Holy Wells and Healing Springs

Bruce Michael

Well-Known Member
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I have mentioned before that there is an obvious relationship between the word for 'Heaven' and 'Water' in Hebrew. Indeed, all religion used to be about water- a waterless planet is a dead planet, after all.

Some in the early church were suspicious of those who still worshiped water in the form of holy wells and springs; but there is really no need for that. Besides being the primary agent of life, water itself is a representative of the Divine here in physical manifestation. All water is holy.

A good article by Mara Freeman

"Running water is a holy thing" - Old Somerset saying.

this is a neat subject that i don't get to speak about very much,limited minds and not enough imagination. I'm still quite shy about how to speak openly with everyone I don't want to hurt anyone's mind or perceptions on life.
sages many many many yrs ago would protect these wells or scared spots.
now diminishing into the ocean because we as a unity decide not to get along have made such places disappear. now the only ones left their fighting over for the right to have them openly with world.
Greetings Sag,
< I'm still quite shy about how to speak openly with everyone I don't want to >hurt anyone's mind or perceptions on life.

You're sure to get better as time goes on.

A friend of mine once visited the Castillian spring in Greece, took some water, and brought it home with him. He said that when he finally drank it, it caused him to have visions.
