Yoga Nidra


Peace, Love and Unity
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My other half is maybe less than 3 weeks to giving birth to our third child - and she's looking for things to help keep her relaxed during labour (she's promised herself no epidural this time :D ).

She's found a recommendation to the site:

Point is, what is it, what is it like, is there anything suggestive that it's absolute tosh?

Comments invited. :)
I said:
My other half is maybe less than 3 weeks to giving birth to our third child - and she's looking for things to help keep her relaxed during labour (she's promised herself no epidural this time :D ).

She's found a recommendation to the site:

Point is, what is it, what is it like, is there anything suggestive that it's absolute tosh?

Comments invited. :)

Namaste Brian,

congratulations and good luck on your upcoming new child!

as for the site referenced... i would treat it rather skeptically...

there is no information provided of any substance and there are two ways in which one can pay. all of which strike me as generally shady.

as for yoga in general.. yes, it could help, however, yoga is never recommended for someone as close to birth as your partner is. yoga involves body postures and such which can be dangerous to a woman that is far along in her term.

the meditational aspect of yoga, however, could be utilized without recourse to it's physical postures.

you may want to check out this site:
Unsolicited advice

Vajradhara said:
Namaste Brian,

congratulations and good luck on your upcoming new child!

as for the site referenced... i would treat it rather skeptically...

there is no information provided of any substance and there are two ways in which one can pay. all of which strike me as generally shady.

as for yoga in general.. yes, it could help, however, yoga is never recommended for someone as close to birth as your partner is. yoga involves body postures and such which can be dangerous to a woman that is far along in her term.

the meditational aspect of yoga, however, could be utilized without recourse to it's physical postures.

you may want to check out this site:

Congratulations, Brian, on the coming of your third child!

I am with Vaj all the way in his caveats for your wife and baby.

One unsolicited advice, however, Time to stop -- at three, since you didn't at two.

Susma Rio Sep

PS Typical inconsistency, you notice that: on the one hand, congratulations for the coming of a baby; on the other hand, reservations on having three...
Matzo tov, I, Brian! (Mazel tov!) *throws the crystal champagne flute at the marble mantlepiece, making sure there's nobody in the path of either flying flute or flying glass*

I would add my caveats on this. What I would do (if I was in her situation) is go to a reputable yoga instructor and ask in a FTF situation (so the yoga instructor could see the situation directly.) S/he may tell you that you should just forget it. :shrug:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Another unsolicited advice

Women should see if they want to learn yoga only lady yoga masters. Are there such? Anyway, look for such. If there be searchers of lady yoga masters or mistresses, then for sure as the market law dictates, lady yoga masters or mistresses will appear on the horizon.

Here is a story about a childless woman who went to see a pious monk with a reputation for miraculous powers. She made her pilgrimage to this monk, and days after her return from the visit, she was found to be with child. So also other women without children who went to him. This monk became certainly the father of many progenies -- like the promise of Jaweh made to Abraham.

Susma Rio Sep
Susma Rio Sep said:
Women should see if they want to learn yoga only lady yoga masters. Are there such? Anyway, look for such. If there be searchers of lady yoga masters or mistresses, then for sure as the market law dictates, lady yoga masters or mistresses will appear on the horizon.

Here is a story about a childless woman who went to see a pious monk with a reputation for miraculous powers. She made her pilgrimage to this monk, and days after her return from the visit, she was found to be with child. So also other women without children who went to him. This monk became certainly the father of many progenies -- like the promise of Jaweh made to Abraham.

Susma Rio Sep

Namaste su,

are you asking if there are female yoga instructors?

if so, yes, there are. in point of fact, one the Asana classes that i attend is led by a female instructor.
Still, caution.

Vajradhara said:
Namaste su,

are you asking if there are female yoga instructors?

if so, yes, there are. in point of fact, one the Asana classes that i attend is led by a female instructor.

Thanks, Vaj. You are one very good resource person for such matters.

May I just repeat my unsolicited advice, now for guys: If you want to learn yoga, get a yoga guy for a mentor, and make sure that he does not have the peculiar bias of pederast priests.

Masters and Johnson were two researchers in human sexuality: they ended up divorcing their respective legal spouses, and married each other in turn.

Never underestimate the power of familiarity. It might breed contempt, but it also breeds love in many cases.

Susma Rio Sep
Vajradhara said:
Namaste su,

are you asking if there are female yoga instructors?

if so, yes, there are. in point of fact, one the Asana classes that i attend is led by a female instructor.

In my experience, most yoga classes are led by and filled with women. Not as many men are into it.
Namaste all,

su, why would a male need to learn from a male? is there something wrong with females? futher, why would a female only be able to learn from a male? is there something wrong with males?

i'm afraid that i really don't understand the gender divisions that you are espousing nor do i see any reason for them. perhaps you could explain your reasoning a bit?