Those who undergo misery for the sake of the mission of the Lord, will achieve the lo



Those who undergo misery for the sake of the mission of the Lord, will achieve the love of the Lord

The difficulties giving misery are the best ground to understand this statement of Lord in Gita. Therefore, love the problems and misery. Hate peace and happiness. But this should be limited to yourself for the personal spiritual effort and should not be extended to society surrounding you. You are not supposed to disturb the society around you in any way in which case God will be furious with you. Demons were punished for this because they gave misery to the society for their personal happiness. Those who undergo misery for the happiness of the society please the Lord and reach the temporary heaven. Here you are serving the society without any selfishness and therefore for the sake of welfare of the society you are rejecting your peace and happiness. You are certainly greater than a fellow who serves the society for his personal peace and happiness like the present politician. But those who undergo misery for the sake of the mission of the Lord, will achieve the love of the Lord and reach His divine abode forever.

Here also you are serving God not for your peace and for your happiness. Therefore, whether it is service to society or God, the selfishness should be absent and sacrifice should be present. Several devotees aspire bliss by serving the Lord. This is not the correct spirit. One should aspire for the bliss of God through his service and not selfish bliss.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality
Universal Spirituality for World Peace