Think Again


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The pounding heart of democracy is debate.
Cia Bruno 2/21/2004

From a global citizen’s viewpoint, this position affords the opportunity to perceiving matters from an objective viewpoint: The human condition.

Americans….Hispanics…. Afro-Americans…
Africans….Asians...Europeans… (the list continues) What is the common denominator?

Sectarianism….Division of the human race…And so speaking on “these terms”…. Based on historical facts, REASON: DO (not try) DO REASON from documented facts and not opinions; opinions rooted in either ignorance or arrogant bias.

Who are these “Americans” that assert, “Only English should be spoken in the North American Continent apportioned the U.S.? (by the way there is also a South American Continent); Inhabitant of those continents are by virtue “Americans” as well…though they speak diverse languages and dialects.

Are you by the way referring to a group of “immigrants” (sugar coated of course) “trespassers, invaders” who arrived at the shores of the N.E. American continent in search of a better life i.e. “freedom of religion and expression?” So MUCH freedom and expression that it leaped beyond any bounds of morality and respect for the sanctity of human life they found here?

Are these the ones that you are referring to; because there is no historical finding of others? Oh? Did you mean…Supreme Court Justice Marshall the one who defined the inhabitants of the North American continent in his judicial opinion, as “savages that roam the earth?” Not very different from how Africans were raped from their lands because see… they were animals… “savages”… the legal term of art in those days!!!

These very so called “Americans”…when they were no longer able to contrive implicitly against these “savages” b/c these “savages” by construction of the term-alienated them from humanity- became indignant recognizing the harm to their land and their people.
These “Americans”…terrorized the true Americans. The self-imposed “Americans” conquered their residences, exploited its natural resources raped their woman, chained them and made them slaves to build fortresses against their very own people. You know who I am talking about…the Native American people. Were these struggles and victories based on Christian principles? Blasphemy…Christ would not approve. That’s another discussion in itself!

Supreme Court Justice Marshall reasoned that because they were “savages” they had no right to ownership in land and therefore conquering their lands was a necessity to prevent waste. Savages do not have the mental capacity to understand the concept of land ownership and therefore had could transfer such. Only Anglos had intelligence and could therefore “Own land.”

Equipped with ecological understanding true original Americans’ concept of land was superior to the intellectual concept of ownership/property in land by these conquerors.

The true Americans lived in harmony with the Earth’s true being as an entity. (Oh! did you not know that Corporations are entities w/rights to sue and be sued and much more?)

As much as their very own humanity was precious, so was the Land to them. They knew that undermining the land would also attack the substrate of their very own existence. Scientific facts that only today do the intellegencia of landowners believed to be primitive, of savages. Indeed decedents of the intellegencia who believed the earth was flat, despite an ancient writing describing the earth as “a ball that hung on nothing.”

Are these the very “Americans” their decedents, whom today assert that only English should be spoken here? How was this right acquired? Was it instituted just like property rights? Was it a right taken away and imposed upon the true inhabitants of the North American Continent?

Don’t you remember…
how this newly formed federal government had programs to “Americanize” the savages? How the missionaries’ effort was to somehow convert these to humanity? The term of art then, “civilize.”

Who drafted the US constitution? How were the voting rights for black landowners manipulated? If you know…then the larceny of thousands of Afro-American Floridian votes of 2000, would be of no surprise to you. Will it? The Supreme Courts political involvement would be of no surprise to you as well.

You can’t discriminate against race but you can discriminate on the basis economy. That is the constitutional standard. Basically, an effective back door approach to legally discriminate.
This discriminatory approach was first applied by raising the standard of ownership. A stipulated change provided black land owners were required a higher standard of ownership than their counterpart to vote. Do I have to state the purpose, is it not implicit and prima facia evidence of the opening words of the U.S. Constitution? “We the people” Who were these? These are the ones who wanted to keep it that way. It took the civil rights movement for that!

The forces are still well in place today to keep out the minority reach. Just take a good look at the law-student bodies across this country.

Sadly, when some of these do get in…they either give up, sell their souls out OR they forget in the conservative process of “Americanization” the value their diversity promotes change.

These carry an onerous burden as well. Some who espouse the reasoning: someone felt sorry for them (the affirmative action rationale). The blind force still permeates: these really do not have “our measure of intelligence” no different than Marshall and his cohort opinion back then”

Therefore, it is with conviction I discern blatant hypocrisy or is it ignorance, or diplomatically speaking, forgetfulness in the “only speak English in America” cry and those who espouse it.

Interesting though, that today these new Americans (dismissing their roots and historical context) now assert the same issue, the cry of the SAVAGES of long ago….
“It is not our language, here!”


Makes one scrutinize… NOT COMPLAIN… another back door device with what objective?

The trespass, impositions, invasions, conquering, the striking terror are by-products of sectarianism. Namely, patriotism (a divisive force) blindly forgetting that we are all posses the same human condition!

This notion of sectarianism is promoted for the sole purpose of superiority and domination. This notion is even imputed to our beloved animal companions. i.e. Oh! My dog is from X breed. God forbid…it’s a mut!

Yet, it IS the MUTS of this world that creates a healthier gene pool embraces variety and diversity of thought. These are the ones capable of embracing the entire human condition with a healthier vision promoting an inclusive point of view that disfavors divisions.

It is written, “Man has dominated Man to his OWN injury” Eccl.

Let everyone lift up their voices in whatever language their gene pool imbues; mindful however of the freedoms and needs of others and that of peace and order.
Ironic that Chief Justice John Marshall (whom the original post is - I presume - referring to), had the same family name as Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court Justice appointed about 140 years later...

In any case, I would be careful putting forward hundreds years old positions to show the current disposition of people. By that account, we in France would only answer to the supreme authority of whomever reigns over us by the grace of God.

Thank You-Baud

The current political position of many in the US has its origins. That was the nature of that discussion which really was meant to be a reply to the "I'm proud to be American" thread.

Your caution is noted...however the current dispositions are manifested by impacts and legitimate events DAILY: i.e. Florida votes, representations, not limited only to afro americans-just take a good look at the war on Iraq-another struggle over natural resources and dominance ...many which are rooted in its origins.

cbruno said:
The pounding heart of democracy is debate.
Cia Bruno 2/21/2004

From a global citizen’s viewpoint, this position affords the opportunity to perceiving matters from an objective viewpoint: The human condition.

Americans….Hispanics…. Afro-Americans…
Africans….Asians...Europeans… (the list continues) What is the common denominator?

Sectarianism….Division of the human race…And so speaking on “these terms”…. Based on historical facts, REASON: DO (not try) DO REASON from documented facts and not opinions; opinions rooted in either ignorance or arrogant bias...


...It is written, “Man has dominated Man to his OWN injury” Eccl.

Let everyone lift up their voices in whatever language their gene pool imbues; mindful however of the freedoms and needs of others and that of peace and order.

Pardon the abridged quote, but the post is long.
Congratulations, Bruno, on a heavily emotionally-charged piece of propoganda writing promoting the spirit of debate.
I like the way the whole piece sounds challenging and "like fightin' words," then you end with the bit about being mindful or others and peace and order; that says a lot.
Good article.
Oh, and does Ecclesiastes actually say that?

Pathless said:
Pardon the abridged quote, but the post is long.
Congratulations, Bruno, on a heavily emotionally-charged piece of propoganda writing promoting the spirit of debate.
I like the way the whole piece sounds challenging and "like fightin' words," then you end with the bit about being mindful or others and peace and order; that says a lot.
Good article.
Oh, and does Ecclesiastes actually say that?

" Fighting Words" a legal term of art in propoganda right out of a Constitutional lawcase book proposed to constraining free speech during times of war. Specifically directed to the mouths of those who protest war.

Eccl yes...look it up...

Next on "that says alot" please be specific...since ambiguity also says alot....

I guess by using the ambiguous "says a lot," I meant to complement you on creating a very subtly humorous, paradoxical piece of writing. I don't think you intended to be humorous, but I did find it funny that the tone of the essay is argumentative, confrontational, angry, outraged, and scathing, and then you wrap up with the blurb about being mindful or others and peace and order.
On a sidenote, I do think that a lot of the points you make have merit. I agree that there is too much hypocrisy, which seems to be one of the main thrusts of your article. When I said, "Good article," I truly meant it, although I can see how some or even many people might be turned off by your tone, and must admit that at times I was, as well. But, maybe that is intentional, part of your tactic.

Thank YOU! For taking one of our most valuable assets " the time" to express your thoughts:)
Right emotion wanted

cbruno said:
The current political position of many in the US has its origins. That was the nature of that discussion which really was meant to be a reply to the "I'm proud to be American" thread.

Your caution is noted...however the current dispositions are manifested by impacts and legitimate events DAILY: i.e. Florida votes, representations, not limited only to afro americans-just take a good look at the war on Iraq-another struggle over natural resources and dominance ...many which are rooted in its origins.

"I'm proud to be American."

Pride, that is an emotion that is exclusivistic and potentially antagonistic from the standpoint of the speaker and in its appearance to that of listeners.

Better to say "I am happy to be American".

Joy is an emotion that is not exclusivistic and not antagonistic, if anything it is beneficially communicative adding to optimisim in others.

Susma Rio Sep