of Living Ethics, Master M. speaks often of "the far-off worlds." When doing so, He means something quite in line with the Purpose, Nature and Spirit of the Christ.

Further, this is quite in accord with the definitions, and understanding of Lucifer, as given out by HPB and by Alice Bailey - yet almost ironically, not with those of Master M. Himself!!!

If anything, it is precisely because Lucifer chose to cut the Earth off from the far-off worlds, and to "isolate" our own evolution (thus prolonging our status as a non-Sacred planet), that the New Era, and Christ's Reappearance, are so pained at this time ...
Far Off Worlds – These terms refer on the one hand to higher dimensions and realms of existence and on the other to the material bodies of the Cosmos. (INF I, 120)​

When We summon to the far-off worlds, it is not for a detachment from life but for a discovery of new ways. Only in realizing participation in Infinity may one reach the upper spheres. If we trace the development of the human spirit from the very primitive forms, we will perceive that the variety of forms of the primary spirits branch out into corresponding manifestations. One may call the forms of the present day forms aspiring toward perfection. The forms of the future correspond to the far-off worlds. Having deprived itself of the knowledge of cosmic vistas, humanity has dissociated itself from the manifestations of Infinity and has lost the thread of unity with the beauty of life and with cosmic energy. This cleavage is cruel, and the lost thread turns into a thin cobweb of reality.​

We, the Brothers of Humanity, know that there exists a great unembellished and indestructible Reality. Affirm yourselves in the acceptance of the great beauty of Infinity!​

Let the far-off worlds live in the consciousness of men as a wondrous kingdom. This is just as indisputable and just as real as the fact that a growing seed gives birth to a flower. The far-off worlds are interpreted only as something illustrative of the concept of distance. But let us regard the far-off worlds—the life there is affirmed in beauty and in striving for achievement; there are the fires of spirit; there is the fire of love; there the seeming excrescences of Earth are transformed into creations of Fire. The fires of the spirit carry knowledge that the passing of the present and the striving into the better future will be the ladder upon which we shall ascend. (INF I, 44)​

Lucifer – Lucifer is now at the head of the Black Brotherhood, which is very powerful, for it has co-workers among the masses over the entire span of the planet. (LHR II, p 419)​

Wherein lay the revolt of Lucifer?​
He wishes to remain within the boundaries of the planet. And the legend of the Prince of the World is fairly true. He began to surround himself with spirits content with the earthly aura. In order to hold his followers he began to unfold before them the possibilities of earth, imitating—at times with skill—the counterposition of the opposing side. ...​
Without him there would not be a definite boundary between the earth and the nearest spheres. Without him the difference between life on earth and on other spheres would be gradually effaced, permitting to incarnate spirits the movability of matter. But the Prince of the World, in opposition chains matter to the crust occupied by him. ...​

Hence you shall have to depart to Saturn; for this, have you long been called Satan. (EC, pp 119-122)​

What, then, is to be done if Satan has so firmly implanted distrust. (FW II, 135)​

Verily, Satan himself saturates the world with fanaticism. (FW III, 330)​

An old proverb says: "The bridle of Satan is strong." Another: "He who has seen the image of Satan will never forget it." Ancient peoples upheld the concept of the inertness of human consciousness. Our chief counsel is to inculcate a reasonable mobility. (AY, 524)​
Hi Br. Andrew,

>"the far-off worlds." When doing so, He means something quite in line >with the Purpose, Nature and Spirit of the Christ.

The point being made here, is that we do not desert Earth evolution. (Satan on the other hand wishes to bind us to the Earth forever.)

Satan is not Lucifer.

We have the concept of the Eighth Sphere: (There is some disagreement on where it is.)

In Theosophy this is a term that is use synonymously with the Planet of Death which describes a place where the lost souls of the very evil are finally destroyed. Some believe that this place has an actual location in the cosmos, while others hold that it is symbolic of a "condition of being." A.G.H.

In Theosophy this is a term that is use synonymously with the Planet of Death which describes a place where the lost souls of the very evil are finally destroyed. Some believe that this place has an actual location in the cosmos, while others hold that it is symbolic of a "condition of being." A.G.H.
It enters the 'Eighth Sphere' or Mara- the chakras below Solid Earth, being taken there by their underworld guide- said to be a 'boatman with wolf ears' or a dog, cock or hen, comprising the extreme Hells of Avichi or Tartarus, and the Nether worlds going upto the 'Earth's Pit', undergoing a 'second death' or achieving anti-Nirvana. It becomes an annihilated Nigod- 1-Elemented being (as described in Jainism)'- a 'retard' of the evolutionary process- forced to remain there until the end of the Kalpa, and after having spent their time here, to resume its journey again from the lowest life-form onwards in the 'Cycle of evolution' as vegetation, reptiles, fish and birds, animals, in due time, reaching the human form once again during the next Kalpas.

It's interesting that that Mara is Lucifer.

Hence you shall have to depart to Saturn; for this, have you long been called Satan. (EC, pp 119-122)

Yes this sounds more like Satan or Shaitan in Arabic- who we term Ahriman.

God Bless,