V Day


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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Well I'm home and sitting still, and hour or so since I had my vasectomy. :)

I'm going to be taking it very easy today. Very easy. :D

Not feeling sore yet - maybe because I'm seatde and not moving, and also because the loocal anaesthetic hasn't worn off yet.

Either way, I've got about 100 DMOZ submissions to make, for this site - an easy relaxing day.

Just so long as my girlfriend doesn't go into labour yet, we'll be fine. :)
Congratulations, and one question.

I said:
Well I'm home and sitting still, and hour or so since I had my vasectomy. :)

I'm going to be taking it very easy today. Very easy. :D

Not feeling sore yet - maybe because I'm seatde and not moving, and also because the loocal anaesthetic hasn't worn off yet.

Either way, I've got about 100 DMOZ submissions to make, for this site - an easy relaxing day.

Just so long as my girlfriend doesn't go into labour yet, we'll be fine. :)

That last sentence from you: Just so long as my girlfriend doesn't go into labour yet, we'll be fine. :)

Is that supposed to shock but you don't really have a girlfriend aside from your lawfully wedded better half who is due to deliver your third baby soon?

Or is it now accepted and fashionable to have a wife and have a girlfriend at the same time in your environment?

In which case, you being a leader of sorts here, I might toy with the idea also myself -- you setting the precedent.

Susma Rio Sep
What sayeth Buddhism?

Vajradhara said:
how do they say it in England...

Bloody Hell!

more power to you, my friend ;)

Vaj, Brian just had a vasectomy. In the Catholic Church such a procedure is prohibited, as doing violence to nature. If one has to prevent contraception, abstinence or at most use of the privilege during the infertile period of the wife's monthly cycle is the lawful way.

Buddhism in the Far East thrives among peoples who maintain several wives of various hierarchical levels; it would seem therefore to be not stringent in sexual customs. What does it say about contraception by mechanical, chemical, or even surgical intervention?

What is your observation about sexual customs in Westerners who have embraced Buddhism?

What does Buddhism say about sexual morality and natural law?

Susma Rio Sep
Susma Rio Sep said:
Vaj, Brian just had a vasectomy. In the Catholic Church such a procedure is prohibited, as doing violence to nature. If one has to prevent contraception, abstinence or at most use of the privilege during the infertile period of the wife's monthly cycle is the lawful way.

Buddhism in the Far East thrives among peoples who maintain several wives of various hierarchical levels; it would seem therefore to be not stringent in sexual customs. What does it say about contraception by mechanical, chemical, or even surgical intervention?

What is your observation about sexual customs in Westerners who have embraced Buddhism?

What does Buddhism say about sexual morality and natural law?

Susma Rio Sep

Namaste su,

yes... i read his post. i have little interest in Catholic morality and what it deems to be acceptable ways of contraception... especially after reading that drivel that was released by the Vatican advocating the dis-use of condoms saying that they don't help prevent the spread of STDs.

do you just make this stuff up? where, in any Buddhist sutra or tantra, do you find anything that talks about having more than one spouse? if you are trying to say that there are cultures in the East that permit multiple spouses... i'd say "so what?" you find this same behavior spanning the globe in various cultures througout.

contraception is fine... no worries with it at all, from the Buddhist perspective. i have no observations about the sexual practices of anyone other than myself, let alone the sexual practices of an entire group of people. to presume such a thing is quite beyond me.

The Buddhist position on this is contained in the Noble 8 Fold Path, particularly in the Sila section with the phrase "Right Action".
Susma, we're not actually married. Long-term partner could have sufficed but I still like the sound of "girlfriend". Somehow a little more sexy. "Partner" sounds so bland. :)

Hm...interesting spellings in the first post. :)

Btw - I did spend most of the rest of the day submitting to DMOZ. I made 150 submissions in all. I believe most of them should be acceptable for the directory - and, if so, it could certainly help drive really targeted traffic here. I know this place isn't commercial, but I just really like the idea of people finding this place much easier. :)
Transition overdrive

I said:
Susma, we're not actually married. Long-term partner could have sufficed but I still like the sound of "girlfriend". Somehow a little more sexy. "Partner" sounds so bland. :)

O tempora O mores, which my Spanish acquaintance used to translate in his own preferred way as: En los tiempos de los Moros.

Best regards,

Susma Rio Sep