Seventh Angel


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Most Baha'is who have done independent investigation of truth know how Leland Jensen interprets the following verse from Abdu'l-Baha concerning the Seventh Angel:

"The seventh angel is a man qualified with heavenly attributes, who will arise with heavenly qualities and character. Voices will be raised, so that the appearance of the Divine Manifestation will be proclaimed and diffused... in that day of God, the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will be established, and the world will be renewed; a new spirit will be breathed into the body of creation;... union, love and brotherhood will surround the world; and God will rule for evermore -- meaning that the Spiritual and Everlasting Kingdom will be established."

I was wondering how Baha'is interpret this verse.

Thanks in advance from a fellow seeker of Truth :).
After finding the Baha'i faith through my Will Christ return thread I did some investigation of the faith and had a huntch that some figure would aid the faith in the future (I gave it a 300 year range). I very much agree with that passage.
The full context for these words is found in Some Answered Questions where Abdul-Baha is commenting on verses in the Book of Revelation... Abdul-Baha is saying I believe that it refers to the dispensation of Baha'u'llah. Here is the context from Some Answered Questions:

Therefore, it is certain that the day of woe is the day of the Lord; for in that day woe is for the neglectful, woe is for the sinners, woe is for the ignorant. That is why it is said, "The second woe is past; behold the third woe cometh quickly!" This third woe is the day of the manifestation of Bahá'u'lláh, the day of God; and it is near to the day of the appearance of the Báb.
"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever."[1]
[1 Rev. 11:15.]

The seventh angel is a man qualified with heavenly attributes, who will arise with heavenly qualities and character. Voices will be raised, so that the appearance of the Divine Manifestation will be proclaimed and diffused. In the day of the manifestation of the Lord of Hosts, and at the epoch of the divine cycle of the Omnipotent which is promised and mentioned in all the books and writings of the Prophets -- in that day of God, the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will be established, and the world will be renewed; a new spirit will be breathed into the body of creation; the season of the divine spring will come; the clouds of mercy will rain; the sun of reality will shine; the life-giving breeze will blow; the world of humanity will wear a new garment; the surface of the earth will be a sublime paradise; mankind will be educated; wars, disputes, quarrels and malignity will disappear; and truthfulness, righteousness, peace and the worship of God will appear; union, love and brotherhood will surround the world; and God will rule for evermore -- meaning that the Spiritual and Everlasting Kingdom will be established. Such is the day of God. For all the days which have come and gone were the days of Abraham, Moses and Christ, or of the other Prophets; but this day is the day of God, for the Sun of Reality will arise in it with the utmost warmth and splendor.
(Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 56)
Most Baha'is who have done independent investigation of truth know how Leland Jensen interprets the following verse....

Please be adivised, Seeker, that Baha'is couldn't care less how he interprets this: not only is he not a Baha'i, but he is in fact a covenant-breaker. We therefore have nothing to do with him or his ideas.

I urge you to check Baha'i sources if you'd like to understand the Baha'i take on this and other subjects!

You can find Baha'i information at these sites:

"The seventeenth angel is a man qualified with heavenly attributes, who will arise with heavenly qualities and character. Voices will be raised, so that the appearance of the Divine Manifestation will be proclaimed and diffused... in that day of God, the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will be established, and the world will be renewed; a new spirit will be breathed into the body of creation;... union, love and brotherhood will surround the world; and God will rule for evermore -- meaning that the Spiritual and Everlasting Kingdom will be established."

¬.¬ *cackles*
Please be adivised, Seeker, that Baha'is couldn't care less how he interprets this: not only is he not a Baha'i, but he is in fact a covenant-breaker. We therefore have nothing to do with him or his ideas.

I urge you to check Baha'i sources if you'd like to understand the Baha'i take on this and other subjects!

You can find Baha'i information at these sites:


It's silly to demonize him, and not worth the effort. The internet is such that he can't really be ignored.

The Seventh Angel, to me from the full quote, is Baha`u'llah Himself. I will admit it could be a reference to Abdu'l Baha is one had to separate the Lord of the Age from the Seventh Angel, but I don't think that's necessary.

If it is not Baha`u'llah, the only individual with the dedication and love for the cause sufficient to be the Seventh Angel is Abdu'l Baha.

Leland Jense? A joke already told too many times.
