Server move


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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The hosting company has informed me that they are moving sites on the current server to a new server over this weekend, and this includes CR - and that there may be some downtime associated with this.

I was really hoping to get alternative arrangements in place so that I could move CR to a new and more reliable server anyway, but unfortunately couldn't get these in place in time.

Anyway, just a heads up that if CR does appear down over this weekend, it shouldn't be for too long and we should be back before you know it. :)
Thanks for the heads up, Brian. I think I may have already experienced some goofiness on this end. Either that or it is simply due to the shortcomings of my local cable company, who always blames it on the weather, which in fairness to them, has been pretty wild here lately.

Hmmm...CR down for a day or two. Maybe I'll get something else done for a change. :)
LOL--I didn't know my last post actually made it through! Thanks for the bump, s. :)