newby seeking assistance on comp. religion



Greetings all.

Just had my first look around this sophisticated site. I am interested to know if any of you out there know how I can find out where comparative religion or religious studies are taught in Turkey or Central Asia.

I would be much obliged for whatever info you can serve up!

Hi Stephen, and welcome to CR! :)

I've afraid I don't have a direct answer for your query - but if it's not too patronising a question to ask, have you considered suing something like to help your search? I would myself now excepting that I am long-overdue sleep and just about to sign off for the night. :)
Simple with patience

stephen said:
Greetings all.

Just had my first look around this sophisticated site. I am interested to know if any of you out there know how I can find out where comparative religion or religious studies are taught in Turkey or Central Asia.

I would be much obliged for whatever info you can serve up!


Try this:

Type Turkey +religion +Islam +Christians in Google search box; I am sure you will turn up a lot of useful findings. For 'Turkey' substitute another Central Asian country, and then another; and you will have enough sites to keep you busy.

Susma Rio Sep