Datta Swami Answers Atheists Questions........

And this relates to the Jews.... How?

The atheists believe the logical conclusions based on practical experience and in things present before the naked eye (perception). The real spiritual knowledge can satisfy all these requirements. The human incarnation of the God is before the eyes. All the bonds with family and wealth are before the eyes and liberation from such bonds called salvation is also before eyes. One can experience God through the human incarnation in this world itself and in this very life itself.

Infinite love and bliss derived from the special divine knowledge preached by the human incarnation are enjoyed here itself. Enjoyment of love and bliss is the goal of any worldly bond. This is called Jeevanmukti, which means the salvation here itself while you are alive. Whatever one achieved while alive only, continues with the soul after the death also. Thus perception is the basis for the invisible future also.
The atheists believe the logical conclusions based on practical experience and in things present before the naked eye (perception). The real spiritual knowledge can satisfy all these requirements. The human incarnation of the God is before the eyes. All the bonds with family and wealth are before the eyes and liberation from such bonds called salvation is also before eyes. One can experience God through the human incarnation in this world itself and in this very life itself.

Infinite love and bliss derived from the special divine knowledge preached by the human incarnation are enjoyed here itself. Enjoyment of love and bliss is the goal of any worldly bond. This is called Jeevanmukti, which means the salvation here itself while you are alive. Whatever one achieved while alive only, continues with the soul after the death also. Thus perception is the basis for the invisible future also.


Basically what it seems to me he is saying is ......

Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Perhaps, He is just saying it in words that are phrased differently in his culture.

Love and Peace,
The first post has been removed... I posted second.. He was adressing the Judaism board... That is what confused me. Because even if you are not a Jew, and you are of some other religion you can't say this religion is atheist... Because that doesn't make sense they have a belief set..... I dunno, maybe I just need a coffee.. heh.
I did double take when I saw the thread title, "Datta Swami Answers Atheists Questions........ " and then that you had apparently started it. Thought maybe you were trying to keep his memory alive.