human and dinosaurs tracks together?

The Creationist Museum has proof men and dinosaurs walked together...Apparently the reason for their disappearance is due to their size, they didn't fit in Noah's ark.
About God creating evolution, then how do we explain it to those, like me, who don't believe in a creator god?
There are many unexplained ocurrences, the Nazca plains drawings that can only be seen from the air, the abandonment of Macchu Pichu, and somebody has yet to build a simile of the Egyptian Pyramids without modern tools. The ancient Egyptians didn't have the wheel.

The Mayan pyramids are also rather mysterious, so are the carved monoliths at Easter Island. There aren't any linkages as to their real reason for being. Years ago when Erik Von Daniken(Chariots of the Gods) questioned the explanations advanced, often, arem chair anthropologists and 'archeologists' that did their best to appropriate and despoil the ancient sites, he was called a charlatan and treated with contempt, yet those mysteries endure.
Many coincide on one point: looking at the sky, waiting for something. Maybe the first generations on earth were transplanted here from other points of the universe, then after running out of the original supplies they reverted into semi-feral states and began anew.
The Creationist Museum has proof men and dinosaurs walked together...Apparently the reason for their disappearance is due to their size, they didn't fit in Noah's ark.
LOL...not one of their brighter arguments.
About God creating evolution, then how do we explain it to those, like me, who don't believe in a creator god?
What makes your beliefs so special that they command reality? Why is reality subject to your personal beliefs?
There are many unexplained ocurrences, the Nazca plains drawings that can only be seen from the air, the abandonment of Macchu Pichu, and somebody has yet to build a simile of the Egyptian Pyramids without modern tools. The ancient Egyptians didn't have the wheel.
The Egyptians also did not have iron in that period of time, supposedly the stone blocks were chiseled with copper and tin, very soft metals...
The Mayan pyramids are also rather mysterious, so are the carved monoliths at Easter Island. There aren't any linkages as to their real reason for being.
Mayan pyramids are generally agreed to be temples for worship, the Easter Island guardians are not so universally understood but are thought by some to be displays of power by succeeding tribal chiefs.
Years ago when Erik Von Daniken(Chariots of the Gods) questioned the explanations advanced, often, arem chair anthropologists and 'archeologists' that did their best to appropriate and despoil the ancient sites, he was called a charlatan and treated with contempt, yet those mysteries endure.
Many coincide on one point: looking at the sky, waiting for something. Maybe the first generations on earth were transplanted here from other points of the universe, then after running out of the original supplies they reverted into semi-feral states and began anew.
*Some* of Van Daniken's hypotheses were shown to be mistaken, but you are correct that most researchers since take the few disproofs and use that to dismiss the sum total of his effort. It has been too many years and the details are lost to my memory without rechecking, but there is too much anecdotal and circumstantial evidence that supports some of his claims for me to dismiss his work outright. He might not be 100%, but he was pointed in an intriguing direction that is worth better inquiry, in my opinion. There are other, unrelated, issues such as the Cambrian Explosion that hint - strongly - at accelerated evolution, which while insufficient by themselves when taken as a whole do seem to promote a good mathematical possibility of off-world "interference" with genetic development on this planet.