How to stop spams.

Susma Rio Sep

Well-Known Member
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Just in case there are people here who don't know about this trick I learned by myself to stop spams, here it is:

My email system is provided by Yahoo. It has a filtering function by which you can set the criteria whereby emails coming to you can be automatically assigned to the inbox or trash box or buik mail box or your own set up box.

One day I decided to filter all emails coming to me to the trash box: all emails absolutely, by using the criterion that if the body of the mail has * letters, it goes to the trash box.

You know what happened, from that time onward I have received only non-spam emails, or at most one or two spam mails.

How did this filtering stop spams? I think spam senders seem to know what prospective email receivers have filtered all emails to the trash box, so that they adjust their program to not send their spam mails to such email addresses. (Maybe some people here might have the real explanation...)

If your email system has a filtering device, try this trick.

Susma Rio Sep
How to stop spam, 2.

I forgot to mention that with the kind of filtering I installed, I don't receive any emails in my inbox. But every three or four days when I open my trash box, I find only non-spam emails, or at most two or three spam emails, but the rest are emails from non-spammers like friends and family members or people to whom I have sent email and expect them to answer.

Susma Rio Sep
Susma Rio Sep said:
I forgot to mention that with the kind of filtering I installed, I don't receive any emails in my inbox. But every three or four days when I open my trash box, I find only non-spam emails, or at most two or three spam emails, but the rest are emails from non-spammers like friends and family members or people to whom I have sent email and expect them to answer.

Susma Rio Sep

So you don't get spam anymore, but all your emails are sent to your trash box? What I hear you saying is that not only do you not get get spam, you actually don't get any email at all anymore; all you get is trash.
Hmm... strange trade off.
Let me explain.

Pathless said:
So you don't get spam anymore, but all your emails are sent to your trash box? What I hear you saying is that not only do you not get get spam, you actually don't get any email at all anymore; all you get is trash.
Hmm... strange trade off.

Let's read my earlier two posts again, together:

Just in case there are people here who don't know about this trick I learned by myself to stop spams, here it is:

My email system is provided by Yahoo. It has a filtering function by which you can set the criteria whereby emails coming to you can be automatically assigned to the inbox or trash box or buik mail box or your own set up box.

One day I decided to filter all emails coming to me to the trash box: all emails absolutely, by using the criterion that if the body of the mail has * letters, it goes to the trash box.

You know what happened, from that time onward I have received only non-spam emails, or at most one or two spam mails.

How did this filtering stop spams? I think spam senders seem to know what prospective email receivers have filtered all emails to the trash box, so that they adjust their program to not send their spam mails to such email addresses. (Maybe some people here might have the real explanation...)

If your email system has a filtering device, try this trick.


I forgot to mention that with the kind of filtering I installed, I don't receive any emails in my inbox. But every three or four days when I open my trash box, I find only non-spam emails, or at most two or three spam emails, but the rest are emails from non-spammers like friends and family members or people to whom I have sent email and expect them to answer.

The trash box is the one where when you delete inbox emails they get consigned to the trash box, for any eventuality that you might want to retrieve any -- until you delete them also in the trash box.

Now my Yahoo email system enables you to filter your emails so that if you want to, you can use filtering criteria that will send all emails to the trash box.

That's what I did and I noticed that the spam emails stopped coming to my address, and I suspect that spam senders know that their spams would just be sent to the trash box, so they don't send them anymore to my address.

But senders who are not spam motivated also get their emails consigned to my trash box but they are not trash except for being sent to the box labelled trash.

Try the trick and let me know whether it works with your system.

Best regards,

Susma Rio Sep

for my money... i go with a third party software package to manage my spam. updates it's filters automatically and reports the offending message back to the ISP from which it came, provided the headers haven't been spoofed.
We all need to deal with spam. Never open attachments!! from anyone you do not know or are aware of. Can't believe the doom virus spread so easily and fast.
All in the mind

Pathless said:
I understand that. It was a joke. :D

I thought as much. Thanks for your attention to my posts.

About the freedom to spam, I guess all of us here know that spam is all in the mind.

It's spam when the same mail is addressed to many people who don't welcome it; but if they welcome it, then it's not spam but a circular.

So, I would be very careful with any kind of legislation by which the same letter is not easily as at present transmitted to many receivers by one click of the mouse. How can we quickly organize mass movements for lawful protests without spam?

Susma Rio Sep
iKwak said:
We all need to deal with spam. Never open attachments!! from anyone you do not know or are aware of. Can't believe the doom virus spread so easily and fast.
Namaste ikwak,

really? i can. people will open all sorts of attachments.. especially if they think the attachment is "funny". even the most up-to-date software isn't immune to the chair-to-keyboard interface problem. LOL