Taliban Releases Two Korean Missionaries, Holds 19


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The Taliban in Afghanistan released two South Korean Christian missionaries on Monday. They are the first to be freed since the Taliban kidnapped 23 Korean church volunteers from a bus last month.
Two other hostages were murdered after demands to release Taliban prisoners were not met.
Across Korea, rallies and prayer vigils are being held for the 19 remaining hostages. Elijah Kim of the Emmanuel Gospel Center said they are suffering for their faith... Cont'd

Related Article: Koreans take hostage prayer to YouTube
With no clear headway in their appeal to bring an end to a prolonged hostage crisis in Afghanistan, relatives and friends of 19 South Korean captives in the Islamic country are turning to the Internet to get their message across.

혻혻 A group of 23 South Korean Christian aid workers were seized at gunpoint by Taliban insurgents on July 19 as they traveled by bus across central Afghanistan. Two male hostages, including a pastor, were shot dead.

혻 혻 After face-to-face negotiations with South Korean officials, the Islamic fundamentalist group set free two sick female captives but there were no indications about when the remaining 19, including 14 women, would be released...Cont'd