Energy work


eclectic Wiccan
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Novelty OH USA
In my occult studies I've seen quite a diverse number of theories describing energy believed to be the source behind magick, health, and vitality. This energy is called Qi, Ki, mana, Odic energy, prana, kundalini, and other things but seems to describe basically the same thing.

I'm most familiar with the chakra system from India as it tends to be most commonly mentioned in Wiccan texts (I'm Wiccan.) I used chakra-based work as part of my spiritual practice.

What energy theories or systems do people here use? Are there any systems that you find most effective, most straightforward in explaining and exploring life-force or spiritual energies? Is there a particular system that you find is most useful when trying to learn or teach others?
Professional boxers and astronauts

bgruagach said:
In my occult studies I've seen quite a diverse number of theories describing energy believed to be the source behind magick, health, and vitality. This energy is called Qi, Ki, mana, Odic energy, prana, kundalini, and other things but seems to describe basically the same thing.

I'm most familiar with the chakra system from India as it tends to be most commonly mentioned in Wiccan texts (I'm Wiccan.) I used chakra-based work as part of my spiritual practice.

What energy theories or systems do people here use? Are there any systems that you find most effective, most straightforward in explaining and exploring life-force or spiritual energies? Is there a particular system that you find is most useful when trying to learn or teach others?

In my occult studies I've seen quite a diverse number of theories describing energy believed to be the source behind magick, health, and vitality.

Well, in my case, I don't know about magick, but the programs of training and diet observed faithfully before any competition bouts by professional boxers and also by astronauts before they launch into space, I think are very effective for health and vitality.

I would imagine that the energy tapped into by such programs is found in everyone no matter what religious system he ascribes to.

I used to do the Canadian Airforce fitness program everyday. Then I got lazy and left it. But I always do physical activities like the chores in the house and in the garage, and our family doctor told me it's enough to keep me fit and trim.

Also I am anemic but not to a sickly manner or degree, just on the lower extreme of the normal range. The same doctor told me that my anemia is good, it will save me from a lot of cardiovascular troubles, and stroke.

I think the energy responsible for my general, praise the Lord, good health and wellbeing is also found in everyone, and can be easily tapped into by observing simple rules like moderate food intake, varied and balanced diet, low on fat and sugar and salt, and physical activities, and also a sound mind and an even heart.

What is that energy? Biological life, I would imagine.

Best regards,

Susma Rio Sep
bgruagach said:
In my occult studies I've seen quite a diverse number of theories describing energy believed to be the source behind magick, health, and vitality. This energy is called Qi, Ki, mana, Odic energy, prana, kundalini, and other things but seems to describe basically the same thing.

I'm most familiar with the chakra system from India as it tends to be most commonly mentioned in Wiccan texts (I'm Wiccan.) I used chakra-based work as part of my spiritual practice.

What energy theories or systems do people here use? Are there any systems that you find most effective, most straightforward in explaining and exploring life-force or spiritual energies? Is there a particular system that you find is most useful when trying to learn or teach others?

i tend to a more classical Chinese system of energy work as found in the Southern school of Complete Reality Taoism where it is emphasized more than in the Northern school.

i also try to employ some of the Tantric Buddhist techniques as well and they are based around the Chakra system of India.

personally, i find that the Indian system is more systematically laid out and allows one to access it via intelligence.. whereas, in my experience, the Chinese system is a bit more esoteric and seems to be designed in a way that intellectual understanding of the subject matter is really not applicable.

i cannot really say that i've endeavored to teach someone else about these things.. as i really don't think that i'm qualifed to do so.