Schmiechen's Master Portraits

Bruce Michael

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Dear Companions,

I happened to find this letter:

To AW Steiner Jan 2nd 1905:

"The Masters themselves never found an external organisation or society nor do they intend to."

".....these Masters themselves never exerted any influence on the Society."

The Master portraits of Morya and Kuth Hoomi were displayed at the beginning of 'Esoteric Services'.

Marie Steiner said, "I have myself experienced that many a one has lost speech on looking at them and was absent-minded and confused. But these pictures were shown only in strict secrecy or during esoteric meetings."

These pictures were copies of the ones made by Hermann Schmiechen in 1884 under the directions of H.P.B. The artist later joined the German department and painted the copies for Rudolf Steiner.

Manly Hall published the pictures in his "The Phoenix".

The T.S. Pasadena at one time, directed its staff to rip out or hide these pictures.

Who knows where the copies are today?
The originals are at Adyar.

"DID YOU KNOW that the portrait of K.H. was considered way too dark in skin tone and ordered that it be immediately lightened?: The eyes flared too much." -B.Hive
Br. Bruce,

Did you know that the true story of the painting of these portraits can be found online, here? Scroll down to the section on Portraits of the Masters ... and for the portraits of Masters M. (Morya) and KH (Koot Hoomi, or Kuthumi), go here.

I am never quite sure what to make of some of these posts of yours, Bruce ... so what are you aiming it, in this one?

I must admit, that personally, I have never been much impressed by the Schmiechen paintings. It is not that I don't believe them accurate, but rather, they have never impressed me in quite the same way as those done by David Anrias, in the 1920s. These latter can found online here (and below, the last one - yellowed), including a somewhat different portrayal of the above mentioned Theosophical Mahatmas.

For additional perspective, try using the Google image search to locate two different photographs of the Master KH. One of these is at a slight angle, the other taken face-on. I do not know the source of the photos, but it is clear that they date to the mid or late 19th Century ... and I have it on the authority of numerous experienced photographers - with no Theosophical interest, connections, opinions or knowledge - that indeed, these ARE almost certainly actual photographs (even if a slight alteration may have been performed to the eyes).

Here are the two photos in question:

I think it's a safe enough guess that these two photos - not connected with the Schmeichen paintings or the sketches by David Anrias, at least that I'm aware of - were probably taken at very different time periods ... as they certainly present the Master KH with two, slightly varying hairstyles, and with different clothing.

So folks can see the variation, I'll share the Schmeichen, and also the Anrias portraits (again, of the same Master, KH):


The Schmeichen portrait is the only one for which we have a date (that I'm aware of) .... July 1884. And in the article linked above (very first link), the exact conditions are given, within which Hermann Schmeichen created this painting. H.P. Blavatsky was present, as was Mohini Chatterjee - one of Master KH's closest disciples.

For an interesting comparison, consider the eyes, and overall appearance, of the FIRST photograph (above, left) ... with that of the Schmeichen painting (below, left). Then compare the hair part (middle, clearly), beard, etc. in the 2nd photo (above, right), with the sketch by Anrias (below, right).

You see? We have one Master, while yet the impressions made have varied slightly, not only upon artist - but to the camera itself. And this is the same as with any of us.

One more set of images are worth looking at ... the Schmeichen painting of Master M. (done immediately after that of Master KH, in the same room and company), then the Anrias sketch ... and a colorized version of the latter, if I can find it. No true photo of the Master M. exists, that I'm aware of, but the likelihood is that I simply have yet to run across it!

There's a profile, too, of Master M. which I just ran across - but I forget the source. Obviously it just conveys the idea, but it's worth looking at. I'll upload these in a 2nd post, since I've reached the image limit for this one ...​
Schmeichen, Anrias, Anrias colorized, engraving (artist ???) ...



Note, as should be obvious, the similarity of the headpiece in the Schmeichen painting (above, left), and in the engraving (bottom, right).

The turban in the Anrias sketch seems to fit well with the description of Master M. as "a Rajput Prince." At least at one time, in human history, this Mahatma was known quite publicly, presumably under a different name ... in a political position, and perhaps to thousands.

I have not looked into K. Paul Johnson's writings, but inasmuch as they may help to shed some light on these exoteric associations by which the Masters have been known, I would consider them useful ...​
>I am never quite sure what to make of some of these posts of yours, >Bruce ... so what are you aiming it, in this one?

It is self explanatory. Some folk, I'm sure, haven't seen the portraits. It would be news to most that Dr. Steiner had copies and used them at services. It's a mystery to me where they are. Maybe they were destroyed in the war.

> I have never been much impressed by the Schmiechen paintings.

I do like the Schmeichen pictures. I think he got the complexion right.

>.. and I have it on the authority of numerous experienced photographers >- with no Theosophical interest, connections, opinions or knowledge - >that indeed, these ARE almost certainly actual photographs (even if a >slight alteration may have been performed to the eyes).

Well I'm surprised and would be very careful about calling these portraits photos, Andrew. Photos are attached to their source and I doubt whether the Masters would allow that.

There is another painting, doing the rounds of the web, of HPB seated with three Masters behind her. It is not a photo as most are claiming.

We really don't know how many paintings Schmeichen did. Maybe the one you found is another. There are certainly other portraits of HPB.

>I think it's a safe enough guess that these two photos - not connected >with the Schmeichen paintings or the sketches by David Anrias, at least that I'm aware of -

It looks similar to me!

Warm Regards,
I don't know Bruce, but if you know anyone into photography, why don't you share the two images I've posted? If you know a real live, honest to goodness photographer, especially one with some awareness of the photography of the 19th Century, you might inquire. Obviously you'd need to share the digital versions ... although some of the printers out there can do a damn good job of getting a hard copy.

I'm not so sure the Masters wouldn't allow a photo. Why not? Does it steal their soul??? :rolleyes:

Part of the very mission of the Theosophical Mahatmas (M, KH, et al) was to see if there might be receptive individuals, then groups, in the West ... willing to cooperate with the Plan(s) of the Hierarchy. The very nature of chelaship was already evolving, and preparation was being made, the seeds being carefully sown, for the Reappearance of the Christ and Externalization of the Hierarchy.

Already we know that several Ashrams are well on the way toward objective, physical externalization. Their `magnetic centre' remains within the higher Mental worlds, if not the Buddhic, yet the Masters and some of Their Senior Pupils can be found, in certain cases, working as matter-of-factly as a head physician and his group of proteges (or associates) in a family practice! I mean of course, in the physical, in various locations (near, but not within the major cities), all around the world ...

The Masters did not wish for HPB to guard Their identity utterly and completely; They merely forbade her to reveal certain details ... any number of which would easily have been devatastating to the nature of Their Work. HPB may have bitterly regretted ever publicizing the fact of Their existence, yet this was for reasons obvious enough, concerned partly with the backlash (ridicule, calumny, negative PR) which she experienced, but moreso with the serious impediments that resulted to the Theosophical Work itself.

Sketches have been provided even of the Christ Himself, holder of the etheric body of St. Patrick. Intuitively, there is something about the sketch which just resonates with me, and my feelings, as far as accuracy goes, are that this resonance is 100%! :)

There is another, somewhat complementary sketch (photo?) of Lord Maitreya which exists, from a face-on POV rather than an angle, yet somehow the same impression, or vibration, does not register as strongly with me. It is worthwhile to read the account given by David Anrias himself, the artist, on how he was impressed by the Masters for his artwork. You can do this by purchasing or borrowing Through the Eyes of the Masters.

But I do somewhat wonder, myself, about the notion of photos of Master KH, or others. I had once just assumed that this was verboten, or taboo, or somehow unlikely. Now, I begin to think that this is just foolish superstition. WHY NOT, after all? ;)

It would be interesting to find out ALL that the various Theosophical organizations have in their possession, as the photos or portraits existing at Adyar, for example. I really don't know much about it, until I refresh my memory through reading ... as so much that I have come across just doesn't stick.

Certain experiences, impressions, intuitions, on the other hand, do "stick," and most thankfully so! :)

Love & Light,

Hi Br.Andrew
>.I'm not so sure the Masters wouldn't allow a photo. Why not? Does it >steal their soul??? :rolleyes:

That is a common belief among native peoples. Photos are used in radionics, so it's possible to use them in sympathetic magic.

If someone got hold of a piece of a hair from a Master it would be an annoyance at best.

Of course, these days it's hard to move around a city without being caught on CC TV. And the Masters do move around the big cities of our world.
