Hypnotism- Black Magic in Science

Bruce Michael

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Dear Friends,

What is hypnotism? What is actually happening when one is hypnotised?

Blavatsky likened it to Black Magic:

"Such is the consequence of public "Hypnotic" experiments which thus lead
to, and virtually are, BLACK MAGIC."

Max Heindel was unequivocal in his condemnation:

"To control others by the exercise of will power is mental assault, and even more reprehensible than assault on the physical plane of action. It is this mental assault which is called "hypnotism" and it is graded in its effect just as physical assault is.

"The crime of the determined hypnotist is in fact a phase of what the Bible describes as "sin against the Holy Spirit," spiritual evil, and hypnotism may well be said to be the greatest crime on earth and the greatest danger
to society. "​

The trained hypnotist uses their will to control the processes of thought in another. And this can take place just by eye contact- beware of the breath also.

Dr. Steiner says the end result is that folk become easier to hypnotise and their etheric body hangs out of their head like a broken sack of potatoes.

We must always remain "the captain of our ship". Diminution of consciousness by any means is dangerous.

The big concern with hypnotism is that under normal circumstances we are in control of our acquired concepts and can deal with them and call them up for review. When a hypnotist has implanted concepts in us we no longer can seek them out- they are "hidden files".

The Elder Brothers explain:

"In the case of hypnosis and hypnotic suggestion, we have individuals who incorporate that of their own fixed perspectives, adhering them artificially to another. Animal magnetism was the process of sympathetic adherence of stationary concepts.

"In this, the individual being worked upon has frozen the aspect and ability of motivating the concept for himself. With fixed point of thought dictated, the concept is highlighted, and imparted to him and imposed. This is why it can be conducted through the eyes, from man to man (if the scurrilous hypnotist is well practiced enough), and needs not words to be passed, or conscious acknowledgment on behalf of the victim.

"And victim they are, for it is curious enough to say, that when one has certain concepts imposed in this way, and thus inspired with a point of reference, they are essentially characterised and motivated by their owner and creator, even though imparted and implanted in another. There can be little or no control on behalf of the adoptee, to shift the said concept or work through it with governing motivation. There is no personal correspondence. Because if there were, we should all interfere directly with each other's thought so continually, that there should be no thought."

All in all a dangerous, malicious practice.

Some people have an inherent ability to mentally manipulate people.
Hi Bruce :)

I think that hypnotism, just like a lot of other things, can either be used to help people or for greedy or malicious purposes. It is a science. Just like finding water....

And there is self-hypnotism, too. I have experienced this, and it is a science, and can be compared to certain forms of meditation.

No, I do not think that hypnotism is inherently evil.

Hi Bruce :)

I think that hypnotism, just like a lot of other things, can either be used to help people or for greedy or malicious purposes. It is a science. Just like finding water....

And there is self-hypnotism, too. I have experienced this, and it is a science, and can be compared to certain forms of meditation.

No, I do not think that hypnotism is inherently evil.


Hi InLove,
All I can do is warn- job complete....

If anyone has any doubt about the powers of a hypnotist I suggest you look at some of the youtube videos of Derren Brown. It is amazing just how asleep we are!

I don't class "self hypnosis" as the kind of thing I was referring too.

It is the "hidden files" that the hypnotist leaves behind that are dangerous. Normally we have access to our memories- sometimes with assistance we can find them all.

Hypnosis can take place through touch, by eye and by breath.

At all times we must remain the "captain of our ship".

Best Wishes,
Not everyone is prone to this kind of hypnosis it relays on who is conducting it and who is receiving it. Derren Brown has a heightened sense of consciousness and is able to mentally manipulate people with NLP methods, he always targets suggestible people and he has developed methods to fish them out. He's actually a pioneer/genius in this field himself.
Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes. [click] You're under! (maybe only those from my island will find that funny....) ;/

Bruce Michael said:
All I can do is warn- job complete....

Hi again, Bruce :)

Your concern is not lost on me. As I said before, I realize that this is a scientific method which, like some other things available to us, may be abused. I spoke up because I am able to also see the benefits of such a process when sincerely practiced with healing and helping as the goal.

If anyone has any doubt about the powers of a hypnotist I suggest you look at some of the youtube videos of Derren Brown. It is amazing just how asleep we are!

I am somewhat familiar with Mr. Brown's work. I'd say that while he is quite an entertainer, the controversy surrounding his work has nevertheless functioned to help do just that.

I don't class "self hypnosis" as the kind of thing I was referring too.

I can understand that. It isn't quite the same to entrust one's memory to an outside source.

It is the "hidden files" that the hypnotist leaves behind that are dangerous. Normally we have access to our memories- sometimes with assistance we can find them all.

I am wondering what you mean by "sometimes with assistance". Assistance from whom? Do you mean therapists of some sort? Drawing upon my own research and that of many others, there appears to be just as much controversy related to "recovered memory" as there is regarding hypnotherapy.

Also, are you aware that there are safeguards available for anyone who is concerned about unwelcome suggestions by unscrupulous hypnotherapists? Videotaping, as well as bringing one's own witness is often encouraged by trustworthy practitioners (and no, your friend will not be in danger of being hypnotized right along with you!). I mean, no one wants to worry that they will go in for help to quit smoking (for example) and come out with instructions to rob the area banks or blow up stuff. :D

Hypnosis can take place through touch, by eye and by breath.

And there are even more ways....

At all times we must remain the "captain of our ship".

Well, I am all for that. And as captain, it is up to me to weigh the pros and cons of various types of scientific methods offered in certain situations. For instance, if I choose to be sedated before undergoing surgery, does that mean that I have given up control of my "ship"? Or have I wisely considered my options and made the best available choice according to my own needs? Couldn't the same be said of hypnotherapy in many cases? :)

Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes. [click] You're under! (maybe only those from my island will find that funny....) ;/

Yeah, 17th ....I see you there with your car friends. :cool: ready to get on the motorway to ........
Shalom InLove

>I am somewhat familiar with Mr. Brown's work. I'd say that while he is >quite an entertainer, the controversy surrounding his work has >nevertheless functioned to help do just that.

I guess we don't see the failures... But they are pretty amazing. Did you see him pay for items in stores with blank pieces of paper? There was a similar thing published years ago in Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. The Russians had been experimenting with such things.

Remember science (materialistic) has yet to come up with a decent explanation for hypnosis.

>I am wondering what you mean by "sometimes with assistance". >Assistance from whom? Do you mean therapists of some sort?

Yes. Rosalind Carter (system of Jimmy) used a method. It was religious in nature.

>Drawing upon my own research and that of many others, there appears >to be just as much controversy related to "recovered memory" as there is >regarding hypnotherapy.

With the case of "recovered memory" the operators have forced their own memories onto the subject.

A psychiatrist friend of mine reckoned the French were more healthy mentally because of their attendance at Confession.

>Also, are you aware that there are safeguards available for anyone who is >concerned about unwelcome suggestions by unscrupulous hypnotherapists?

I don't think those safeguards help once that state of consciousness has been achieved.

>For instance, if I choose to be sedated before undergoing surgery, does >that mean that I have given up control of my "ship"?

Of course that is a dangerous thing but may be the lesser of two evils. Scientologists are careful that there is quiet when these procedures take place.


Dion Fortune suggests not looking into eyes, but into the middle of the forehead, when approached by such people.