Those Darn Mayan Theosophical Esoteric Pseudo-Gnostics


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
Alas, I have discovered yet another attempt of those pesky, pseudo-gnostic, faux esoteric new-agers to subvert the almighty doctrines of Mother Church. :(

Yes, folks, it even corresponds to a beautiful, though obviously Satan-inspired dream I had ... some 12 years ago. What a terrible thing, that I have finally come to realize the evil & insidious source of this otherwise-Inspiration. :rolleyes:

Sure enough, the notion that - at the very heart of our own Galaxy, there could exist a Loving, Guiding Intelligence beyond all that we have ever imagined ... yes, friends, I am now aware of just how subversive such an idea actually is, being in direct contradiction to all that our Lord Jesus Christ must surely have taught about our Salvation and Purpose here. I mean, come on, after all - NO ONE exists in this whole wide Cosmos except Humanity ... and we are God's gift to the rest of all life. ;)

So, if you follow the link, beware - you are treading on dangerous ground. The Church will damn you, your friends will hate you, Satan will immediately move to lure you in ... and worst of all, you will become a PSEUDO-ESOTERICIST, if you take even ONE SINGLE WORD of this Mayan hocus-pocus nonsense seriously.

Yes friends, since the Theosophists would probably endorse or agree with the whole Mayan Galactic Butterfly bit, we must recognize it for what it is - and STOMP IT OUT. Do not believe ... that your God could be like a beautiful, freely-moving butterly, whose nature is that of transformation, evolution, and sacred, wonderful playfulness. This is against everything that Jesus taught, and we know good and well what happens to people who do not listen to Jesus ... and read the Holy Bible. Do not fall for it. It is pseudo-philosphy, obviously the work of a primitive, heathen, godless and non-Christian civilization ... and thus, PURE EVIL. I am warning you - do not click. :eek:

The Mysteries of the Maya Symbols and the epochs of crucial world transformations

From the Annotation:
In this article we show that correspondence exists between the Maya artefacts pertaining to their Cosmogony and the Old World ones as well as with the Great Celestial Conjunction (GCC) [1] symbols and concepts. This allows us to conclude that the concepts of XX-correlation and GCC were also known to Maya and reflected, principally, in the same symbols.

Besides, one more composite symbol is considered which unites the basic concepts of Evolution which is widely used our days, but, nevertheless, has caused a lot of acute discussions. For distinctness, we call it the “Galactic Butterfly” (GB) – by the name which is used for this icon by indigenous people. Though its origin has not been established yet, it is shown that the composition and elements of this composite symbol reflect the esoteric ideas of Cosmogony that were the same in the Old and the New Worlds.

As a consequence of the established correspondence between the New and Old World cosmological symbols and concepts and existence of intra-American esoteric Tradition we put forward the suggestion that the origin of this symbol lies not in weaving patterns, but in the Tradition being maintained by the Mesoamerican Initiates and, for this reason, the symbol GB was known to Maya Initiates as well.​
And from the next section, an excerpt on:​
An esoteric approach to study of Maya artefacts. There exists the Ancient Knowledge which provides us with a much wider and coordinated system of concepts pertaining to the evolution of the Universe which can be used for both numerical and semantic analysis of artefacts.

However, in the ancient cosmogonies these systems of interrelated concepts pertaining to astronomy, geography and other branches of knowledge were given in a veiled or even such a distorted presentation that it was almost impossible to understand the origin of their symbolism. This mean, in particular, that these symbols and concepts were masked and simplified, and almost always it was forbidden to discuss their meaning. For this reason the ancient knowledge was everywhere divided into two principal parts – the esoteric and the exoteric ones. Under the penalty of death for divulging of esoteric concepts, they were transferred from Initiate to Initiate. At the same time, for the masses these concepts (relative to cosmology, symbols etc.) were given in a religious form – as mono- or theolatry.

It remained so until the end of the XIX century, when, firstly in millennia, Mahatmas decided to disclose some elements of this Ancient Knowledge, that once was common to the ancients – the Theosophy, the concepts of which were always known to a narrow circle of Initiates, but kept secret (under the death penalty) from masses.

This Great Revelation was presented to mankind through the assistance of Helen Blavatsky, who presented this Knowledge in “The Secret Doctrine” and other works. In particular, she shows in this work the common roots of the basic religions, how the Ancient concepts of Creation were modified in various religious and philosophical systems, as well as the origin of the principal symbols pertaining to the Creation and Evolution and use of the same basic symbols in Egypt, Europe, Asia and Central America including the Maya.

In her works it is explicitly stated that Theosophy does not require an implicit belief, but invites us to adopt its concepts through proofs and verification. It rejects “supernatural”, but discloses the origin of inexplicable phenomena by showing the 7-planes of existence surrounding the physical plane which is considered in modern science as the only plane of existence. For these reasons Theosophy can be considered as a substantially wider world outlook than a pure scientific approach as it does not reject the use of logic and sciences, but proposes to use them; in particular – for testing and developing of the Theosophical concepts whenever it is possible. Other theoretical teachings and practices such as esotery, occultism, etc. reflect the Theosophical concepts, but not as clearly defined as in Theosophy. For this reason they are not considered below, but the term “esoteric” (“exoteric”) is retained for specifying those concepts which, for millennia, were kept secret and were not exposed to the masses.

That is why each profound world outlook is still comprised of two systems – esoteric and exoteric. To this end it is very important to distinguish between the “Tradition” (esoteric or Theosophical knowledge) and its simplified version in a form of “people's religion”. The symbols and concepts of the former were transferred from a teacher to an aspirant and kept secret to the masses, whereas their simplified images and ideas were, as a rule, dressed in a religious form and intended for the masses; these symbols were presented in books, paintings, monuments. Therefore, if a profane (viz. not-initiated plain man) knows and uses a symbol, this does not mean that he understands its significance. From this point of view it becomes clear that the existing myths, in written and oral form, may bear the correct concepts, but, as a rule, are presented in the coded form – mainly in symbols and symbolic narrations. And here we meet the problem of decoding the Myths and symbol.
Medical Advice

Dang, AndrewX, that cynicism you take is poison, bro!!! ;) It keeps coming back up as all this sarcasm vomit. ;) Note the sarcasm on my side, too? It's contagious!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

**cough cough**


Here's a prescription that I found works:
Take one dose of move out from under the Bible Belt and call your friends when you get to a place that feels more like home.​

Thanks, Pathless. I posted something about this cynicism just a few hours ago ... and now find myself finally revisiting this thread, a year and a half later.

I can't move out just yet, but sooner or later a change of pace and surroundings will almost certainly be required - and helpful. There are times when one must abandon a sinking ship, if only to save oneself; and sometimes we can return at a later date to try and sift through the wreckage.
Hey Andrew, isn't the Theosophical symbol for the universe a snake biting its tail?
Yes, it's the ourobouros. I'm pretty sure I saw that posted somewhere on this site a few weeks back. Someone shared a 3-d sketch of that, which conveys the same symbol as an infinite spiral, and not just a two-dimensional snake. I was impressed!
Do you know the caduceus, the medical doctor's symbol of two intertwined snakes?


That is similar, isn't it?
Do you know the caduceus, the medical doctor's symbol of two intertwined snakes? That is similar, isn't it?
Yes, I do know that symbol, similar but not identical with the Staff of Hermes, isn't it? Not to be confused with the thyrsus, but definitely related. These staves, or rods, being also associated with the process, and various rods of Initiation. A description of same can be found in sections of Initiation Human and Solar, online. And I'm sure HPB talks about these all in considerable detail at one point or another.
I believe the caduceus is similar if not the same as the staff of Hermes.

HPB said that the two intertwined snakes and the caduceus represent the seven globes of Earth. Just think, everytime you go in to a doctor's office, you can see a representation of our Round, right there on the wall!
I believe the caduceus is similar if not the same as the staff of Hermes.

HPB said that the two intertwined snakes and the caduceus represent the seven globes of Earth. Just think, everytime you go in to a doctor's office, you can see a representation of our Round, right there on the wall!
It's a good bit closer to home, as well. The bottom of this staff is your root chakra; the top is the crown center, the Sahasrara/Brahmarandra. Those snakes are the ida and pingala, the central column or staff itself is the sushumna, and the wings, of course, represent spiritual Liberation ... which is only possible once the sacred fire has been completely (and properly) activated & circulating within our various vehicles.
And, I think it could even stand for other forms of symbolism, such as the idea that our universe is only one universe in a cycle of seven universes, etc., with the bottom circle in the caduceus standing for our present ultra-material universe.
And, I think it could even stand for other forms of symbolism, such as the idea that our universe is only one universe in a cycle of seven universes, etc., with the bottom circle in the caduceus standing for our present ultra-material universe.
Perhaps. I am familiar with the idea that we are 2 of 3, such that Love-Wisdom now predominates in this Solar System. A former system saw the consummation of the 3rd Aspect (Intelligent Activity), and the next in the series will see the perfection of the 1st Aspect (Spiritual Will).

And then, there are also references to our Solar System as a *Constellation* such that we would definitely look for 6 other related Systems ... as forming the other 6 major center in the body of One About Whom Naught May Be Said (a `MacroCosmic Logos'). You can find speculations upon those other centers and their allied stars or systems ... here & there. One place we might look for such references is here. And a broader search, here.

Further, an article here ... and several charts, linked from this page ...

Also, I'm bumped this thread, as it may be a good place to move - if we decide to continue any aspects of this conversation that deal with Hierarchy(ies).
Oh, Nick, got a question for you, while it's on my mind. Since this thread mentions Gnosis, and is on `esoteric' anyway, might I ask: What word or term do you prefer when referring to the activity of the Buddhi transcendent of Intellect ... upon the 4th plane of consciousness? And/or, how would you characterize the activity of Higher Manas as different from its reflection upon the lower four sub-planes?

This is a very important point - how (and that) these forms of consciousness are different from, yet also related to (and in what ways), our lower, more everyday awareness.

I trust you would agree that in many cases it is only through meditation, and at certain unique moments, that a person experiences these higher modes of consciousness. I think it would be helpful if we said more about that, and maybe clarified just what it means to be CONSCIOUS (granted, in varying degrees), upon these subtler levels of awareness.

And it's okay for us to speculate, or draw certain inferences; I know I can't just say, "Oh, well, here, let me explain; it's precisely like thus-and-such, since I am Intuitively-conscious all the time!" :rolleyes:

Sure, sure, of course not, yet you and I have both experienced the Buddhic plane; of that I am fairly certain, else we wouldn't be here! ;) :)

If you don't mind humoring me then, I think that with even a few words on the subject, we might be able to open certain, helpful doors ... while perhaps shutting a few where nothing useful seems to be finding entrance.

In particular I am considering the requirement of every Stream-Entrant to conquer doubt ... and I know that one of the antidotes to this would be the increasing function and application of the Buddhic principle in our outer awareness & activity as much as possible.

The Tibetan, by the way, calls this principle Love-Wisdom - in its connection with the 2nd Ray.

You said,

"…there are also references to our Solar System as a *Constellation* such that we would definitely look for 6 other related Systems ... as forming the other 6 major center in the body of One About Whom Naught May Be Said (a `MacroCosmic Logos')."

--> If that is how it is, it makes sense. Theosophy says that everything at the cosmic level occurs in sevens.

"What word or term do you prefer when referring to the activity of the Buddhi transcendent of Intellect ... upon the 4th plane of consciousness?"

--> I would just say that it is Buddhic. I do not know that it is possible to have Buddhic ‘activity’ on the physical plane, but if it is, it is Buddhic activity.

"And/or, how would you characterize the activity of Higher Manas as different from its reflection upon the lower four sub-planes?"

--> Just that: It has its reflection upon the lower four sub-planes. All of consciousness exists in levels. Buddhic consciousness cannot manifest on the planes below it (mental, astral, and physical planes), so it cloaks itself in denser and denser material, allowing it to manifest on these lower planes. But this veiled version is not true Buddhic consciousness, it is consciousness that has a veil thrown over it.

"This is a very important point - how (and that) these forms of consciousness are different from, yet also related to (and in what ways), our lower, more everyday awareness."

--> Our everyday consciousness is affected by the Buddhic consciousness that is within each one of us, and it is this Buddhic consciouness which is our true nature. But it is asleep. We are as yet unable to become fully conscious on the Buddhic level. That, of course, is the purpose of life on earth – to achieve nirvana, that is, to become fully conscious on the Buddhic plane.

"I trust you would agree that in many cases it is only through meditation, and at certain unique moments, that a person experiences these higher modes of consciousness. I think it would be helpful if we said more about that, and maybe clarified just what it means to be CONSCIOUS (granted, in varying degrees), upon these subtler levels of awareness."

--> Wow, that is a big topic. I can only repeat what a great Theosophist said. He said that every attempt at meditation, however unsatisfying, has a positive effect on our Buddhic consciousness.

"I know I can't just say, "Oh, well, here, let me explain; it's precisely like thus-and-such, since I am Intuitively-conscious all the time!""

--> Then our goal is to accelerate our progress to becoming intuitively conscious.

"…you and I have both experienced the Buddhic plane; of that I am fairly certain, else we wouldn't be here!"

--> We have. But we are unable to be fully conscious at that level. When we achieve Buddhic consciousness, it is only in a type of dream world. But the day will come when we are fully conscious on the Buddhic plane, and that is our goal.

"In particular I am considering the requirement of every Stream-Entrant to conquer doubt ... and I know that one of the antidotes to this would be the increasing function and application of the Buddhic principle in our outer awareness & activity as much as possible."

--> Using the Buddhic principle as an antidote to doubt? A great idea. And the way to do that is through meditation, study, and service to humanity.