project 42: life the universe and everything


from far far away
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project 42
a summary of my understanding of life the universe and everything so far.
primarily life is universal and is not of absolutely any given being entity nor aspect thereof, it is neither god/goddess/s or us. our self-centric perspective is secondary to the case, ultimately all cyclic entities and their elements are of the one. by the eternal return - the process of all things going back to their original state - the aspectations of existence [parts/natures] are temporary and must go back to their original state.
however, there are many things which are more than their apparent or otherwise transient state. these belong to the eternal element the permanent nature of existence, yet nothing is set in stone. what is temporary also belongs to the eternal and vice versa, it is only by a three-fold description - of being ‘either-neither-and-both’ all at once - that they may be perceived.
the animus [term originally meant in the greek context, then redefined as the animating principle {}]
we may imagine life the universal single entity as being like an ocean and all living beings arise without effort therein. it is a ‘force’ which has an internal principle of ‘self generation’, wherever it can become it shall, in other words if there is a form it can reside in then it will automatically ‘enter’ it. however, as all things belong to this living universe and eternity, the ‘it’ of which the life enters belong to the same original thing and may be seen as different versions of that.
let us take the example of yeast, you add water to it and it is alive according to our ordinary definitions of life. yet it is alive even when it is not animated, thus to explain how this can be then here we enter further principles of universal life; that of the ‘animus’. this is a name given to that force which must become, and which is inherent within the entity of life. we may define it as ‘passive’ and ‘active’, the passive element is where a life-form which has already arisen from the primary state [the ocean] becomes duel synchronous with that state as if held in suspended animation. yet the two states although the same in context are not the same as actual, in other words the passive animus is life mimicking the original state. the active animus is present within both the passive animus and the original universal entity of life, it is the very drive by which things become manifest. so when you give water to the yeast it may then become animated and ‘alive’ once more. here then we may see how life will happen where ever it can given the correct conditions.
complex life and the eternal entity
our yeast as everything else has an eternal nature, this is because the eternal return is two-fold - it mirrors existence, you have the original universal primary state coupled with the reflection of all given individualised states. in order to have cycles we must have a returning state of entity and it is this eternal potentiality by which all evolved life are formed. to explain further let us imagine it in simple forms; a circle will always be arrived at, you can end the universe and all things then as soon as a new universe is manifest then you will have circles, this is because it is a simple and primary form that will always happen. this does not mean that you will always have say lions and tigers in any given evolution of a universe, but it does mean that evolution will become increasingly dextrous and its forms will follow suit. thus there will always be a series of forms similar to lions and tigers and indeed humans as an ultimate evolutionary example. this however is not a complete description of the eternal version...
the universe ...and everything
the universe is also a single entity. as time is a ‘universal relativistic moment’ [the past and future don’t exist] it may be so that existence repeats itself endlessly and cyclically, without having to be infinite, this may mean that there is an end state that is the same as the beginning state. irrespective of this that end-state is present throughout and is the basis of eternity. in order to arrive at ‘the eternal version’, let us imagine that there was a purely physical universe to begin with, every form it took formed an imprint upon the aether [the universal essence of all things]. when the next universe arose then when it draws from the life ocean it also draws from the imprint of past events natures principles and forms, this would be the ‘eternal pool’ - the die by which things are cast. let us then imagine that the first universes were very simple in form and became increasingly complex with each evolution, as this would make sense considering that there would not be much potential to go by primarily.
we may now after building this in our minds, take a leap and say that all the imprints that will ever be made in all universes are within the aether as it exists outside of time. couple this with infinite potential - due to the fact that infinity is the ultimate primary state. now we can see that there always existed the imprint of every possible occurrence and this would include everything you are as an holistic entity [or whole being], whereby we are manifest from the eternal ocean of life and mirroring the universe, we and all forms potentially have endless cycles. this is like a hand-in-glove thing, where the universe does not die it simply returns to its basic form and then re-evolves, we like the yeast belong to the three-fold nature of existence. it is entirely possible that we could be put in some kind of stasis then brought back to life - so to say. however our vehicle of existing - the human form - is limited, when it can no longer accommodate our eternal form then we return to the great ocean of life and are reformed in the aether, thence our eternal version is returned in its next incarnation. it is so that there is an evolution of life-forms both physically and in terms of the living entity of the eternal version [you], within in us are every kind of incarnation of all the evolutions of all universes.
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here’s a selection of replies from another forum - just so we don’t go down the same road.

"the platonic theory has been critisized since its very begining first by Aristotle and then by others as well"
i am aware of the critisisms, it is just my writing style and as i said it is a summary.
"In your theory the "life" is not defined .It is not enough at all to say it is eternal or has it’s place in the aether ,but must be said what it is by essence?"
in the main ‘life’ is a vague term like mind, it is difficult to say anything other than it is. i do think - and this is the fundamental nature of the thread meaning - that existence is a single entity thus life and mind and anything else are both in part and entire, ultimately belonging to something that is everything and thus can be defined by no given example...
for instance: i would define infinity as incomparative, the full meaning of which is that it cannot be defined as infinity, thence the term becomes only a description. similarly many of our current scientific descriptions may be thought of in a similar context i.e. gravity momentum and the forces etc. are ‘the entity’ being worked upon as if it is a lump of clay being given shape and even that which shapes it is part of that same thing.
"If it is, how do they continue existing ? What maintains their existance so that they won’t change into disorderly chaos or dissolve into the aether?"
life-forms belong to ‘life’ which is an abstract notion relating to the universal entity [it is everything], as this can be anything it has an infinite essence of universal natures. they are maintained by this core which is without limit - if we were to say the opposite; that everything is limited and there is no infinity, then we are always left with ‘what is beyond all limits’?
"Do they exist completely without matter for eternity or not?"
yes and no [it = either neither and both]. energy occurs when the universal entity acquires form it is not the fundamental nature of existence, it is just the result of its workings.
" ‘Animus’ is also not defined . What makes/drives this force happen at all?"
by pure observation it is impossible to say that there is not a function of transformation that is generally of a similar nature to this animus, i simply used that term as a description of the activating factor. this is a fundamental nature of existence by whatever given name one wishes to give it, i like to keep such idea open as any rigidity of the concept seams to take aways the true universal nature of these things. this is not manifested it is that by which things are manifest where energy and perhaps aether are the body of that.
"The yeast has life forms in itself which multiply when added water .It does not create others than the ones that have existed before that which are simply multiplied"
sure, i was hoping that what i was saying was in accordance with this fact, you are thinking of life as the forms, where i am thinking of those as resultant of or a universal expression of ‘life’ the entity. perhaps we could omit the term ‘life’ altogether as it is perhaps only an expression of the greater entity, yet i find that if we choose not to use the term then we loose the thread of meaning in our minds, we just have to remember that such words are in reference to a greater more unexplainable meaning.

"For reference, I myself use the Platonic myths as the better explanation of many things"

indeed, it is just a language where in its parts it can be broken down yet this is not how it is meant to be seen - if i may, when we arrive at the higher understanding of things is it not so that all descriptions fail?!
Well I gave it some deep thought, and still I only came up with 42.

A universal super-gaia determined to endlessly repeat itself, or ever evolving? I think given that evolution is everywhere then it is a universal principle.

As I think you know I am broadly in agreement with such a concept but I am unsure what you want to discuss. With the utmost respect I do wish you would use more spacing and proper paragraphs so that I could understand your start and stop points which to me are ambiguous at times.

hi tao

yes we will never get nearer to truth than 42 no matter how much deep thought we put into it. :p

when i wrote this in my word processor it did have spacing etc however that seams to change when i post here - i should have been less lazy in my pre-post editing, sorry.

A universal super-gaia determined to endlessly repeat itself, or ever evolving?

i remember your thread on the gaia idea - it has had its influence in me as you can see! :) i have problems with ever repeating universes, as i think that even though time is a universal moment [contrary to Einstiens idea that the moment is an illusion and all time exists] all universes are connected to infinity and ‘belongs to a universal entity’; this being the main thrust of the thread. thence we would run into infinity paradoxes and infinite variability if it is endless, that is if it endlessly similar. it may be so that the current universe is similar to many others and has evolved into what it is now, perhaps this is how principle and law exists previous to it?

i would think that somewhere along the line you may have entirely different universes perhaps even a universe that is largely based on the infinite rather than the finite, perhaps this would be a real eternity and obviously would still exist parallel to this one - even if it hasn’t happened yet!

given that evolution is everywhere then it is a universal principle.

absolutely. it is also composed of universal principles of change yet people always forget that at the hub of transience there is a thread of the constant. here we meet one of the fundamental principles of the universe as a single entity; what we describe as forces are just that - descriptions, however gravity, momentum and many of the forces [like centrifugal force etc] can be seen as the constant being worked upon by the transient!

as concerns these things i keep thinking ‘we know what it is, but what is it’ and i can only find resolution in the presently vague notion of the single universal entity. similarly if time is a universal moment then we can imagine all events being strung out on a line and hence this would show at least in theory how the universe must be this single entity.
Hi _Z_ :)

You PM'd me the link to the other site you go to but it did not work for me. Can you give me another?

i remember your thread on the gaia idea - it has had its influence in me as you can see!
Well I cannot take the credit, it was someone else, you or Taijasi I think, who suggested applying the idea of Gaia universally, not me. I had never considered it before that point.

i have problems with ever repeating universes, as i think that even though time is a universal moment [contrary to Einstiens idea that the moment is an illusion and all time exists] all universes are connected to infinity and ‘belongs to a universal entity’; this being the main thrust of the thread. thence we would run into infinity paradoxes and infinite variability if it is endless, that is if it endlessly similar. it may be so that the current universe is similar to many others and has evolved into what it is now, perhaps this is how principle and law exists previous to it?
I think a good place to start would be some effort at defining what the truly universal, or multiversal laws are. They must be very few if they are not going to start imposing limitations on probability, limit probability and you limit infinity. I think a good place to start on that quest is getting some handle on the limit of the ways in which the universe can be folded. This link here gives a good description in case you have not looked before:
YouTube - Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

Of course here we have to go to the baby of Chaos theory, which I will come back to, String theory. In that our local universe exists in a maximum of 7 dimensions. So we can ignore all the laws that apply in the 7, (gravity, thermodynamics, weak and strong nuclear force and electromagnetism etc) dimensions and look for the laws that make dimensions 8,9 & 10 possible. To me there seem to only be three I can say must exist. These are, to be horribly simplistic, expansion/repulsion, contraction/attraction and evolution, (which includes entropy).

Now a question I cannot answer is that do all universes require the the same 7 dimensions as ours to exist in the higher ones? Intuitively I would say yes but I have as yet given it no thought. It is at the 10th dimension we can really begin to look for answers to your question and my hunch is that there could be some action of locality, similar universes would be clumped together and the further you get from any one in particular the bigger the differences would become. Just like in basic Chaos theory.

If the evolution hypothesis we apply to understanding Gaian expansion holds true multiversally then locality would make sense. For example you do not get an Amazonian tree frog suddenly making an evolutionary jump and magically appearing in Antarctica. Expansion and contraction are required for any evolution at all. So I would suggest that universal, (not multiversal), laws too are governed by locality. The further you get from a given universe the more divergence you would find.

i would think that somewhere along the line you may have entirely different universes perhaps even a universe that is largely based on the infinite rather than the finite, perhaps this would be a real eternity and obviously would still exist parallel to this one - even if it hasn’t happened yet!
I think if you get a good grip on string theory you will see our universe has to be infinite.

similarly if time is a universal moment then we can imagine all events being strung out on a line and hence this would show at least in theory how the universe must be this single entity.



Above I stated: So we can ignore all the laws that apply in the 7, (gravity, thermodynamics, weak and strong nuclear force and electromagnetism etc) dimensions and look for the laws that make dimensions 8,9 & 10 possible. To me there seem to only be three I can say must exist. These are, to be horribly simplistic, expansion/repulsion, contraction/attraction and evolution, (which includes entropy).

I feel like the way I worded that that the 3 laws I state sound like they are not necessarily represented in the lower 7 dimensions, this is not what I mean. They have to be a part of everything. Of course we recognise the attractive force as gravity and we can measure the repulsive force and ascribe it to dark energy.

I do not know if you have read any of the thread on Black Holes over in the science section. There are thought provoking ideas there that point in the direction of our universe being full of smaller universes, that a singularity is a universe, and that our universe has a density appropriate to it being a black hole in a much bigger universe. As you know there are more galaxies out there than there are stars in our galaxy and the vast majority of them harbour at least 1 massive singularity. That is billions and billions of potentially local universes.

If you watched that Youtube link above you will be able to visualise each singularity as the fold where the ant crosses. It all seems pretty beautiful to me, it may not be perfect yet but I feel it is going in the right direction. The 10th dimensional point of vibrational string is the song of creation, the DNA string of everything?

thanks for great replies!

heres the other sites i go to
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this one is a little tricky to get in these days as it is just a collection of friends from other sites.
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i have cut down on forums as it sometimes takes hours to reply, so i am down to four now.

Well I cannot take the credit, it was someone else, you or Taijasi I think, who suggested applying the idea of Gaia universally, not me. I had never considered it before that point.

its all in the circle of knowledge. ;)

They must be very few if they are not going to start imposing limitations

yes i agree, we can break many principles down into more fundamental ones, i think we would indeed end up with only a few. thanks for the link, i have read about the 10 dimensions but i will leave the science to the physicists, i think it all leads to something even more fundamental i.e. where the laws come from and what makes dimensions time and energy work the way they do - it is the philosophy of this that i am after.

These are, to be horribly simplistic, expansion/repulsion, contraction/attraction and evolution, (which includes entropy).

agreed. i think the term dimension is somewhat over used. you obviously know more than i so does it make sense to you that we are describing aspects of the same thing - the manouvre’s of a single entity?

Now a question I cannot answer is that do all universes require the the same 7 dimensions as ours to exist in the higher ones?

my intuition on this is that it is essentially unlimited yet would ‘naturally’ fall into the same essential measures, i would add all energy forces into the equation too so that we have this single entity with multiple variance. ha, i am imagining it like someone fighting to get out of a paper bag lol - with one force going this way and other going other ways with momentum and other dimension wrapping themselves around it all.

we may consider it as one universe at a time as equally it is a continuum of the moment, i cannot imagine other universes coexisting unless they belong to entirely different rules. when we think of it there can only really be two kinds of universe; finitely based and infinitely based ones, these can interact and i think they do as concerns mind, life and aether.

If the evolution hypothesis we apply to understanding Gaian expansion holds true multiversally then locality would make sense.

i think evolutions of one kind or another are inevitable to finite based universes where you cannot arrive at a state without first reaching its component natures and preceding forms. whereas with an infinite based universe we would arrive directly to the end result or to the form of a thing instantly! it is like infinite intelligence would arrive at all answers without taking any time to do so. this is perhaps where evolution can mirror the ‘forms’ of eternity as like with the ‘humanative’ notion, where human form is mirrored in both kinds of universes, hence the finitely based universe would have potentiality respective of eternal forms...
another debate perhaps eh :)

I think if you get a good grip on string theory you will see our universe has to be infinite.
hmm if so i need a complete rethink! hmm however this universe would still be a finitely based infinity and the other an infinitely based finite perhaps? this is where infinity can become a muddled notion, like infinite sets would not be infinity in my books. i think the ‘two’ universes are one from opposite ends of the same spectrum, we just don’t see much of infinity as it is so vast and invisible [and the universal version of all the senses like what invisible is to sight it would also be to sound smell etc].
the energy of the past is the same as the present i.e. when we look through a telescope and see the past, we would think that object exists. yet if we time travelled to that point it would not exist as those photons we are seeing are in our now moment. the energy of that star is what it is also made of now thus we cannot have two instances of the same energy, hence time only exists in the moment.

now imagine every event also only exists in the relativistic moment; if you take a few moments there events and energies, then we can see them as linked when we consider them as belonging to the same whole. so we may imagine all moments in the universal moment similarly that at any given time there would be an entirety of events. to put it another way the contrary would be a duplicity of two or more time/event universes. i’ll work on my explanations there :p

There are thought provoking ideas there that point in the direction of our universe being full of smaller universes, that a singularity is a universe, and that our universe has a density appropriate to it being a black hole in a much bigger universe
very interesting - i will look into it, but intuitively i don’t buy the idea as you have quantum/’finite’ or infinite, nothing else. the quantum defines the limit of smallness between the two fundamental dimensions/principles of finite and the infinite, and the universal principle of balance. to think of this universe as being a black whole within another then we have to find some other medium than quantum. as i said this is my intuitive view - i like the ideas very much and don’t wish to be limited in anyway.
Hi _Z_

Thanks for the links. I need other forums to keep me of the religious ones here and getting in trouble. I am going through a phase where I am a bit intolerant of 'nonsense dogmas' and the things that really spark my imagination are not well represented here.
agreed. i think the term dimension is somewhat over used. you obviously know more than i so does it make sense to you that we are describing aspects of the same thing - the manouvre’s of a single entity?

Yes I think so but rather than "manoeuvre's" which require movement in free space I go with String theory and "vibration" which requires no additional space. Infinity cannot expand, (if there is space to expand then it is not infinity), so its energy is expressed by expansion and contractions over the whole. Once we get to the 10th dimension the multiverse is folded in an infinite number of ways and it becomes a multi-dimensional mobius strip strip like structure. Just as you can never get to the end of a mobius strip you can never reach an edge of this infinity.

As I write it occurs to me that really there seem to be only 2 laws. A binary code, a DNA strand? Those of the expansions and contractions that result from the vibration. All possible scenarios are expressed by this simple mechanism and they insure that neither creation nor entropy can ever dominate. Here we must ask in what way could that be "intelligent" and all I can see is that intelligence is not required. It is no different than a computer program designed to process infinite variables. Maybe the Vogons did no real harm to the experiment after all.

i cannot imagine other universes coexisting unless they belong to entirely different rules. when we think of it there can only really be two kinds of universe; finitely based and infinitely based ones, these can interact and i think they do as concerns mind, life and aether.

I do not agree. They do all exist in the same vibrational field that makes any of them possible, this is a coexistence. We coexist with each other but we do not live in the same body, likewise the same is true for all universes. We can liken similar universes to other humans. More distant ones as chimps. And even more distant ones as squid and molluscs. The diversity of universes is no different to those of organisms here on earth. If we make respiration analogous to the individual universal laws we can say that human and chimp are so similar they are almost identical. But squid and molluscs are different because the fabric of their atomic level universe,(the ocean) is of a different density and composition. But we still all share a common chemistry and a great deal of DNA. It is however still very difficult for us to imagine what other laws and chemistry take precedence in more distant universes.

i think evolutions of one kind or another are inevitable to finite based universes where you cannot arrive at a state without first reaching its component natures and preceding forms. whereas with an infinite based universe we would arrive directly to the end result or to the form of a thing instantly! it is like infinite intelligence would arrive at all answers without taking any time to do so. this is perhaps where evolution can mirror the ‘forms’ of eternity as like with the ‘humanative’ notion, where human form is mirrored in both kinds of universes, hence the finitely based universe would have potentiality respective of eternal forms...
another debate perhaps eh :)
Yes indeed!! The more I look at the animal world tho the less inclined I am to believe that our "human" perception is human at all. Rather it is an expression of universal thought. But like you say, another thread :)

hmm if so i need a complete rethink! hmm however this universe would still be a finitely based infinity and the other an infinitely based finite perhaps? this is where infinity can become a muddled notion, like infinite sets would not be infinity in my books.
Its quite simple really, there are 2 expressions of infinity and it is the way in which folding occurs that makes this apparent paradox possible.

the energy of the past is the same as the present i.e. when we look through a telescope and see the past, we would think that object exists. yet if we time travelled to that point it would not exist as those photons we are seeing are in our now moment. the energy of that star is what it is also made of now thus we cannot have two instances of the same energy, hence time only exists in the moment.
Yes, this is expressed in Einstein's equations on simultaneity.

now imagine every event also only exists in the relativistic moment; if you take a few moments there events and energies, then we can see them as linked when we consider them as belonging to the same whole. so we may imagine all moments in the universal moment similarly that at any given time there would be an entirety of events. to put it another way the contrary would be a duplicity of two or more time/event universes. i’ll work on my explanations there :p
Infinity requires all possible things simultaneously and forever, we can throw out our concept of linearity right at the start. Its a fold we require for 3 dimensional vibration/expression but it disappears as soon as you enter the 5th.

very interesting - i will look into it, but intuitively i don’t buy the idea as you have quantum/’finite’ or infinite, nothing else. the quantum defines the limit of smallness between the two fundamental dimensions/principles of finite and the infinite, and the universal principle of balance. to think of this universe as being a black whole within another then we have to find some other medium than quantum. as i said this is my intuitive view - i like the ideas very much and don’t wish to be limited in anyway.
I do not see it that way at all. The Quantum is not small at all, quite the opposite, it is the source/expression of the infinite vibration. It is the fabric on which all else sits and is the conduit by which energy and information is known between any two points in the multiverse. The way dimensions are folded may give it the appearance of being small, because the only way we can look at it directly is governed by our local laws, but when you look at the quantum world you are gazing, in some sense, at the whole.

Good discussion

Cheers :)

hi tao

a most fascinating post thank you! i wish there was a right forum out there too, imho it needs something that CR does but on every level, political and scientific etc and has a ‘pub/coffee house’ as the main area for general chat.

Once we get to the 10th dimension the multiverse is folded in an infinite number of ways and it becomes a multi-dimensional mobius strip strip like structure. Just as you can never get to the end of a mobius strip you can never reach an edge of this infinity

here we need a different word than infinity, because infinity is infinitely unlimited - as i see it? which means that you cannot have any limited forms of it. these dimensions may be endless in that there is a point at which they change so much that their states are indistinguishable. but they cannot be infinite - if i may... perhaps ‘trans-finite’ would be a better term we could use?

As I write it occurs to me that really there seem to be only 2 laws. A binary code, a DNA strand? Those of the expansions and contractions that result from the vibration. All possible scenarios are expressed by this simple mechanism and they insure that neither creation nor entropy can ever dominate. Here we must ask in what way could that be "intelligent" and all I can see is that intelligence is not required. It is no different than a computer program designed to process infinite variables. Maybe the Vogons did no real harm to the experiment after all.

hahaha good one. i am working on evolutionary number systems at the moment as i think time has shape involved somehow. you see why should only the binary system be the only system used? there are many number evolutions and i think they are based on primes. obviously dividing is a primary function of any evolution and we can divide both in binary or by any prime thereafter. is DNA a combination of number evolutions and other multiples? then there is the periodic table where you keep adding electrons around the nucleus to get heavier atoms. it all appear to move by general number evolutions.
infinite intelligence would not be a part of ‘existence’ as i see it?

we do not live in the same body, likewise the same is true for all universes. We can liken similar universes to other humans

so there greater energies and forces would have no impact on our universe as they would be tied to there own dimensions? if so then [sorry about doing an ‘if so but’ thing lol]; the dimensions in our universe would not interact with theirs?! thence they would have no three dimensional measure, nor time etc - if they have not time they cannot exist?

Its quite simple really, there are 2 expressions of infinity and it is the way in which folding occurs that makes this apparent paradox possible.

ah well when you put it like that then yes absolutely. :D

Yes, this is expressed in Einstein’s equations on simultaneity.

oh is it! someone said that Einstein believed that the present moment was an illusion and that all time esisted - this would be the opposite of what i said?

Infinity requires all possible things simultaneously and forever, we can throw out our concept of linearity right at the start. Its a fold we require for 3 dimensional vibration/expression but it disappears as soon as you enter the 5th.

ok agreed, i will proceed without this analogy.
i was more using it to show how interconnected everything is.

The Quantum is not small at all, quite the opposite,

sure i can see the jump between microscopic and macroscopic being repeated, creating a greater form of ‘quantum’.

but when you look at the quantum world you are gazing, in some sense, at the whole.

absolutely! the only problem i in fact have is the idea of the ‘omni-verse’ being a ‘duel entity’of divide into a give multiplicity? it can only make sense to me if it is a singular entity by the principle; ‘all divisions must occur within a greater whole’.

keep up the good work! :)
Sorry its a problem for me keeping up with thought trains at the moment as my own comp 'melted' and until my new one arrives I'm confined to the one at work where I dont get peace to think. I'll resume this then:)

sure thing tao, i am having a little rethink anyway, i'll probably hop on another train then get back to this at some point :)