The Question of the Sub-Races & Cyclical Rounds

Bruce Michael

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Hello Friends,

Our present cultural epoch is spoken of in Anthroposophical and Theosophical literature. It does have a name/s, namely, "Anglo/Teutonic" or plain "Teutonic". "Aryan" is the name of our over all "Root Race" which contains the seven "Sub-races" or cultural epochs termed Greco-Roman, Ancient Indian, Ancient Persian etc.

Actually, H.P.Blavatsky says that the Sub-races can be divided into another seven parts.

"Aryan" is the same as "Iran"- Persia- it can be translated as "noble". Of course it now has a bum rap, given the Nazis use of the term. (And those swastikas on theosophical books just had to go!)

The idea of cyclical rounds and races was first made public in the nineteeth century by A.P. Sinnett in his Esoteric Buddhism, and later corrected and expanded upon by H.P.B. in her Secret Doctrine. In fact before the war the Society was called the "Aryan" Theosophical Society. H.P.B. names the Sub-races of Atlantis as Rmoahals, Tlavtlis, Toltecs, the original Turanians, original Semites, Akkadians and Mongols.

You'll see info on the flying machines of the Atlanteans in theosophical books. In the S.D. HPB, quoting the Dyzan commentary, calls the the flying machines "Viwan." Maybe Hitler was thinking of this with the Volkswagon :).

What happens after the Seventh Post-Atlantean Epoch?

There are two more Sub-Races of the Aryan Root-Race. We have two more Root-Races (of the seven) with their seven Sub-Races on this Fourth Round. (You see it can all get rather complicated.)

The sixth Sub-Race or Cultural Epoch will appear in Russia (the Slavonic or Philadephian). This will be the basis of the new Sixth Race. You'll have to stick around till the seventh Sub-Race for the American Cultural epoch.

The sixth Sub-Race or Cultural Epoch will appear in Russia (the Slavonic or Philadephian). This will be the basis of the new Sixth Race. You'll have to stick around till the seventh Sub-Race for the American Cultural epoch.

Could you give a reference for this, Bruce? My studies have always shown me (from several sources, varying only slightly) that the 6th sub-race is already developing ... very gradually, of course, yet in New Zealand and the western United States, rather than Russia.

Interesting, of course, would be a further examination of the part that Russia will play in the future world civilization (and/or culture) ... given both her recent involvement for the past few centuries, and the fact that both Helena Blavatsky and Helena Roerich hail from that country (or Ukraine, actually, in the case of HPB).

There is a great deal said about the future sub- and root races in writings other than those of CWL and Besant. Alice Bailey points out in one of her books (authored by herself, rather than the Tibetan Master) that CWL's predictions all seem rather glamoured, as the avant-garde of the new civilization, some ~500 years hence, will supposedly be the reincarnations of prominent figures in the Theosophical Society (and presumably mostly from CWL's time & earlier). This would be suspect, to say the least ... though I think absurd is probably more accurate! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I wouldn't discount all of Leadbeater's and Besant's indications, yet there has been so much written since then. Alice Bailey's Destiny of the Nations, for example, discusses the subject in greater depth ... though I believe the idea of root race & sub race isn't treated so much as that of Ray energies. Other books of AAB's certainly mention the root races, as an online search indicates that the term `root' appears 400 times across the 24 or so books. Unfortunately, they have been taken offline due to copyright infringement, but the search tool still remains ... and one can always purchase the CDROM.

I know there are various ideas on this, Andrew, but I have just given the Anthroposophical view. Steiner later dropped the theosophical term "Races" and used the word "Epochs".