Johann Albrecht Bengel

Bruce Michael

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Tubingen researcher J. A. Bengel was the founder of modern textual criticism- " the first Protestant author who treated the exegesis of the New Testament in a thoroughly critical and judicious style." But he was more than that.

He was more than some dry academic, but a man with a genuine intensely Christian soul life. He penetrated into the Biblical mystery of numbers, particularly the Apocalyptic numbers.

In his exposition on the Revelation of St. John (1740) he calculated and that the breaking loose and binding of Satan would occur in the summer of 1836 and that the world would endure for 7777 7/9 years after its inception. Rudolf Steiner once pointed out that when Bengel hit upon the number 1836, he had come near to important spiritual facts (the beginning of the materialistic age).

As the sun poured its bright rays through the room of Edward Moricke he wrote:
"Over the armchair it freely glides,
Then to the bookcase just beyond,
There, in parchment & leather bound,
The godly Fathers of Swabia stand:
Andreas, Bengel, both the Riegers,
With Oetinger are to be seen,
When the sun reads these names of gold,
They glow more golden beneath his kiss."

Those who followed up Bengel’s publications and acted according to them did not meet the heavenly Bridegroom in the year 1836 by a visible return of Him in the flesh. In course of time there came other stirrings among those Christians who professed to be of the "chaste virgin" class, particularly that in connection with a man born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A., in the year 1781. This man was William Miller, who became the founder of the so-called Millerites or Adventists. Says M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia, Volume 6, page 271:
the launching of the Millerite movement did not turn out to be the midnight cry, "Here is the bridegroom!" The heavenly Bridegroom did not appear in the flesh visibly to those Adventists and take them in a rapture to their desired heavenly home, in 1843. And yet Bible study continued on. Thirty years later found a small group of men, not associated with the Adventists or affiliated with any of the religious sects of Christendom, studying the Holy Scriptures at Pittsburgh (Allegheny), Pennsylvania, U.S.A. They studied independently so as to avoid looking at the Bible through sectarian spectacles. Among these men was one Charles Taze Russell, just entered into his twenties. They were, of course, intensely interested in the second coming of the heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. However, their Bible studies led to their discovery that Christ’s return would be an invisible one, not visibly in the flesh as a materialized man, but invisibly in the spirit, inasmuch as he was no longer flesh and blood. His arrival would therefore be unseen to men, and this arrival would begin an invisible presence or parousia on his part. But it would be made manifest by evidences..................... which brings me to think about Daniel 12;4
And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.".......................... yes we are now well along in this time of the end and the true knowledge is now abundant. sincere bible students are blessed indeed.true knowledge is what it is all about .
Dear Mee,
>They were, of course, intensely interested in the second coming of the heavenly >Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. However, their Bible studies led to their discovery that >Christ’s return would be an invisible one, not visibly in the flesh as a materialized >man, but invisibly in the spirit, inasmuch as he was no longer flesh and blood. His >arrival would therefore be unseen to men, and this arrival would begin an invisible >presence or parousia on his part.

Christ's return will be in the etheric; but not invisible for those who have eyes to see.

I'm not sure that the Jehovah's Witnesses didn't expect a physical return:
The Russellites have predicted the end of the world at least 5 times: 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975 and 1989)

Predicting a soon end of the world certainly stirs the troops/followers. In the seventies it was folk declaring the flying saucers were about to come and take the chosen few away.

I'm not sure that the Jehovah's Witnesses didn't expect a physical return:

yes, the early bible students had much revealing to be made known to them . but it all happens just at the right time from Jehovah . and much true knowledge has now been made revealed Daniel 12;4 .Jehovah only reveals things according to his timetable, and he also reveals it to his faithful ones matthew 24;45-47 many things at one time were in darkness , but now in this time of the end it is enlightenment indeed . and that enlightenment is sometimes not what we were thinking it should be. but those with the right way of thinking and those with the right attitude will remain faithful. but some thought that things should go on their terms , and these are the ones that do not want the truth from the most High . but i am glad to say that those who remained faithful have gone on to reveal Jehovahs enlightenment to a GREAT CROWD who do want truth revelation 7;9-10 . staying with and taking in knowledge from the channel Jesus is feeding brings enlightenment indeed . progression works wonders and how Jehovahs channel has progressed . its all happening especially in the last days . but many have been misled by those who did not remain faithful ,they started to verbally abuse the faithful channel. I notice that you mention Russellites , the early bible students were some times given names or nicknames by people in the world , but this was not a name that they used .
They were nicknamed Russellites and Rutherfordites. but the early sincere bible students, were just bible students at that time , but now they are clearly identified from others who say that they are christians ,because since 1931 they have been known as Jehovahs witnesses because they are
dedicated to making his name and purpose known .