Tongue Talking

Bruce Michael

Well-Known Member
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It is true that the tongues phenomenon is not exclusive to Christianity. Very similar stuff occurs in the Subud Latihan, Kundalini groups and other venues.

The "Toronto blessing" also was to be found in pre Christian times- it was favorite pagan party trick. However, the "recipients" do not walk out of the tent with anything they didn't have to begin with.

Some of the stuff captured on video is - apart from the outright fraud - extraordinary. It demonstrates a loss of consciousness in the Pastor as well as the congregation. Listen to the "holy laughter".

We always must stand guard over our consciousness, dimming it in this way is not good- as demonstrated by these videos. If we leave ourselves "blowing in the wind" this way and that, then yes, we may pick up some good- but that's not all that's blowing around out there.

Indeed, we are careful not to judge, but we must discriminate as to what we ourselves would like to become.
A good heart and a clear conscience is a great protection.


It is true that the tongues phenomenon is not exclusive to Christianity. Very similar stuff occurs in the Subud Latihan, Kundalini groups and other venues.

The "Toronto blessing" also was to be found in pre Christian times- it was favorite pagan party trick. However, the "recipients" do not walk out of the tent with anything they didn't have to begin with.

Some of the stuff captured on video is - apart from the outright fraud - extraordinary. It demonstrates a loss of consciousness in the Pastor as well as the congregation. Listen to the "holy laughter".

We always must stand guard over our consciousness, dimming it in this way is not good- as demonstrated by these videos. If we leave ourselves "blowing in the wind" this way and that, then yes, we may pick up some good- but that's not all that's blowing around out there.

Indeed, we are careful not to judge, but we must discriminate as to what we ourselves would like to become.
A good heart and a clear conscience is a great protection.


Br. Bruce,

With all due respect, why do you persist in presenting such data as true or factual as this...
Your referenced site makes claims that there is an exact correlation in All Pentecostal/Charismatic churches today. This is in my view and experience, utter nonsense. If you have something to say personally, it would be helpful if you would say it rather than posting, in my opinion, a bunch of ill-informed links to nonsense that you yourself are propogating without taking personal responsibility for the view expressed. You have started 116 threads since May and there seems to be a pattern, in my view. Pray, tell me, what is the purpose of your posts? Perhaps I am having great difficulting in following your thoughts and the points you are making as posted?

Love and Peace,
With all due respect, why do you persist in presenting such data as true or factual as this...
Your referenced site makes claims that there is an exact correlation in All Pentecostal/Charismatic churches today. This is in my view and experience, utter nonsense. If you have something to say personally, it would be helpful if you would say it rather than posting, in my opinion, a bunch of ill-informed links to nonsense that you yourself are propogating without taking personal responsibility for the view expressed. You have started 116 threads since May and there seems to be a pattern, in my view. Pray, tell me, what is the purpose of your posts? Perhaps I am having great difficulting in following your thoughts and the points you are making as posted?

Although not explicitly stated, it seems to be hinting at the phenomenon of "speaking in tongues" -- ie. the chicken sounds.
>With all due respect, why do you persist in presenting such data as true >or factual as this...

I am a proponent of free thinking Joe, as I have repeated time and time again.

>Your referenced site makes claims that there is an exact correlation in All >Pentecostal/Charismatic churches today.

It is impossible to know what is happening inside every church. That site has some video evidence of some meetings. Folk can make up their own mind.

> posting, in my opinion, a bunch of ill-informed links to nonsense that you >yourself are propogating without taking personal responsibility for the >
>view expressed.

To some people you are a heretic. I have been called a heretic. Your doxy is my heterodoxy and vice versa. "Heretic" just means that my group has different views to your's.

>Pray, tell me, what is the purpose of your posts?

My posts are generally on the subject of Esoteric Christianity.

>Perhaps I am having great difficulting in following your thoughts and the >points you are making as posted?

I don't work for folk who find nonsense in my posts, Bro. For serious students, they can make a start at the Steiner elib.

-Best Regards,

If I interrupt the power supply disturbing the current from an electric appliance it will surrender its conductivity and recommence with a surge when resumed. The force of surge shall be irregular in relation to the previous constant and there is the possibility of overload and burnout to those more sensitive components of such equipment.

-The Brothers.