watch this space



(Revelation 17:16) are you out of it? revelation 18;4 the most high is manouvring things to accomplish his purpose, soon he will act and he will use something with great power to do it , but this thing that he uses is not the thing to put our trust in , because it is a counterfeit way to peace , but sometimes the most high uses things of the nations to accomplish his purpose , but do not be decieved by this counterfeit thing , it is not the way to peace on the earth even though it claims to be ,and even if so called religious leaders have put their trust in it , it is a counterfeit way to peace . there is only one way to peace and that is Gods kingdom Daniel 2;44 and Jesus is the prince of peace and the one to put our trust in . bible prophecy is now well along and things are moving ahead , and this thing that is a counterfeit will be given teeth . watch this space
You know... That makes everyone sound like dribbling idiots that cannot fathom anything or even grasp the concept of peace... Maybe one day man will put it's diferences aside..... Watch THIS space. As for watching the space of your god actually deciding to step in and stop violence, pain, evil and suffering.... That he has already prolonged waaaaaaaaay, too, freaking, long..... That would be like watching paint dry... On the outside of a ship at sea.... :) That is another reason I cannot believe in a god... Simple if he were so great he'd do it now... Why wait thousands of freaking years... Unless he is a sadistic son of a gun..
You know... That makes everyone sound like dribbling idiots that cannot fathom anything or even grasp the concept of peace... Maybe one day man will put it's diferences aside..... Watch THIS space. As for watching the space of your god actually deciding to step in and stop violence, pain, evil and suffering.... That he has already prolonged waaaaaaaaay, too, freaking, long..... That would be like watching paint dry... On the outside of a ship at sea.... :) That is another reason I cannot believe in a god... Simple if he were so great he'd do it now... Why wait thousands of freaking years... Unless he is a sadistic son of a gun..
And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire revelation 17;16 as i said watch this space, keeping awake to bible prophecy is the thing to do especially in the last days (now).the symbolisim in the book of revelation is very vivid indeed , and knowing just what these symbols mean , means that we can be no part of this harlot when the ten horns turn on her . REVELATION 18;4
(Revelation 18:8) That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.........................STRONG SYMBOLISIM INDEED
And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth REVELATION 17;5 this woman has a very big influence indeed in fact it is WORLDWIDE . not for much longer though ,because the most high Jehovah will put it into the hearts of the TEN HORNS to carry out HIS THOUGHT and the most high can manouver whom ever he wishes to accomplish his purpose . even though they are not aware of it , in fact they think it is their thought .