spam e-mails


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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Thanks to the MyDoom virus, the domain name "" is now being "spoofed" on mass mailed spam bearing the virus.

It is randomly assigning false e-mail addresses to the domain, using this fake set up to cover up the actual e-mail address being posted from.

This is to make itself easier to propagate, by seeming to come from "reputable" sources.

If you receive ANY e-mail containing an attachment from this domain, DO NOT OPEN IT as it will almost certainly contain the MyDoom virus and not only infect your machine, but use it to mass e-mail itself.

The site has absolutely nothing to do with these spoofed e-mails - they are sent from other machines outside of this domain.

Just FYI.
I said:
Thanks to the MyDoom virus, the domain name "" is now being "spoofed" on mass mailed spam bearing the virus.

It is randomly assigning false e-mail addresses to the domain, using this fake set up to cover up the actual e-mail address being posted from.

This is to make itself easier to propagate, by seeming to come from "reputable" sources.

If you receive ANY e-mail containing an attachment from this domain, DO NOT OPEN IT as it will almost certainly contain the MyDoom virus and not only infect your machine, but use it to mass e-mail itself.

The site has absolutely nothing to do with these spoofed e-mails - they are sent from other machines outside of this domain.

Just FYI.
Namatse brian,

thanks for the heads up.

do you actually host the site? if so, we can close the SMTP gateway to relay traffic and that should help a lot...

if not... disregard :)

I must take my hat off to you both, Brian and Vaj, for your knowledge of computer and internet matters; for I seem to imagine that people interested in religion or embracing one devoutly are not knowledgeable with computer and internet things.

That goes to show how much I don't know about people of religion.

Susma Rio Sep
Actually, it's suddenly stopped as quickly as it started. But if there's another burst of activity I'll see it addressed. :)
Diabolical malice

I have often wondered why people would make virus when it is of no use to them and a lot of destructive nuisance to the computer-internet world, which is the world that matters today.

If people climb Mount Everest because it's there as a challenge. Then I think virus producers have the same sense of challenge. Only their enthusiasm for challenge can only be described as diabolical in the most damnable religious sense of 'diabolical'.

Certainly there are more people intent on overcoming the curse of virus than there are wise guys producing them. So the battle will eventually be won by the bigger number -- unless among the bigger number there are less computer geniuses than among the diabolical virus producers.

On the other hand, since money is the supreme motivator in many instances, then monetary reward should be a very effective incentive for the many among virus haters to cultivate the genius to do battle against virus producers.

And since virus producers are not doing their thing for money, then I think they will lose the battle all the time; for who can win against the lure for money?

Susma Rio Sep
Susma Rio Sep said:
I must take my hat off to you both, Brian and Vaj, for your knowledge of computer and internet matters; for I seem to imagine that people interested in religion or embracing one devoutly are not knowledgeable with computer and internet things.

That goes to show how much I don't know about people of religion.

Susma Rio Sep
Namaste su,

thanks for the compliment... i think....

computers are fairly straight forward things.. pretty easy to learn about... there are, of course, lots and lots of side issues.. such as operating systems, applications, hardware et al. this can be a bit overwhelming to the new computer user, but it most certainly doesn't have to be.

you'd be hard pressed to find a person that was functionally literate in all aspects of computing these days... the field is much to specalized for that now.