Meaning of second coming of Jesus



Meaning of second coming of Jesus

The names like Rama, Krishna, Jesus etc., belong to the external human body, which has taken birth. Such names are generated only after the birth of these human bodies. Therefore, such names are certainly the names of the external human bodies only, which are like the shirts. When the human bodies perish, these names also must perish. But these names exist as eternal names even after the disappearance of these human bodies due to death. The reason is that these names were directed towards the inner Lord even during the time of existence these human bodies. A person is carrying vegetables for selling. You call him by the name “ Vegetables”. The person is not vegetable and the vegetables are not the person also. But the possessor of the vegetables is called by the name of the possessed material. Similarly, when the name “ Krishna or Jesus” was called, this name was directed towards the internal Lord also. Therefore, even if the human body perished, since the Lord is eternal, Krishna or Jesus is also eternal. When Krishna said that He will come again and again, whenever necessary ( Yada Yada hi….Gita), it means the eternal Lord present in the human body will come again and again through different human forms. Similarly, when it is told that Jesus will come again, it means the Lord present in that human body will come again. Here the names Krishna and Jesus indicate the Lord and not the human body.

When some body says that He will come again after 20 years, it does not mean that he will come in the same shirt. Even in the case of the ordinary human beings the name indicates the inner eternal soul also. When people say that Subba Rao died, it means that the name indicates the external human body. People say that Subba Rao’s last journey is today. It means that the name indicates only the external body, which is going to be cremated in the burial ground on that day. In these sayings the name indicates the external human body. But after one-year people say that today is the yearly ceremony of Subba Rao. When you have stated that Subba Rao finished his last journey one year back, how can you bring Subba Rao again after one year? Here the name indicates the inner soul. Therefore, even in the worldly terminology the name indicates both the external body and inner soul according to the context.

Therefore, when you say that Jesus was crucified and killed, the name indicates the external human body. When you say that Jesus will come again on final day of destruction of this world, the name indicates the inner Lord. Thus, the same name indicates the external or internal item according to the context. When you say that Krishna danced in Brundavanam, the name indicates the external human body. When you say that Krishna will come again and again whenever necessary, the name indicates the inner Lord. If you realise this discrimination, you have no quarrel with any religion. When you say that Jesus or Krishna will come again, it means that the inner Lord is going to come in different human bodies again. When you are drawing the picture of Jesus or Krishna, the picture represents the external human body only and not the inner Lord. You can never draw the picture of the inner Lord because He is beyond the realm of imagination. You cannot say about the existence of two unimaginable Lords. When the Lord is unimaginable, He can be only one. If you say that there are two entities, it means that both the entities are imaginable. Therefore, you have to accept that there is only one unimaginable Lord or God. The external human bodies are different and cannot be one. When I say that Krishna is Jesus, it means that the Lord in the body of Krishna and in the body of Jesus is one and the same. It does not mean that the two different bodies are one and the same.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
Dont confuse Jesus coming with his PRESENCE or PAROUSIA It will lead to great confusion and lack of understanding if you dont understand his presence :) many translations of the bible say coming when it should say PRESENCE or PAROUSIA
Dont confuse Jesus coming with his PRESENCE or PAROUSIA It will lead to great confusion and lack of understanding if you dont understand his presence :) many translations of the bible say coming when it should say PRESENCE or PAROUSIA

Lord comes in every human generation to preach and uplift the human beings He is known as Human Incarnation. You should identify Him and serve Him in His mission of divine knowledge propagation without any selfish desire. Only through present human incarnation you can reach God.

God is unimaginable, uncomprehendable and beyond logic. The creation is the imagination of the Lord. 1%(qualitatively) of His imagination was converted into 'pure awareness' and does not contain God and 100% of this pureawarness has become the universe. Thus God does not exist in the creation. The creator is above creation and is unaffected by it.

The aim of the creation was the entertainment of Lord. God enters the creation through the finest item of the creation, i.e. human being. He enters the human body for giving His presence to the world. By doing so, He is not modified into that human body or soul. He is then known as 'Human Incarnation". He gives the facility of touch, talk and seeing to His dearest devotees who really wished to serve Him. Only His devotees identify Him rest all will mock Him seeing His human body.

The identification mark of Lord in Human form is the 'True Divine Knowledge', which removes our ignorance without any trace. He also does miracles whenever there is an urgency, and not for 'crowd pulling' or 'show'. He Himself is the founder of the rules of nature. By doing miracles He is violating His own rules, it is a violation of His own administration, thus He performs miracles whenever there is a great necessity. He should be identified by His divine knowledge.

God comes in every human generation in human form for the upliftment of Souls.