Shameless Self Promotion

Self-promo threads always worry me by their title, but so long as you're not, never mind. :)

Good luck with it, and feel free to add the link to your signature.

Btw - for yourself and anyone else who wishes to - feel free to link to or these forums directly - - should you ever feel like adding it to your favourite links section of your blogs, home pages, or wherever. :D

I'm actually building a links directory here, so anyone with a website will be able to submit their sites for that once I open it. :)
All are selves.

I said:
Self-promo threads always worry me by their title, but so long as you're not, never mind. :)
Being is acting. The first act of a being is existence.

God is pure acting. All things else are acting on the act of God.

When a being acts it cannot be otherwise than self-promotion.

Present company is not exempted from this metaphysical necessity.

However, there is self-promotion and self-promotion.

I am here to promote my ideas about religions and other issues brought up here. And I try to have something to say in any and all threads, that I think to be of interest however slight to any posters here.

There are posters here promoting a religion, or defending one, or promoting also their own thinking about religions and other matters -- just like me.

But I believe that all of us here as we promote ourselves we all keep an open mind to see the logic and sense in each others' postings.

On my part, I have no religion to promote or to defend. Sometimes being a postgraduate Catholic I try to explain what exactly the Catholic Church teaches as I knew from my own background in Catholic educational institutions; just like as I know something about car troubleshooting, I try to tell people what is the trouble in a car stalling on the roads, according to my own knowledge and experience.

Thanks, Brian, for this reminder.

Susma Rio Sep
I said:
Self-promo threads always worry me by their title, but so long as you're not, never mind. :)

Good luck with it, and feel free to add the link to your signature.

Btw - for yourself and anyone else who wishes to - feel free to link to or these forums directly - - should you ever feel like adding it to your favourite links section of your blogs, home pages, or wherever. :D

I'm actually building a links directory here, so anyone with a website will be able to submit their sites for that once I open it. :)
All I can say is that I am being honest and up-front about it. Besides, it's totally harmless foolery, a silly playground for words and thoughts. Also, I will definitely be posting a link to these forums on the blog once I figure out how to edit those "edit-me!" links.
Pathless, you're fine with advertising your blog. :)

It's not like it's affiliate link stuffed, or similar. It's those type that can set off the alarm bells, not harmless self-ponderings. :)
Looking at ourselves

All the world is a mirror.

I have this idea that we all who talk about ourselves and listen to others talk about themselves are actually trying to find our what and who we are.

We tell the world as though looking into a mirror to see ourselves in the audience that we talk to and listen to.

In that manner as from the mirror we get to know our strengths and weaknesses, loci of satisfaction and loci of regrets, embarrassment, and where we must work harder and better to obtain a more satisfactory image of ourselves in the mirror that is the world of people, our audience.

I think this is the whole idea of an internet message board.

Susma Rio Sep
Oooh the color. The blogs are a little long on one page.
I guess this would be the place to shamelessly promote my music?

I don't have anything for sale...
this site is for anyone to shamelessly download any of my music for free: