Chakras above Sahasrara?


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Hi all,

Have any of you heard of Chakrams above Sahasrara?

I know of 2 systems of meditation which espouse this concept:
1. Radhasoami
2. Goraksanath's system of meditation

I'm intrigued by this concept as I only know of one's which correspond to various glands in the brain:

Brahma's Cave: Hypothalamus
3rd Eye: Pineal Gland
Sahasrara: Pituitary Gland
Bindu: Occipital part of Brain/Unknown Gland
Thalamus: No known name in Hindu/Buddhistic scriptures that I know.

Thank you! God bless you, Peace be to you, OM, OM-AH-HUM
hello, there is a cakra above the sahasrara cackra, called sri lalita..(shree laleetah)

sri, means "lord", and lalita means "him giving pleasure"...

the chakras (cakras) I know of run like this...

*Sri lalita: one petal:"means...sri (lord) lalita (pleasure from him)
*Sahasrarapadma: hypothalamus/brain,"1000 petalled lotus"…saha (always) ra (obtaining, owning) padma (lotus)
*Ajnachakra –pituitary/pineal gland, which has two petals:ajna (command)
*Visudhachakra –thyroid, 16 petals…no-insight (a-dha) visa (poison)
*Anahatachakra –thymus/heart, 12 petals…anahata (heart)
*Manipurachakra –pancreas/stomach, 10 petals… mani (desire, zeal) pura (flowing, overflowing)
*Svadhisthanachakra –gonads/sex organs, 6 petals…sva(own, ones own) dha (insight, knowledge) sthana (stand, seat)
*Muladharachakra: suprarenal/excretory system, four petals…mula(root) dhara (torrent, stream, shower)

that gives us... eight... erm.. I hope I havent forgotten one!

traditionally, the normal seven cakras were controlled by man- the last- God gives you his pleasure from here... the idea is, the sri lalita lies at about eight inches above the crown of your head...

Thanks for contributing but I believe that there are more.

This, of course, is coming from a Tantric kind of view, Buddhist/"Hindu" tantric systems.

These are the only meditational systems which mention higher chakrams above Sri Lalita even.

Thanks though,
Another way to look at this question, is to ask, which vehicle of consciousness are we talking about?

Hinduism, and the esoteric teachings of every tradition, will outline several different `bodies' in which consciousness dwells (whether awakened, and actively functioning, or not).

Thus, the seven primary chakras along the spine (or sushumna), and 21 minor centers (as discussed in some traditions), will only really have a direct correlation with the etheric physical body.

Additional vehicles of consciousness, which have differing terminologies depending on which tradition we are considering, are often spoken of in western esotericism as: the astral-emotional body, the mental body, and the Causal (or spiritual) body. However, there are subtler vehicles of consciousness, such as the Sambhogakaya and the Dharmakaya of Buddhist tradition (the Nirmanakaya vestiture corresponds with the Causal, or spiritual body).

The teachings of Alice Bailey go so far as to show correspondences between some of the centers (chakras), certain of the vehicles, and certain of the principles of the Spiritual Triad (ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS). There are also correspondences between the various vehicles, chakras and the petals of the Egoic Lotus (the 1000-petaled Sahasrara).

I'll post some sketches from these teachings.

[Note, in these diagrams, the addition of the spleen center. Also, the base of spine, it will be seen, links directly to the head - showing an `awakened' or active Kundalini. The G.O., or generative organs, are shown as linking to the throat, as is the case when the lower creative energies have been sublimated into the Higher Creativity. Likewise, the energies of the solar plexus link to the heart, in the case of the disciple. The meditative triangle itself refers to the linked energies of the head, heart & throat - or alta major center. In the Higher Mental vehicle, or Causal body, this takes the form of the Egoic Lotus itself, elaborated in the 2nd diagram, being a magnification of these relationships on the mental plane. Further study of the nature of the Egoic Lotus would be necessary to elaborate all correspondences.]

Clearly, it would be a mistake to simply visualize a seated (physical) individual, and ask the question, "Which chakras, if any, exist `above the head'?" -- since even 4th-dimensionally (astrally), SPACE as we know it ceases to exist ... or rather, takes on added properties. After all, which came first: Highest Deity, existing within an infinite plenum of all possible dimensions, or you and I, sitting here in lotus position, wondering about the Cosmos? ;)

lotus-top.gif lotus-bottom.gif
Lotus-detail.gif Lotus-detail-b.gif
np, glad to be of service- if u find them, I'd be happy to have a look, so pls post em when u find them... cheerio
Hi all,

By "Chakras ABOVE Sahasrara" I meant that according to H.P. Blavatsky, she said in the Secret Doctrine volume 3:

"Our master chakras/centers are located in the head which govern the 7 plexuses along the spine."

The Radhasoami sect says that:
"There are 6 chakras in the body and 6 higher ones "above" sahasrara."

For Radhasoami, Sahasrara is not a Chakra per se, but a "stopping point" to higher chakras. It merely indicates ones level of consciousness on all levels below it.

This same concept regarding Sahasrara is found in Swami Satyananda Saraswati's book on Kundalini meditation. Interesting huh?.....................

Any insights would be greatly appreciated! ;)
Hi all,

Have any of you heard of Chakrams above Sahasrara?

I know of 2 systems of meditation which espouse this concept:
1. Radhasoami
2. Goraksanath's system of meditation

I'm intrigued by this concept as I only know of one's which correspond to various glands in the brain:

Brahma's Cave: Hypothalamus
3rd Eye: Pineal Gland
Sahasrara: Pituitary Gland
Bindu: Occipital part of Brain/Unknown Gland
Thalamus: No known name in Hindu/Buddhistic scriptures that I know.

Thank you! God bless you, Peace be to you, OM, OM-AH-HUM

OM Namah Sivaya. There are seven chakras within/above the Sahasrara. [FONT=&quot]Their names in ascending order are Vyapini[FONT=&quot], Vyomanga[/FONT][FONT=&quot], Ananta[/FONT][FONT=&quot], Anatha,[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Anasrita[/FONT][FONT=&quot], Samana[/FONT][FONT=&quot], and Unmana[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. Their qualities are beyond description and are reached only by the most advanced of spiritual adepts and so are not a subject of discussion.[/FONT][/FONT]